[wordpress插件] Database Collation Fix数据库排序规则修复

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-12 19:41 503 0 全屏看文



Since version 4.2, WordPress has been detecting the MySQL version and if it’s version 5.5.3 or greater, automatically selecting the ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci’ Collation Algorithm.

从4.2版开始,WordPress一直在检测MySQL版本,如果它是5.5.3版或更高版本,则会自动选择“ utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci”整理算法。

This works well until you need to migrate your database to an older version of MySQL that does not support the utf8mb4 algorithms.


Then, you run into the error message: “#1273 ?


Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'” when importing your database.


Usage Scenarios:


While the plugin will work in any WordPress install: local, staging or live, it is specially designed to work with DesktopServer.


Its process will be triggered and change the collation types on all database tables during any DesktopServer Create Site, Copy Site, Move Site, Import and Export operations.


This allows you to import and export sites in the most compatible ways during deployments.


If you would like to use this with DesktopServer as a Design Time plugin, you can install this in your /xampplite/ds-plugins/ directory and it can then be automatically activated and used with all of your local development web sites.

如果要将它与DesktopServer一起用作设计时插件,可以将其安装在/ xampplite / ds-plugins /目录中,然后可以将其自动激活并与所有本地开发网站一起使用。

For more information on DesktopServer and local development tools, please visit our web site at: https://serverpress.com/get

有关DesktopServer和本地开发工具的更多信息,请访问我们的网站: https://serverpress.com/get


-desktopserver / 。

Alternatively, you can install this as a regular WordPress plugin on any site.


Once activated, all of your database tables will be updated to use the more portable Collation Algorithm.


If you are migrating your web site, you can install and activate the plugin then perform your database export.


Once you have migrated your site, you can deactivate and remove the plugin as it would be no longer needed.


If you will be exporting and/or migrating your site repeatedly, such as when using it on a test or staging install, you can leave the plugin active indefinitely and it will continue to monitor and update your database tables automatically, allowing you to perform migrations


at any time.


This is ideal in situations where you are installing or testing plugins that may create their own database tables, as these tables may be created with the newer Collation Algorithms that are not as portable.


How it Works:


The Database Collation Fix tool converts database tables using ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci’ or ‘utf8_unicode_520_ci’ Collation Algorithms to a more portable ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’ collation on a once daily basis.


It also modifies any column-specific collation statements, not just the default table collation.


This means that you can install this plugin and it will continue to monitor all of your database tables and convert them to the more portable Collation Algorithm automatically.


This tool will convert your database tables and columns to use the ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’ collation algorithm.

此工具将转换您的数据库表和列,以使用“ utf8mb4_unicode_ci”排序规则算法。

This can be modified to any other collation algorithm you wish by updating your wp-config.php file and adding or changing the following setting:

可以通过更新 wp-config.php 文件并添加或更改以下设置来将其修改为所需的任何其他排序规则算法:

define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');


You can use ‘utf8_general_ci’ or ‘utf8’ or any other supported collation algorithm.

您可以使用“ utf8_general_ci”或“ utf8”或任何其他受支持的归类算法。

See https://dev.mysql.com/docefman/

参见 https://dev.mysql.com/docefman/

5.7/en/charset-mysql.html for a full description of MySQL's Character Set and Collation Algorithm selections.

5.7 / en / charset-mysql.html 详细介绍了MySQL的字符集和排序规则算法选择。



Support Details: We are happy to provide support and help troubleshoot issues.


Visit our Contact page at http://serverpress.com/contact/.

请访问 http://serverpress.com/contact/ 上的“联系”页面。

Users should know however, that we check the WordPress.org support forums once a week on Wednesdays from 6pm to 8pm PST (UTC -8).

用户应该知道,但是我们每周三在太平洋标准时间(UTC -8)下午6点至晚上8点检查WordPress.org支持论坛。

ServerPress, LLC is not responsible for any loss of data that may occur as a result of using this tool.


We strongly recommend performing a site and database backup before testing and using this tool.


However, should you experience such an issue, we want to know about it right away.


We welcome feedback and Pull Requests for this plugin via our public GitHub repository located at: https://github.com

我们欢迎通过我们位于以下位置的公共GitHub存储库对该插件的反馈和请求请求: https://github.com


/ ServerPress / databasecollat​​ionfix


Installation instructions: To install, do the following:


    1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins –> Add New.
    2. 从网站的信息中心,导航至“插件”->“添加新内容”。

    3. Select the “Upload Plugin” button.
    4. 选择“上传插件”按钮。

    5. Click on the “Choose File” button to upload your file.
    6. 单击“选择文件”按钮以上传文件。

    7. When the Open dialog appears select the databasecollationfix.zip file from your desktop.
    8. 当出现“打开”对话框时,从桌面上选择databasecollat​​ionfix.zip文件。

    9. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait until the upload is complete.
    10. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,然后等待上传完成。

    11. When finished, activate the plugin via the prompt.

    12. 完成后,通过提示激活插件。

      A confirmation message will be displayed.

    13. 将显示一条确认消息。

    or, you can upload the files directly to your server.


      1. Upload all of the files in databasecollationfix.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/databasecollationfix directory.
      2. databasecollat​​ionfix.zip 中的所有文件上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / databasecollat​​ionfix 目录中。

      3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
      4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

