[wordpress插件] CloudSearch云搜索

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-25 19:50 413 0 全屏看文



CloudSearch is a flexible plugin that allows you to leverage the search index power of Amazon CloudSearch in your WordPress site.

CloudSearch是一个灵活的插件,可让您利用WordPress网站中Amazon CloudSearch的搜索索引功能。

To use this plugin you’ll need an Amazon Web Services account.

要使用此插件,您需要一个Amazon Web Services帐户。

Attention: Amazon CloudSearch is a paid service and will require a credit card.

注意:Amazon CloudSearch是一项付费服务​​,需要信用卡。

Before you can start using CloudSearch, the plugin needs to be activated and configured.


Activate the plugin, then go to the menu “CloudSearch -> Settings” (you can find this menu in the sidebar of your WordPress admin panel).

激活插件,然后转到菜单“ CloudSearch-> Settings”(您可以在WordPress管理面板的边栏中找到此菜单)。

Fill the form data:


    • Enter Amazon access key ID, Amazon secret access key and Amazon region for your account (look for “Security Credentials” in your Amazon console to retrieve these data)
    • 输入您帐户的Amazon访问密钥ID,Amazon秘密访问密钥和Amazon区域(在Amazon控制台中查找“安全凭证”以检索这些数据)

    • Enter your CloudSearch index search endpoint and the domain name (I suggest to create the CloudSearch index before you start the plugin configuration)
    • 输入您的CloudSearch索引搜索端点和域名(建议您在开始插件配置之前创建CloudSearch索引)

    • Schema settings
    • 架构设置

    • Other settings
    • 其他设置



    * At least WordPress 4.4 version mandatory (for WP_Term support)

    *至少需要WordPress 4.4版本(用于WP_Term支持)

    * Changed APIs output from an array of IDs to an array of object composed by the entity ID and the entity type


    Minimum requirements:


      • WordPress Version 4.4
      • WordPress版本4.4

      • PHP Version 5.3
      • PHP版本5.3

      • Amazon Web Services account with CloudSearch enabled
      • 启用了CloudSearch的Amazon Web Services帐户



        1. Go to CloudSearch -> Settings
        2. 转到 CloudSearch->设置

        3. Enter your Amazon access key ID, Secret access key and the Amazon region where you have created the CloudSearch index
        4. 输入您的 Amazon访问密钥ID 秘密访问密钥和创建CloudSearch索引的 Amazon区域

        5. Enter a Search endpoint and the Domain name.

        6. 输入搜索端点域名

          Get these info in your CloudSearch dashboard in AWS Console

        7. 在AWS控制台的CloudSearch仪表板中获取这些信息

        8. Choose post types, custom fields and custom taxonomies that you want to export to the CloudSearch index
        9. 选择要导出到CloudSearch索引的帖子类型,自定义字段和自定义分类法

        10. Set up other settings or leave defaults
        11. 设置其他设置或保留默认设置

        12. Save settings.
        13. 保存设置。

        14. Go to CloudSearch -> Manage
        15. 转到 CloudSearch->管理

        16. Click the action Create index, Run indexing and Sync all documents.

        17. 点击操作创建索引运行索引同步所有文档

          Between every action wait until the Status field is Active, then go on with the next task

        18. 在每个动作之间,等待直到 Status 状态为 Active ,然后继续下一个任务

        19. After these operation your index is ready, now you can search documents in your CloudSearch index
        20. 完成这些操作后,索引已准备就绪,现在您可以在CloudSearch索引中搜索文档

        Links: Author’s Site



    1. Unzip the downloaded cloud-search zip file
    2. 解压缩下载的 cloud-search zip文件

    3. Upload the cloud-search folder and its contents into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation
    4. cloud-search 文件夹及其内容上传到WordPress安装的 wp-content / plugins / 目录中

    5. Activate cloud-search from Plugins page
    6. 从“插件”页面激活 cloud-search

