[wordpress插件] Data Storage数据存储

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-12 18:40 657 0 全屏看文



Fully customizable, editable, downloadable data table creator.


You can have multiple different forms and save their inputs in the backend and download the form inputs in CSV format.


Equipped with instant feedback to user upon submitting the form.


Perfect for collecting people’s data, information, inquiries and many other purposes such as online contests.


In addition of having the data in the backend, you also have the option to receive the details of the submitted data, right in your email as well.


There’s also the option to send Thank you/Confirmation email to the user with customized text and address as well as many other cool features.


You can use this plugin to make long and complicated forms, or to make short forms as simple as a contact form with Captcha feature.


    • Ability to make multiple different forms and saving the corresponding data in their corresponding tables.
    • 能够制作多种不同的表格并将相应的数据保存在相应的表格中。

    • You can activate Captcha feature to fight against spams and robots.
    • 您可以激活验证码功能来对抗垃圾邮件和机器人。

    • Dynamically creates different shortcodes for each created form, so you can use all of your forms at the same time without any issue.
    • 动态地为每个创建的表单创建不同的短代码,因此您可以同时使用所有表单而没有任何问题。

    • No need to memorize any shortcode as they are being generated dynamically and they are always available in the “Forms” section under “Data Storage” menu.

    • 无需记住任何短代码,因为它们是动态生成的,并且始终可在“数据存储”菜单下的“表单”部分中找到。

      So you can always refer to them.

    • 因此您可以随时参考它们。

    • Ability to download form inputs in CSV format.

    • 能够下载CSV格式的表单输入。

      So you can have them on your computer in an organized table as well.

    • 因此,您也可以将它们放在计算机中的井井有条的表格中。

    • Ability to have unlimited different fields for each form.

    • 每个表格具有无限多个不同字段的能力。

      (Text input, DropDown, Multiple Choice, File Upload, etc)

    • (文本输入,下拉菜单,多项选择,文件上传等)

    • Ability to edit, delete and reorder the form fields.
    • 能够编辑,删除和重新排列表单字段。

    • Dynamically creates separate file upload folders named the same as tables to organize file uploads.
    • 动态创建单独的文件上传文件夹,其名称与表相同,以组织文件上传。

    • Instant feedback to user upon submitting the form.
    • 提交表单后立即向用户反馈。

    • Ability to limit the file upload size.
    • 能够限制文件上传大小。

    • Ability to create the form in all languages.

    • 能够以所有语言创建表单。

      You can even change the word on “Submit” button to match your language and match your form usage.

    • 您甚至可以在“提交”按钮上更改单词以匹配您的语言并匹配您的表单用法。

    • Ability to receive user input in all languages.
    • 能够接收所有语言的用户输入。

    • Ability to edit every single input that is already saved in the table.
    • 具有编辑表中已保存的每个输入的功能。

    • Ability to show the stored data on front-end, that gets updated dynamically.
    • 能够在前端显示存储的数据,并且可以动态更新。

    • Equipped with many different type of form fields which limits the user to enter relevant/correct information in case it was needed.
    • 配备了许多不同类型的表单字段,这限制了用户在需要时输入相关/正确的信息。

    • Perfect for collecting people’s information, inquiries and many other purposes such as online contests.
    • 非常适合收集人们的信息,查询和许多其他目的,例如在线竞赛。

    • Strict rules for data validation to prevent sql injection attacks.

    • 用于防止sql注入攻击的严格数据验证规则。

      Improved security.

    • 增强安全性。

    • Strict rules to validate user input data.
    • 用于验证用户输入数据的严格规则。

    • If the user data doesn’t pass the validation, the plugin will give feedback to user and tells them to correct their input.

    • 如果用户数据未通过验证,则插件将向用户提供反馈,并告诉他们更正其输入。

      In this case the fields are pre-filled with previous user data so the user doesn’t have to fill all the form allover again.

    • 在这种情况下,这些字段会预先填充以前的用户数据,因此用户不必再次填写所有表单。

    • In addition of having the data in the backend, there’s the option to receive the details of the submitted data, right in your email as well.
    • 除了在后端存储数据外,还可以选择在电子邮件中接收提交的数据的详细信息。

    • The option to send Thank you/Confirmation email to the user with customized text and customized email address.
    • 可以通过自定义文本和自定义电子邮件地址向用户发送“感谢/确认”电子邮件的选项。

    • Instant validation if user didn’t fill up the required fields, or specified wrong information.(Browsers compatible with HTML 5)
    • 如果用户未填写必填字段或指定了错误的信息,则立即进行验证。(与HTML 5兼容的浏览器)

    • Forcing the user to fill the “Required” fields, compatible with all browsers even if the browser doesn’t support HTML 5.
    • 强制用户填写“必填”字段,即使所有浏览器不支持HTML 5,该字段也可以与所有浏览器兼容。

    • Ability to create unlimited forms and unlimited fields and file uploads as needed.
    • 能够根据需要创建无限的表格,无限的字段和文件上传。

    • Custom Confirmation/Thank you page redirection
    • 自定义确认/谢谢您的页面重定向

    • Very speedy and very user friendly process for making the forms up and running.
    • 非常快速且非常人性化的过程来制作和运行表单。

    • Ability to edit or permanently delete the created fields.

    • 能够编辑或永久删除创建的字段。

      All from the backend of your website.

    • 全部来自您网站的后端。

    • Ability to permanently delete the form and its corresponding inputs in case you didn’t want that form.
    • 如果您不想要该表单,可以永久删除该表单及其相应的输入。

    • Translation ready.
    • 已准备好翻译。



      • English – Default
      • 英语-默认

      • German: Deutsch
      • 德语:Deutsch



        • English – Default
        • 英语-默认

        • German: Deutsch
        • 德语:Deutsch

        Addittional Info


        This plugin is translation ready.


        This is very important for all users worldwide.


        So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful:)


        You don’t have to memorize any shortcode for your forms.


        The correspong shortcode for each form is generated dynamically when you create a new form and they are always available in the “Forms” section under “Data Storage” menu page.


        If you ever had a question,suggestions, comments or just wanted to say hi, you’re always welcome to drop me a line.


        Note: In some rare cases, when you reorder the form fields in the backend and delete/edit the fields at the same time, the order that you see in the backend might not be the same order that you see in the frontend



        So check the frontend to make sure it has the same order that you see in the backend.


        This is just happening in rare cases and only in a particular condition.



    1. Upload the unzipped plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将解压缩的插件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

