[wordpress插件] AffiliateWP – Order Details For AffiliatesAffiliateWP –会员的订单详细信息

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-11 01:40 536 0 全屏看文






This plugin requires AffiliateWP It will NOT function without it.

此插件需要 AffiliateWP 没有它将无法运行。

This add-on adds a new area to the affiliate’s dashboard that allows a logged-in affiliate to see specific information about the order that their referral generated.


Currently it works with both Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce.

目前,它可与Easy Digital Downloads和WooCommerce一起使用。



    1. Affiliates can see order details for each referral they generated from their affiliate dashboard
    2. 会员可以查看他们从会员仪表板生成的每个推荐的订单详细信息

    3. Globally enable access to the order details for all affiliates
    4. 全局启用对所有会员的订单详细信息的访问

    5. Enable access on a per-affiliate level to the order details
    6. 在每个会员级别启用订单详细信息

    7. Send an email to the affiliate with the order details included
    8. 将包含订单详细信息的电子邮件发送给会员

    9. Disable specific information from showing to the affiliate
    10. 禁止向会员显示特定信息

    11. A [affiliate_order_details] shortcode for showing the order details on any WordPress page
    12. [affiliate_order_details]简码,用于显示任何WordPress页面上的订单详细信息

    The following details can be shown an affiliate who has access:


      1. Order Number
      2. 订单号

      3. Order Date
      4. 订购日期

      5. Order Total
      6. 订单总数

      7. Referral Amount
      8. 推荐金额

      9. Coupon Code Used
      10. 使用的优惠券代码

      11. Customer Name
      12. 客户名称

      13. Customer Email
      14. 客户电子邮件

      15. Customer Phone (only available in WooCommerce)
      16. 客户电话(仅在WooCommerce中可用)

      17. Customer Shipping Address (only available in WooCommerce)
      18. 客户收货地址(仅在WooCommerce中可用)

      19. Customer Billing Address (only available in WooCommerce)
      20. 客户帐单地址(仅在WooCommerce中可用)

      These can also be easily turned off via a simple filter (see FAQ tab).


      In addition to disabling the information that is shown, you can customize the layout by editing the dashboard-tab-order-details.php template file from your child theme.

      除了禁用显示的信息之外,您还可以通过编辑子主题的 dashboard-tab-order-details.php 模板文件来自定义布局。

      The affiliate will also be emailed these details at the time the referral was created.


      What is AffiliateWP?


      AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress

      AffiliateWP 为您的WordPress网站提供了完整的会员管理系统,该系统可与所有主要WordPress无缝集成

      e-commerce and membership platforms.


      It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.



    1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
    2. 将此插件zip文件的全部内容解压缩到本地的 wp-content / plugins / 文件夹中

    3. Upload to your site
    4. 上传到您的网站

    5. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP Admin plugin page)
    6. 导航到您网站上的 wp-admin / plugins.php (您的WP Admin插件页面)

    7. Activate this plugin
    8. 激活此插件

    OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and type this plugin’s name

    或者您可以直接通过WordPress >> Add New >>并输入此插件的名称来将其安装在WordPress中

    Then you allow access in one of two ways:


      1. Globally enable access for all affiliates.

      2. 全局启用所有会员的访问权限。

        This can be done via the “Allow Global Access To Order Details” checkbox located in Affiliates → Settings → Integrations.

      3. 可以通过会员→设置→集成中的“允许全局访问订单明细”复选框来完成此操作。

      4. Enable access on a per-affiliate level.

      5. 启用每个会员级别的访问权限。

        This can be done by editing an affiliate and enabling the “Order Details Access” checkbox located from Affiliates → Affiliates → Edit.

      6. 这可以通过编辑会员并启用会员→会员→编辑中的“订单详细信息访问”复选框来完成。

      Note: When there is global access, the checkbox on the edit affiliate screen is not shown.





