
小程序 文章 2021-02-07 18:41 410 0 全屏看文


小程序政务民生类长期订阅消息模版,怎么申请?How to apply for a long-term subscription news template for small programs for government affairs and people's livelihood




车牌号     浙F888888

违章行为   不按规定临时停车影响其他车辆和行人通行

违章地点   平湖市解放西路51号处

违章时间   2021-01-7 12:00:00

提醒内容   请于2021-02-07 12:05:00前驶离。



商户名称   平湖市育儿家母婴店

违章行为   店外经营

违章时间   2021-01-7 12:00:00

提醒内容   贵商铺涉嫌非机动车乱停放,请立即整改。



爆料内容   市容市貌/暴露垃圾

爆料时间   2021-01-7 12:00:00

处置进度   处置中

案件编号   SP202102070000001


Our small program is for government affairs, people's livelihood and urban management. Currently, due to the actual business needs, there are three businesses that need to apply for long-term subscription message. The details of the subscription message are as follows: 1. Warning of illegal parking on sidewalk license plate number: Zhejiang f88888 illegal behavior does not stop temporarily according to the regulations, affecting the traffic of other vehicles and pedestrians. Illegal place: 51 Jiefang West Road, Pinghu City. Violation time: 2021-01-7 12:00:00 Please leave before 12:05:00 on February 7, 2021. Scene Description: after the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau captures the illegal parking behavior on the sidewalk through video recognition, it pushes the notice information to the car owner to remind the car owner that the illegal behavior is captured and leaves within 5 minutes. 2. The name of the business owner reminds the business owner of the violation of rules and regulations. The violation of rules and regulations in Pinghu Parenting Home maternal and child care store. The time of violation of rules and regulations outside the store is 12:00:00, 2021-01-7. The content of the reminder is that your shop is suspected of parking non motor vehicles in disorder. Please rectify immediately. Scene Description: after the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau captures the illegal behaviors of the merchants along the street through video recognition, it pushes the notice information to the merchants to remind them that the illegal behaviors are captured and need to be rectified immediately. 3. Information disclosure disposal progress notice information disclosure content city appearance / garbage exposure time 2021-01-7 12:00:00 disposal progress case No. sp202102070000001 Scene Description: after receiving information disclosure from the public, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau pushes the notification information to the public through a small program, stating the current processing progress of information disclosure.












1、2 实现可能不大(你难道要每个商户或者车主去自己同意允许接受处罚吗? 我就停个车而已 先不说超没超过五分钟 我停个车你就跟我说让我允许接受这个通知。你觉得是以防万一,车主觉得你在再告诉他 他会受到处罚一样)用户如果不自主发起允许推送通知 你就根本发不了 所以你这俩不大可能会通过

3.应该会考虑 但是可能性也不是很大

以上仅代表个人观点 不喜勿喷 默默的点个投诉就行

默垂眸:你们是视频抓拍吧?1.怎么提醒呢?2.怎么通知那个车主呢? 根据车牌查到车主手机号 然后让车主去登录个小程序点击个允许吗?
默垂眸:总感觉不太合理 哈哈哈 回答仅供参考


