[wordpress插件] Aksh Mailchimp WidgetAksh Mailchimp小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-14 23:00 496 0 全屏看文






Aksh Mailchimp widget for wordpress to let your users sign up for MailChimp list.

用于Wordpress的Aksh Mailchimp小部件,可让您的用户注册MailChimp列表。

Add your MailChimp API key and List ID in Settings -> Aksh MailChimp thats it.

在设置-> Aksh MailChimp中添加您的MailChimp API密钥和列表ID。

You can also set whether to display NAME field or not, option to display form field name as lable or placeholder, option to enable sending confirmation email (MailChimp Double Opt-in) before register or not etc settings are there.

您还可以设置是否显示NAME字段,将表单字段名称显示为标签或占位符的选项,可以在注册之前发送确认电子邮件(MailChimp Double Opt-in)的选项,等等。

Aksh Mailchimp widget very easy to handle in widgets.

Aksh Mailchimp小部件非常易于在小部件中处理。

You can also add HTML texts before and/or after your mailchimp sign up form from widget.


All sign up form elements are css class name ready to easy style with your theme stylesheet.


In latest version now the form uses AJAX posting to submit form data to MailChimp.



    1. Unzip our archive and upload the aksh-mailchimpwidget directory (including all files within) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 解压缩我们的档案并将 aksh-mailchimpwidget 目录(包括其中的所有文件)上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的 Plugins 菜单激活插件

    5. Go to Settings and look for Aksh MailChimp in the menu
    6. 转到“设置”,然后在菜单中查找 Aksh MailChimp

    7. Enter your verified MailChimp API Key.
    8. 输入您已验证的MailChimp API密钥。

    9. Enter your MailChimp List ID.
    10. 输入您的MailChimp列表ID。

    11. Give form input field labels and Subscribe button text of your choice (Optional).
    12. 提供表单输入字段标签和您选择的“订阅”按钮文本(可选)。

    13. Hide/Show Name field in your MailChimp Sign Up form (Optional, default is display Name input field in sign up form).
    14. 您的MailChimp注册表单中的“隐藏/显示名称”字段(可选,默认为注册表单中的“显示名称”输入字段)。

    15. Option to show field labels as placeholder in input fields (Optional and default is to show labels in label HTML tag).
    16. 用于在输入字段中将字段标签显示为占位符的选项(可选,默认为在标签HTML标签中显示标签)。

    17. Option to enable/disable Double Opt-in to send confirmation email before register into MailChimp list (Default it is disable).
    18. 启用/禁用“双重加入”选项,以便在注册到MailChimp列表之前发送确认电子邮件(默认为禁用)。

    19. Go to Appearance->Widgets and drag the Aksh Mailchimp Signup widget into one of your Widget Area.
    20. 转到“外观”->“小部件”并将 Aksh Mailchimp注册小部件拖到您的小部件区域之一。




