[wordpress插件] Google Maps CPGoogle Maps CP

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-27 00:10 462 0 全屏看文



Google Map features:


► Insert a Google map in the best position within your blog


► Deal with large volumes of dots or markers on the Google Maps

►处理Google Maps上的大量点或标记

► Uses Google Maps to discover additional entries related to the post

►使用Google Maps查找与该帖子相关的其他条目

► The location can be defined by physical address and point coordinates


► Map markers customization


► Allows to embed Google Maps in multiple languages


► Allows several Google Maps controls and configuration options

►允许多个Google Maps控件和配置选项

Google Maps CP allows to insert a Google Maps in a post or in any of the WordPress templates that display multiple posts.

Google Maps CP 允许在帖子或显示多个帖子的任何WordPress模板中插入Google Maps。

The Google Maps inserted in a single post displays a marker at the position indicated by the geolocation information pertaining to the post, but also shows markers of the last posts published in related categories.

插入到单个帖子中的Google Maps在与该帖子有关的地理位置信息所指示的位置处显示标记,而且还显示相关类别中最后发布的帖子的标记。

The number of markers to display on the Google Maps can be set in the plugin’s settings.


The Google Maps inserted into a template displaying multiple posts will contain as many markers as posts making up the page with the associated geolocation info.


When the mouse is hovered over the marker, the post to which it belongs gets highlighted.


Google Maps has a wide range of settings to make your maps more versatile and adaptable.


More about the Main Features of Google Maps CP:

有关Google Maps CP主要功能的更多信息:

    • The plugin is capable of dealing with large volumes of dots or markers.
    • 该插件可以处理大量的点或标记

    • Another way for users to discover additional entries related to the post.
    • 用户发现与该帖子相关的其他条目的另一种方式。

    • The location information can be defined by physical address and point coordinates.
    • 位置信息可以通过物理地址和点坐标定义。

    • Allows to insert the Google Maps in the best position within your blog or simply associate the geolocation information to the post but without displaying the Google maps.
    • 允许将Google Maps 插入博客中的最​​佳位置,或直接将地理位置信息与帖子关联,但不显示Google Maps。

    • Markers customization.
    • 标记自定义

    • Display or hide the bubbles with markers information.
    • 显示或隐藏带有标记信息的气泡。

    • Allows to display a bubble opened by default.
    • 允许显示默认情况下打开的气泡。

    • Based on Google Maps Javascript API Version 3.
    • 基于 Google Maps Javascript API版本3

    • Allows to embed Google maps in multiple languages.
    • 允许以多种语言嵌入Google地图。

    • Displays markers belonging to posts of the same categories.
    • 显示属于相同类别帖子的标记

    • Several customization options are available: initial zoom, width, height, margins, alignment, map type, map language, the way the map is displayed in a single post (either fully deployed or icon to

    • 几个自定义选项可用:初始缩放,宽度,高度,边距,路线,地图类型,地图语言,地图在单个帖子中的显示方式(完全部署或图标

      display the Google maps), enable or disable map controls, the number of points plotted on a Google map, as well as the class that will be assigned to the post when the mouse hovers over the marker associated with the post.

    • 显示Google地图),启用或禁用地图控件,在Google地图上绘制的点数,以及当鼠标悬停在与帖子关联的标记上时将分配给帖子的类。

    Premium Features of Google Maps CP:

    Google Maps CP的高级功能:

      • Load points belonging to specific pages or posts.
      • 加载属于特定页面或帖子的点。

      • Load in a same map all points that belong to a specific category.
      • 在同一地图中加载属于特定类别的所有点。

      • Load in a same map the points associated to all posts.
      • 在同一张地图中加载与所有帖子关联的点。

      • Display the points that belong to the posts with a specific tag.
      • 使用特定标签显示属于帖子的点。

      • The location information and description may be used in posts search.
      • 位置信息和描述可以在帖子搜索中使用。

