[wordpress插件] Braintree Payments For WordPress – Accept Payments WPWordPress的Braintree付款-接受付款WP

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-25 02:00 599 0 全屏看文






Looking to integrate Braintree Payments on your WordPress website but can’t find how?

希望将Braintree Payments集成到您的WordPress网站上,但找不到方法吗?

Your search is over!


What is Accept Payments WP?


It is a plugin that allows you to accept Credit Card & PayPal payments without setting a shopping cart or coding.

它是一个插件,可让您无需设置购物车或编码即可接受信用卡和PayPal 付款。

It utilises Braintree Payments Drop-In UI to create a seamless checkout experience that converts like crazy.

它利用Braintree Payments插入UI来创建无缝的结帐体验,从而使转换变得疯狂。

Braintree Payments Drop-In UI is continually optimised by some of the top software engineers in the world – and carefully vetted by the most experienced marketing professionals.

Braintree Payments的用户界面一直由世界上一些顶尖的软件工程师不断优化-并由最有经验的营销专家进行仔细审查。

The result is beautiful & optimised payment forms that beat everything else on the market


And if you were struggling to find a payment processor that works in your country – chances are the search is over!


Braintree Payments is available for merchants in over 44 countries worldwide… And can be used to accept payments from almost all over the world!

Braintree Payments适用于全球44个国家/地区的商家... ,并且可以用来接受来自几乎世界各地的付款!

Plugin Features


    • Accept one time payments
    • 接受一次性付款

    • Accepts all major credit cards (and PayPal if you upgrade to Accept Payments WP Pro)
    • 接受所有主要信用卡(如果您升级到Accept Payments WP Pro,则接受PayPal)

    • Super Quick installation and set-up
    • 超级快速的安装和设置

    • Unlimited payment forms
    • 付款方式不受限制

    • Embed payment forms as a copy-able shortcode anywhere on your website.
    • 嵌入付款表格作为可复制的简码,在您网站上的任何地方。

    • Automatically mobile responsive & mobile friendly
    • 自动响应移动和移动友好

    • You can specify payment success/failure pages.
    • 您可以指定付款成功/失败页面。

    • Ideal for selling digital products, online courses, files or downloads.
    • 是销售数字产品,在线课程,文件或下载的理想选择。

    • The plugin is really lightweight and will keep your side fast.

    • 该插件非常轻巧,可以让您的身边保持快速。

      We do not load any unnecessary files.

    • 我们不会加载任何不必要的文件。

    • 100% Free – we do not charge your processing payments.

    • 100%免费-我们不收取您的处理付款。

      Only the standard Braintree fee’s apply.

    • 仅标准的Braintree费用适用。

    And if you are looking for recurring payments and more…


    Check Out Accept Payments WP Pro

    结帐接受付款WP Pro

      • Accept both, one time and recurring payments
      • 接受一次和定期付款

      • Accept Credit Card and PayPal payments on the same payment form -> drive your conversions (and revenue) through the roof!
      • 在同一付款表格上接受信用卡和PayPal付款->推动转化(和收入)增长!

      • Create custom fields to capture additional data
      • 创建自定义字段以捕获其他数据

      • Integrate with MailChimp
      • 与MailChimp集成

      • Priority email support with a 24-hour response time
      • 具有24小时响应时间的优先电子邮件支持


This plugin is as easy to install:


    1. Navigate to the plugins directory within your WordPress admin dashboard.
    2. 导航到WordPress管理控制台中的plugins目录。

    3. Type in Accept Payments WP and locate this plugin between the retrieved results.
    4. 输入Accept Payments WP,然后在检索到的结果之间找到此插件。

    5. Install & activate plugin as you normally would!
    6. 像往常一样安装并激活插件!




