[wordpress插件] Disable Directory Listings禁用目录列表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-17 22:00 480 0 全屏看文



Prevent virtual directory listing services from listing the contents of directories, and/or show a page in place of a directory’s listing.


The Apache web server can be configured to automatically display the listings of the contents of a web site’s file directory if no index file (i.e. index.html or index.php) is present.

如果没有索引文件(即index.html或index.php),则可以将Apache Web服务器配置为自动显示网站文件目录内容的列表。

This can expose files and information to visitors.


Of course the web server could be configured to not do this (the recommended approach), but sometimes you don't have permission (you're on a shared host), the know-how, or you want to selectively disallow virtual directory listings



That’s where this plugin can help.


If you want to test if your site has virtual directory listings enabled, try visiting http://www.YOURSITE.com/wp-includes (obviously, change the domain to match your own).


If you see a listing of PHP files then virtual directory listing is enabled for your site.


This plugin can prevent visitors from seeing the contents of certain (or all) directories on your site (assuming your web server generates virtual directory listings).


It also allows you to use a WordPress page as the index for a directory


By default, the following directories are protected:


    • wp-includes/
    • wp-includes /

    • wp-content/
    • wp-content /

    • wp-content/plugins/
    • wp-content / plugins /

    • wp-content/themes/
    • wp-content / themes /

    It does NOT protect any other directory by default.


    You can change this via the plugin’s admin settings page.


    TIP: When this plugin is activated (and more specifically, ater the permalink structure is updated as per the instructions below), WordPress will generate the themed 404 – Not Found page.

    提示:激活此插件后(更具体地说,按照下面的说明更新永久链接结构),WordPress将生成主题404 –未找到页面。

    If you were to create a Page with the same name as one of the directories being disabled (i.e. ‘wp-includes’ or ‘wp-content’) then that page will be displayed instead of the 404 error message.

    如果您要创建一个与被禁用的目录之一(即“ wp-includes”或“ wp-content”)同名的页面,则会显示该页面,而不是404错误消息。

    If you want to display a page for the ‘plugins’ and ‘themes’ directory, you must create them as children pages of a ‘wp-content’ page.

    如果要显示“插件”和“主题”目录的页面,则必须将它们创建为“ wp-content”页面的子页面。

    NOTE: This plugin only works for the Apache web server.

    注意:此插件仅适用于Apache Web服务器。

    Links: Plugin Homepage |

    链接:插件主页 |

    Author Homepage



    1. Unzip disable-directory-listings.zip inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory for your site (or install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer)

      在您网站的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录内

    2. 解压 disable-directory-listings.zip (或通过内置的WordPress插件安装程序安装)

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”管理菜单激活插件

    5. Go to Settings -> Directory Listings admin options page.

    6. 转到设置-> 目录列表管理选项页面。

      Optionally customize the list of directories.

    7. (可选)自定义目录列表。

    8. If the plugin’s admin options page says that your .htaccess file is not writable, then you must manually update your .htaccess file with the changes it has made.

    9. 如果插件的管理选项页面上说您的.htaccess文件不可写,那么您必须使用所做的更改手动更新.htaccess文件。

      Go to the Settings -> Directory Listings admin options page and follow the instructions to update your .htaccess.

    10. 转到设置-> 目录列表管理选项页面,然后按照说明更新您的.htaccess。

    Note: If your .htaccess is not writable, then you must perform step 4 when activating or deactivating the plugin, and when updating the plugin’s options.


    Otherwise, step 4 is not necessary.