      • Allows to associate multiple Google maps points to each post/page.
      • 允许将多个Google Maps点关联到每个帖子/页面。

      • Allows to draw routes through points in the same post.
      • 允许通过同一帖子中的点绘制路线。

      • Include a search box on the map for searching additional places.
      • 在地图上包括一个搜索框,用于搜索其他地点。

      • Draw shapes on the Google Maps.
      • 在Google地图上绘制形状。

      • Allows to create a legend with categories, tags, or custom taxonomies, and display or hide the points, checking or unchecking legend items.
      • 允许创建带有类别,标签或自定义分类法的图例,并显示或隐藏点,选中或取消选中图例项。

      • Include a link to get directions to the point from Google Maps.
      • 包括一个链接,以从Google地图获取指向该点的路线。

      • Include a link to open the point directly on Google Maps.
      • 包括一个链接,以直接在Google地图上打开该点。

      • Include a link to display directly the street view in the specific point.
      • 包括一个链接,以直接显示特定点的街景。

      • Allows to display multiple Google Maps in the same post/page (but displays the same points in all maps on page).
      • 允许在同一帖子/页面中显示多个Google地图(但在页面上的所有地图中显示相同的点)。

      • Allows to insert the map as widget on sidebars.
      • 允许将地图作为小部件插入侧边栏。

      • Allows to styling the map.
      • 允许样式化地图。

      • Allows grouping multiple markers in a cluster.
      • 允许在一个集群中对多个标记进行分组。

      • Allows to display the user location on map.
      • 允许在地图上显示用户位置。

      • Allows to refresh the user location on map in the time interval defined in the map’s settings.
      • 允许在地图设置中定义的时间间隔内刷新用户在地图上的位置。

      • Generates dynamic points from the geolocation information, stored in the image’s metadata when it is uploaded to WordPress, and includes a button for processing all previous images.
      • 根据地理位置信息生成动态点,这些信息在上载到WordPress时存储在图像的元数据中,并包括用于处理所有先前图像的按钮。

      • Generates dynamic points on map, relative to the geolocation information, assigned to the posts from WordPress App.
      • 相对于地理位置信息在地图上生成动态点,这些动态点已分配给WordPress应用中的帖子。

      • Allows to associate the Google maps with any public post_type in WordPress.
      • 允许将Google地图与WordPress中的任何公共post_type相关联。

      • In non singular webpages, Google Maps display a map for each post.
      • 在非单一网页中,Google地图会为每个帖子显示一张地图。

      • Allows to export all points defined in the website to a CSV file.
      • 允许将网站中定义的所有点导出到CSV文件。

      • Allows to import the points from a CSV or KML file.
      • 允许从CSV或KML文件导入点。

      • Allows to load a KML layer on the map from a KML file.
      • 允许从KML文件在地图上加载KML图层。

      The third, and most extended version of the plugin is the “Developer Version”.


      The Developer version of the Google Maps CP plugin includes all features of the Premium version, and the features listed below:

      Google Maps CP插件的开发人员版本包括高级版本的所有功能,以及下面列出的功能:

      Developer Features of Google Maps CP

      Google Maps CP的开发人员功能

        • Allows design a Contact Form, and associate it with the points in the map.
        • 允许设计联系表,并将其与地图中的点关联。

        • Send notification emails with the information collected by the form.
        • 发送通知电子邮件,其中包含表单收集的信息。

        • Associate an email address to the points, to contact a different person by each point, or a global email address to be notified from all points.
        • 将电子邮件地址与各个点相关联,以便每个点与另一个人联系,或者将一个全局电子邮件地址从所有点中通知。

        • Allows to use the image associated with the point as the point’s icon on map.
        • 允许将与该点关联的图像用作地图上该点的图标。

        Demo of the Developer Version of Google Maps CP Plugin

        Google Maps CP插件开发人员版本的演示








        / cp-google-maps /

        Note 1: To display all points that belong to a specific category in the same Google Map, it is required to insert the following shortcode [codepeople-post-map cat=”3″].

