[wordpress插件] Deluxe Marketing Suite豪华行销套件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-15 05:40 612 0 全屏看文



Increase your email subscriber list by installing a contact form on your site.


Give your visitors a quick and easy way to submit information.


Integrates with VerticalResponse, part of the

VerticalResponse 集成

>Deluxe Marketing Suite of online apps.


Easily integrate a contact form on your site using VerticalResponse, powered by the Deluxe Marketing Suite.


Data gathered is automatically added to your existing contact lists so you can quickly contact them with email messages.


Gather a wide variety of data from the form including name, email address, physical address, phone, etc. Creation of the form is a breeze.


Easy design options include selecting the form’s color scheme, background image, text color, button shape and more.


Plus, you’ve got full control over how the form appears.


No tech skills needed and it’s free!




    • Easy to use interface to customize your form including size, color, fields and more.

    • 易于使用的界面来自定义表单,包括大小,颜色,字段等。

      No coding skills required.

    • 不需要编码技能。

    • Match your site’s brand color scheme by selecting the background, text and button colors.

    • 通过选择背景,文字和按钮的颜色来匹配您网站的品牌配色方案。

      Option to use your own background image.


      Preview how the form looks from right inside the form builder.

    • 从表单生成器内部预览表单的外观。

    • Gather data from users including email address, phone, first name, last name, birth date, gender, company, title, website, gender, physical location, and more.
    • 收集来自用户的数据,包括电子邮件地址,电话,名字,姓氏,生日,性别,公司,职务,网站,性别,地理位置等。

    • Flexible options in the placement of the contact form on your website including embed in page/sidebar or pop up location.

    • 联系人表单在网站上的位置灵活的选项,包括嵌入页面/边栏或弹出位置。

      If pop up, you can select what will trigger its appearance including time delay, scroll, clicked link, page visit or exit intent.

    • 如果弹出,则可以选择触发其外观的方式,包括时间延迟,滚动,单击链接,页面访问或退出意图。

    • Form information is automatically added to the contact list you specify.
    • 表格信息会自动添加到您指定的联系人列表中。

    • Contact new subscribers right away.

    • 立即联系新订户。

      Set up an autoresponder email to be sent to new list subscribers as soon as they join your list from the email marketing app.

    • 设置自动回复电子邮件,以在新列表订阅者从电子邮件营销应用程序加入您的列表后立即发送给他们。

    • Know whether your form is working or not with reporting on how many visitors viewed the form and how many sign up for your list.
    • 了解您的表单是否正常运行,并报告有多少访问者查看了该表单以及有多少人注册了您的列表。



    1. Download plugin file deluxe-marketing-suite.zip, extract and upload folder deluxe-marketing-suite to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 下载插件文件deluxe-marketing-suite.zip,解压缩文件夹deluxe-marketing-suite并将其上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Click on menu item Deluxe in the left.
    6. 单击左侧的菜单项“豪华”。

    7. Connect with VerticalResponse using VerticalResponse account credentials OR click on Signup button if not having VerticalResponse account.
    8. 使用VerticalResponse帐户凭据连接VerticalResponse,或者如果没有VerticalResponse帐户,则单击“注册”按钮。

    9. After get connected, click on “Add New” to create a new form.
    10. 连接后,单击“添加新”以创建新表单。

