[wordpress插件] Alternative List.ly shortcode plugin替代List.ly短代码插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 22:00 494 0 全屏看文



Alternative List.ly shortcode plugin contains


    • Easier embed of List.ly content.
    • 更容易嵌入List.ly内容。

    • Button “List.ly” within TinyMCE editor that outputs [listly_shortcode url=”” number_per_page_listly=”12″]
    • TinyMCE编辑器中的按钮“ List.ly”输出[listly_shortcode url =”” number_per_page_listly =” 12”]

    • The admin user can embed lists from List.ly simply by pasting the URL address of the list between “”
    • 管理员用户只需在“”之间粘贴列表的URL地址,即可从List.ly嵌入列表。

    • The admin user can easily set the number of items per page, by changing the default value of 12(or change the default value by editing shortcode.js file)
    • 通过更改默认值12(或通过编辑shortcode.js文件更改默认值),管理员用户可以轻松设置每页的项目数

    • The plugin doesn’t give option for choosing the type of display for the list(Gallery, Minimal, Magazine, List), neither for showing the header or the author.

    • 该插件没有提供选择列表显示类型(画廊,最小,杂志,列表)的选项,既不显示标题也不显示作者。

      These options are hardcored in the plugin.


      The type of display is set to Gallery and the other two options are disabled.

    • 显示类型设置为图库,其他两个选项被禁用。

    • A simple and documented filter that provide the functionality.
    • 提供功能的简单且经过记录的过滤器。


    1. Upload alternative-list-ly.zip onto your local computer.
    2. alternative-list-ly.zip 上载到本地计算机。

    3. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select Plugins >> Add New.
    4. 转到您的WordPress信息中心,然后选择插件>>添加新

    5. Click on the Upload option at the top and select the alternative-list-ly.zip file you just downloaded.
    6. 点击顶部的上传选项,然后选择您刚刚下载的 alternative-list-ly.zip文件

    7. Click on Install.
    8. 单击安装

    9. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    10. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    11. Within your TinyMCE editor click on List.ly text button and paste URL of List.ly list between “”
    12. 在TinyMCE编辑器中,单击List.ly文本按钮,然后将List.ly列表的URL粘贴在“”之间