        注1:要在同一Google Map中显示属于特定类别的所有点,需要插入以下短代码[codepeople-post-map cat =“ 3”]。

        The number 3 represent the category ID, replace this number by the corresponding category’s ID.


        To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:



          <?php echo do_shortcode('[[codepeople-post-map cat =“ 3”]'); 



        Note 2: To display all points that belong to more than one category in a same Google Map, separate the categories IDs with the comma symbol [codepeople-post-map cat=”3,5″].

        注2:要显示同一Google Map中属于一个以上类别的所有点,请用逗号将类别ID分开[codepeople-post-map cat =“ 3,5”]。

        The numbers 3 y 5 are the categories IDs, replace these numbers by the corresponding categories IDs.

        数字3 y 5是类别ID,请用相应的类别ID替换这些数字。

        To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:



          <?php echo do_shortcode('[[codepeople-post-map cat =“ 3,5”]'); 



        Note 3: To display all points defined in the website in a same Google Map, use -1 as the category’s ID: [codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″] or for template.

        注3:要在同一Google Map中显示网站中定义的所有点,请使用-1作为类别的ID:[codepeople-post-map cat =“-1”]或作为模板。

        Note 4: To display all points that belong to the posts with a specific tag assigned in a same Google Map, for example the tag name “mytag”, use the shortcode's attribute “tag”, as follows: [codepeople-post

        注4:要显示属于在同一Google Map中分配了特定标签的帖子的所有点,例如标签名称“ mytag”,请使用简码的属性“标签”,如下所示:[codepeople-post

        -map tag=”mytag”].

        -map tag =“ mytag”]。

        To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:



          <?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map tag =“ mytag”]'); 



        Note 5: To display the points belonging to specific posts or pages in a same Google Map, enter their ids separated by comma through the “id” attribute in the shortcode as follows: [codepeople-post-map id=”123

        注释5:要在同一Google Map中显示属于特定帖子或页面的点,请通过简码中的“ id”属性以逗号分隔输入其ID,如下所示:[codepeople-post-map id =” 123



        To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:



          <?php echo do_shortcode('[[codepeople-post-map id =“ 123”]'); 



        The “id” attribute has preference over the rest of the filtering attributes.

        “ id”属性优先于其余过滤属性。

        If you prefer configure your map directly from the shortcode, then you must enter an attribute for each map feature to specify.


        For example:


                [codepeople-post-map width="500" height="500"]

          [codepeople-post-map width =“ 500” height =“ 500”]

        The complete list of allowed attributes are:


        Very Important.


        Some of attributes are available only in the premium and developer versions of the plugin.


        width: Values allowed, number or percentage.


        Defines the map’s width.


        [codepeople-post-map width=”300″] or [codepeople-post-map width=”100%”]

        [codepeople-post-map width =“ 300”]或[codepeople-post-map width =“ 100%”]

        height: Values allowed, number or percentage (In the web’s development, the height in percentage is effective only if the parent element has a height defined).


        Defines the map’s height.


        [codepeople-post-map height=”300″]

        [codepeople-post-map height =” 300”]

        align: Values allowed, left, right, center.


        Aligns the map’s container to the left, right or center.


        [codepeople-post-map align=”center”]

        [codepeople-post-map align =“ center”]

        dynamic_zoom: Values allowed, 1 or 0. Adjust the zoom of map dynamically to display all points on map at the same time.


        [codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom =“ 1”]

        zoom: Accepts a number to define the map’s zoom.


        To apply a zoom to the map, the dynamic zoom should be 0. [codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom=”0″ zoom=”5″]

        要将缩放应用于地图,动态缩放应为0。[codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom =” 0” zoom =” 5”]

        type: Values allowed, SATELLITE, ROADMAP, TERRAIN and HYBRID.


