[wordpress插件] DirectPay-IPG WooCommerceDirectPay-IPG WooCommerce

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-17 12:40 546 0 全屏看文



Want to quickly integrate DirectPay with your WordPress WooCommerce website?

是否想将DirectPay与您的WordPress WooCommerce网站快速集成?

We’ve got you covered with our DirectPay Plugin for WooCommerce.


You can now simply download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Store, upload it to your server & configure it with your DirectPay Account details to make it easy for your customers to pay you.



    1. Download the DirectPay Plugin for WooCommerce from WordPress Plugin Directory
    2. 从WordPress插件目录下载WooCommerce的DirectPay插件

    3. Upload the ‘woocommerce-directpay’ folder to your WordPress ‘plugins’ directory under ‘/wp-content/plugins’
    4. 将“ woocommerce-directpay”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins”下的WordPress“ plugins”目录中

    5. In your WordPress admin, go to ‘Plugins’ and Activate the ‘WooCommerce DirectPay Payment Gateway’ plugin
    6. 在您的WordPress管理员中,转到“插件”并激活“ WooCommerce DirectPay付款网关”插件

    7. Go to your WooCommerce > Settings page, click on ‘Checkout’ tab & click the ‘ DirectPay’ link
    8. 转到您的WooCommerce>设置页面,点击“结帐”标签,然后点击“ DirectPay”链接

    9. Tick the checkbox to Enable DirectPay
    10. 勾选复选框以启用DirectPay

    11. Enter the payment title and description or keep the default
    12. 输入付款标题和说明或保留默认值

    13. Enter your Merchant ID (You can find it on the Settings > DirectPay Plugins section of your DirectPay account)
    14. 输入您的商户ID(您可以在DirectPay帐户的“设置”>“ DirectPay插件”部分中找到它)

    15. Enter your API Key (You can find it on the Settings > DirectPay Plugins section of your DirectPay account)
    16. 输入您的API密钥(您可以在DirectPay帐户的“设置”>“ DirectPay插件”部分中找到它)

    17. Do not tick the checkbox to Enable Sandbox Mode (Tick it only if you’re testing your integration with a DirectPay Sandbox Account)
    18. 请勿勾选“启用沙盒模式”复选框(仅当您正在测试与DirectPay沙盒帐户的集成时,才勾选该复选框)

    19. Click Save Changes
    20. 点击保存更改