        Select the type of map to display.


        [codepeople-post-map type=”ROADMAP”]

        [codepeople-post-map type =“ ROADMAP”]

        language: Values allowed, en for English, es for Spanish, pt for Portuguese, etc. (for the complete list, check the Google Maps documentation).

        语言:允许的值,en表示英语,es表示西班牙语,pt表示葡萄牙语,等等(有关完整列表,请参阅Google Maps文档)。

        Select a language to display on map.


        [codepeople-post-map language=”en”]

        [codepeople-post-map language =“ en”]

        route: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Draw or not the route between points in a same post or page.


        [codepeople-post-map route=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map route =” 1”]

        mode: Values allowed, DRIVING, BICYCLING and WALKING.


        Define the type of route.


        [codepeople-post-map route=”1″ mode=”DRIVING”]

        [codepeople-post-map route =” 1” mode =” DRIVING”]

        show_window: Values allowed, 0 or 1. To enable or disable the infowindows.


        [codepeople-post-map show_window=”1″ ]

        [codepeople-post-map show_window =“ 1”]

        show_default: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Display or not an infowindow expanded by default.


        [codepeople-post-map show_window=”1″ show_default=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map show_window =“ 1” show_default =“ 1”]

        markerclusterer: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays a cluster with the number of points in an area.


        [codepeople-post-map markerclusterer=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map markerclusterer =“ 1”]

        mousewheel: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Enables the map’s zoom with the mouse wheel.


        [codepeople-post-map mousewheel=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map mousewheel =” 1”]

        zoompancontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the zoom controls in the Google Maps.

        zoompancontrol:允许的值,0或1。显示或隐藏Google Maps中的缩放控件。

        [codepeople-post-map zoompancontrol=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map zoompancontrol =“ 1”]

        typecontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the type control in the Google Map.

        typecontrol:允许的值,0或1。显示或隐藏Google Map中的类型控件。

        [codepeople-post-map typecontrol=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map typecontrol =“ 1”]

        streetviewcontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the street-view control in the Google Map.

        streetviewcontrol:允许的值,0或1。显示或隐藏Google Map中的街景控件。

        [codepeople-post-map streetviewcontrol=”1″]

        [codepeople-post-map streetviewcontrol =” 1”]

        defaultpost: Defines the post ID, for centring the map, and display by default the infowindow corresponding to the first point associated to this post.


        [codepeople-post-map defaultpost=”396″]

        [codepeople-post-map defaultpost =” 396”]

        center: To define the center of the map, but if the infowindows are configured to be opened by default, the map will be centered in the point with the infowindow opened.


        [codepeople-post-map center=”40.7127837,-74.00594130000002″]

        [codepeople-post-map center =” 40.7127837,-74.00594130000002”]

        legend: Accepts a taxonomy name as value.


        Some common taxonomies names are: category and post_tag, for the categories and tags, respectively.


        Displays the legend with the list of elements that belong to the taxonomy and are assigned to the posts associated with the points.


        [codepeople-post-map legend=”category”]

        [codepeople-post-map legend =“ category”]

        legend_title: Text to be used as legend title.


        [codepeople-post-map legend=”category” legend_title=”Select the categories to display on map”]

        [codepeople-post-map legend =“ category” legend_title =“选择要在地图上显示的类别”]

        legend_class: Class name to be assigned to the legend.


        The legend design may be modified through CSS styles.


        Creates a class name, with the styles definition, and associates the new class name to the legend through the legend_class attribute.


        [codepeople-post-map legend=”category” legend_class=”my-legend-class”]

        [codepeople-post-map legend =“ category” legend_class =“ my-legend-class”]

        tag: Tags slugs separated by “,”.


        Displays on map the points whose posts have assigned the tags.[codepeople-post-map tag=”tag1,tag2,tag3″]

        在地图上显示其帖子已分配标签的点。[codepeople-post-map tag =” tag1,tag2,tag3”]

        cat: Categories IDs separated by “,” or -1.


        Displays on map the points whose posts belong to the categories.


        The special value -1, allows display on map all points defined in the website.[codepeople-post-map cat=”2,4,56″] [codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″]

        特殊值-1允许在地图上显示网站上定义的所有点。[codepeople-post-map cat =“-2,4,56”] [codepeople-post-map cat =“-1”]

        excludecat: Categories IDs to exclude, separated by “,”.


        From points to be displayed on map, the plugin excludes the points whose posts belong to the categories to exclude.


        [codepeople-post-map tag=”tag1,tag2″ excludecat=”4″]

        [codepeople-post-map tag =“ tag1,tag2” excludecat =“ 4”]

        excludepost: Posts IDs to exclude separated by “,”.


        [codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″ excludepost=”235,260″]

        [codepeople-post-map cat =“-1” excludepost =“ 235,260”]

        excludetag: Tags IDs to exclude separated by “,”.


        [codepeople-post-map excludetag=”2,13″]

        [codepeople-post-map excludetag =” 2,13”]

        taxonomy: The taxonomy is a special attribute that should be combined with other attributes, depending of taxonomies to use for points filtering.


        Suppose the website includes two new taxonomies: taxonomyA and taxonomyB, and the map should display all points that belong to the posts with the value T1 for taxonomyA, and T3,T4 for taxonomyB, the shortcode would be: [codepeople-post-map taxonomy


        =”taxonomyA,taxonomyB” taxonomyA=”T1″ taxonomyB=”t2,t3″]

        =“分类法A,分类法B”分类法A =“ T1”分类法B =“ t2,t3”]

        Note 5: The geolocation information is stored in image’s metadata from mobiles or cameras with GPS devices.


        Note 6: Some plugins interfere with the shortcodes replacements, and provokes that maps don’t be loaded correctly, in this case should be passed a new parameter through the shortcode print=1

        注6:一些插件会干扰短代码的替换,并导致地图加载不正确,在这种情况下,应通过短代码print = 1向新参数传递

        Passing the parameter print=1, displays the map at beginning of page/post content.

        传递参数print = 1,在页面/帖子内容的开头显示地图。

        Note 7: To display in the Google Map all points in posts with a specific taxonomy assigned, or multiple taxonomies, should be used the “taxonomy” attribute in the shortcode, with the list of all taxonomies separated by the comma symbol,

        注释7:要在Google Map中显示分配了特定分类法或多个分类法的帖子中的所有点,应使用简码中的“分类法”属性,所有分类法的列表以逗号分隔,

        for example: taxonomy=”taxonomy1,taxonomy2″, and a new attribute for each taxonomy with the values corresponding.

        例如:taxonomy =“ taxonomy1,taxonomy2”,以及每个分类的新属性,其值对应。

        For example if you want select the points that belong to the posts with the values: “value1” for “taxonomy1″, the shortcode would be: [codepeople-post-map taxonomy=”taxonomy1″ taxonomy1=”value1″], for multiple

        例如,如果您要选择属于以下值的帖子点:“ taxonomy1”为“ value1”,则短代码应为:[codepeople-post-map taxonomy =” taxonomy1” taxonomy1 =“ value1”],用于多个

        taxonomies: [codepeople-post-map taxonomy=”taxonomy1,taxonomy2″ taxonomy1=”value1″ taxonomy2=”value2,value3”].

        分类法:[codepeople-post-map分类法=“分类法1,分类法2”分类法==“值1”分类法2 =“值2,值3”]。

        post_type: In combination with other attributes like: cat, tag or taxonomy, it is possible to load on map only the points that belong to the post types in the list.


        [codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″ post_type=”post,page”]

        [codepeople-post-map cat =“-1” post_type =“ post,page”]

        excludepost_type: In combination with other attributes like: cat, tag or taxonomy, it is possible to load on map only the points that do not belong to the post types in the list.


        [codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″ excludepost_type=”post”]

        [codepeople-post-map cat =“-1” excludepost_type =“ post”]

        kml: Absolute URL (http://…) to a KML file with the Keyhole Markup Language.


        [codepeople-post-map kml=”http://www.yourwebsite.com/your-file.kml”]

        [codepeople-post-map kml =” http://www.yourwebsite.com/your-file.kml”]

        If you want more information about this plugin or another one don’t doubt to visit my website:





        / content-tools / codepeople-post-map



        Google Maps offers several setting options and is highly flexible.


        Options can be set up in the Settings page (and will become the default setup for all maps added to posts in the future), or may be specific to each post to be


        associated with the Google maps (in this case the values are entered in the editing screen of the post in question.)


        The settings are divided into two main groups, those belonging to the Google maps and those belonging to the geolocation point.


        Google Maps configuration options:

        Google Maps配置选项:

          • Map zoom: Initial map zoom.
          • 地图缩放:初始地图缩放。

          • Dynamic zoom: Allows to adjust the map’s zoom dynamically to display all points at the same time.
          • 动态缩放:允许动态调整地图的缩放比例以同时显示所有点。

          • Map width: Width of the map.
          • 地图宽度:地图的宽度。

          • Map height: Height of the map.
          • 地图高度:地图的高度。

          • Map margin: Margin of the map.
          • 地图边距:地图的边距。

          • Map align: Aligns the map at left, center or right of area.
          • 地图对齐:将地图在区域的左,中或右对齐。

          • Map type: Select one of the possible types of maps to load (roadmap, satellite, terrain, hybrid).
          • 地图类型:选择一种可能要加载的地图类型(路线图,卫星图,地形图,混合图)。

          • Map language: a large number of languages is available to be used on maps, select the one that matches your blog’s language.
          • 地图语言:地图上可以使用多种语言,请选择与您的博客语言相匹配的语言。

          • Allow drag the map: allows drag the map to see other places.
          • 允许拖动地图:允许拖动地图以查看其他地方。

          • Map route: Draws the route through the points that belong to the same post (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 地图路线:绘制属于同一帖子的点的路线(仅在插件的高级版和开发版中可用)

          • Travel Mode: Travel mode used in route drawing (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 旅行模式:路线图中使用的旅行模式(仅在插件的高级版和开发版中可用)

          • Include Traffic Layer: Displays a traffic layer over the map.
          • 包括交通图层:在地图上显示交通图层。

          • Show info bubbles: display or hide the bubbles with the information associated to the points.
          • 显示信息气泡:显示或隐藏带有点相关信息的气泡。

          • Display a bubble by default: display a bubble opened by default.
          • 默认显示气泡:显示默认打开的气泡。

          • Display map in post / page: When the Google maps are inserted in a post you can select whether to display the Google maps or display an icon, which displays the map, when pressed (if the Google maps are inserted into a template

          • 在帖子/页面中显示地图:在帖子中插入Google地图时,您可以选择是显示Google地图还是在按下时显示图标,该图标显示地图(如果将Google地图插入模板中)

            that allows multiple posts, this option does not apply)

          • 允许多个帖子,此选项不适用)

          • Options: This setting allows you to select which map controls should be available.
          • 选项:此设置可让您选择应使用的地图控件。

          • Display a bundle of points in the same area, like a cluster: Allows grouping multiple points in a cluster (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 在同一区域中显示一堆点,例如群集:允许将群集中的多个点分组(仅在插件的高级版本和开发人员版本中可用)

          • Display Featured Image by default: Displays the Featured Image in posts and pages in the infowindows, if the points don’t have associated an image.
          • 默认情况下显示特色图片:如果这些点与图片没有关联,则在信息窗口的帖子和页面中显示特色图片。

          • Display the user’s location: Displays a marker with the location of user that is visiting the webpage (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 显示用户的位置:显示带有正在访问网页的用户位置的标记(仅在高级版和开发人员版插件中可用)

          • Refresh the user’s location every: Integer number that represent the interval in milliseconds to refresh the user’s location (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 每次刷新用户的位置:整数值,代表刷新用户位置的时间间隔(以毫秒为单位)(仅在高级版和开发版插件中可用)

          • Title of user’s location: Enter the title of infowindow belonging to the user’s marker (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 用户位置的标题:输入属于用户标记的信息窗口标题(仅在高级版和开发版插件中可用)

          • Display the get directions link: Displays a link in the infowindow to get the directions to the point (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)
          • 显示获取路线链接:在信息窗口中显示一个链接以获取指向该地点的路线(仅在高级版和开发人员版插件中可用)

          • Display a link to Google Maps: Displays a link in the infowindow to load the point directly on Google Maps.
          • 显示指向Google Maps的链接:在信息窗口中显示一个链接,以将点直接加载到Google Maps中。

          • Display a link to Street View: Displays a link in the infowindow to display the street view in the specific point.
          • 显示到街景的链接:在信息窗口中显示一个链接,以显示特定点的街景。

          • Enter the number of points on the post / page map: When the Google maps are inserted into a post, points that belong to the same categories will be shown on the same Google map.

          • 输入帖子/页面地图上的点数:将Google地图插入帖子中时,属于同一类别的点将显示在同一Google地图上。

            This option allows you to set the number of points to be shown.


            When the Google maps are inserted into a template that allows multiple posts this option does not apply.

          • 将Google地图插入允许多个帖子的模板中时,此选项不适用。

          • Generate points dynamically from geolocation information included on images, when images are uploaded to WordPress: If the image uploaded to WordPress includes geolocation information is generated a point with related to the geolocation information.
          • 当将图像上传到WordPress时,根据图像中包含的地理位置信息动态生成点:如果上传到WordPress的图像包含地理位置信息,则会生成一个与地理位置信息相关的点。

          • Generate points dynamically from geolocation information included on posts: Displays new points on maps, if the post includes geolocation information, generated by WordPress App.
          • 根据帖子中包含的地理位置信息动态生成点:如果帖子中包含由WordPress应用生成的地理位置信息,则在地图上显示新点。

          • Allow stylize the maps: Allows to define a JSON object to stylize the maps.
          • 允许样式化地图:允许定义一个JSON对象以样式化地图。

          • Display maps legends: Check the option to display a legend with categories, tags, or custom taxonomies, to display or hide the points on map dynamically.
          • 显示地图图例:选中该选项可显示带有类别,标签或自定义分类法的图例,以动态显示或隐藏地图上的点。

          • Select the taxonomy to display on legend: Select the taxonomies to display on legend.
          • 选择要在图例上显示的分类法:选择要在图例上显示的分类法。

          • Enter a title for legend: Enter the title to display in the legend.
          • 输入图例标题:输入要在图例中显示的标题。

          • Enter a classname to be applied to the legend: To customize the legend appearance, associate to it a classname, and set the class definition in any of style files in your website.
          • 输入要应用于图例的类名:要自定义图例外观,请为其关联一个类名,然后在您网站的任何样式文件中设置类定义。

          • Highlight post when mouse hovers over related point on map: When the Google maps are inserted into a template that allows multiple posts, hovering the mouse over one of the points will highlight the associated post through assignment of a class in the next setup

          • 当鼠标悬停在地图上的相关点上时突出显示帖子:将Google地图插入允许多个帖子的模板中时,将鼠标悬停在这些点之一上将通过在下一个设置中分配一个类来突出显示关联的帖子


          • 选项。

          • Highlight class: Name of the class to be assigned to a post to highlight when the mouse is hovered over the point associated with that post on the Google map.
          • 突出显示的类别:要分配给帖子的类别的名称,以将鼠标悬停在与Google地图上与该帖子相关的点上时突出显示。

          • Use points information in search results: Allows search in the points information ( available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin )
          • 在搜索结果中使用积分信息:允许在积分信息中进行搜索(仅在高级版本和插件版本中可用)

          • Allow to associate a map to the post types: Allows to associate points to custom post types in website ( available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin )
          • 允许将地图与帖子类型关联:允许将点与网站中的自定义帖子类型关联(仅在插件的高级版和开发版中可用)

          Configuration options related to the points location


            • Location name: Name of the place you are indicating on the Google maps, alternatively, the name of the post can be used.
            • 地点名称:您在Google地图上指示的地点的名称,或者,可以使用帖子的名称。

            • Location description: Description of the place you are showing on the Google maps.

            • 位置描述:您在Google地图上显示的位置的描述。

              If left blank, the post summary will be used.

            • 如果保留为空白,则将使用帖子摘要。

            • Select an image from media library: Select an image to associate with the localization point.
            • 从媒体库中选择一个图像:选择一个与定位点关联的图像。

            • Address: Physical address of the geolocation point.
            • 地址:地理位置点的物理地址。

            • Latitude: Latitude of the geolocation point (gotten from Google Maps).
            • 纬度:地理位置的纬度(从Google Maps获取)。

            • Longitude: Longitude of the geolocation point (gotten from Google Maps).
            • 经度:地理位置点的经度(从Google Maps获取)。

            • Verify: This button allows you to check the accuracy of the geolocation point address by updating the latitude and longitude where necessary.
            • 验证:此按钮允许您通过在必要时更新纬度和经度来检查地理位置点的准确性。

            • Select the marker by clicking on the images: Select the bookmark icon to show on the Google Maps.
            • 通过单击图像选择标记:选择书签图标以在Google地图上显示。

            • Insert the map tag: Inserts a shortcode in the content of the post where the Google Map is displayed with the features selected in the setup.

            • 插入地图标签:在显示Google地图的帖子内容中插入一个简短代码,其中包含在设置中选择的功能。

              You can attach geolocation information to a post but choose not to show the Google maps in the content of the post.


              In case you do want to display a map in the post content, use this button.

            • 如果您确实想在帖子内容中显示地图,请使用此按钮。

            Configure Shapes


              • Check the box over the “Insert the map tag” button.
              • 选中“插入地图标签”按钮上方的框。

              • Enter the stroke weight of shape.
              • 输入形状的笔划粗细。

              • Enter the color of shape.
              • 输入形状的颜色。

              • Enter the opacity of shape.
              • 输入形状的不透明度。

              • Press with the mouse on map at right to draw the shape.
              • 用鼠标在右侧的地图上按以绘制形状。

              Inserting maps as widgets on sidebars (available only in the premium and developer versions of plugin)


              To insert the maps as widget on sidebars, go to the menu option “Appearance / Widgets”, and drag the “CP Google Maps” widget to the sidebar.

              要将地图作为窗口小部件插入侧边栏中,请转到菜单选项“外观/窗口小部件”,然后将“ CP Google Maps”窗口小部件拖动到侧边栏中。

              It is possible define, for each map on sidebar, all attributes available with the format attr=”value”.

              可以为边栏上的每个地图定义所有可用的属性,格式为attr =“ value”。

              The map’s width is set to the 100% of sidebar by default.




              The Google Maps CP uses the English language by default, but includes the following language packages:

              默认情况下,Google Maps CP使用英语,但包括以下语言包:

                • Spanish
                • 西班牙语

                • French
                • 法语

                Note: The languages packages are generated dynamically.


                If detects any errors in the translation, please, contact us to correct it.



To install Google Maps CP, follow these steps:

要安装Google Maps CP,请按照以下步骤操作:

    1. Download and unzip the plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩插件

    3. Upload the entire codepeople-post-map/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个codepeople-post-map /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

