[wordpress插件] anyShare任何分享

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 08:50 535 0 全屏看文



anyShare 是专为中国用户设计制作的社会化网络分享纯绿色小插件,率先支持Retina 显示屏,安装简单无需任何配置和主题修改,卸载无任何数据库残留信息,插件启用后会在文章单

anyShare is a social network sharing pure green plug-in designed for Chinese users. It is the first to support Retina display. It is simple to install and does not require any configuration and theme modification. There is no database residual information after uninstalling.


At the bottom of the page, add some popular domestic social sharing buttons, such as: Tencent Weibo, Sina Weibo, Tencent Space, Kaixin.com, Renren.com, Baidu Search, Tencent Bookmark, and other popular domestic social sharing services. Hope everyone



目前国内已经有很多提供第三方收藏或者分享服务的工具和站点例如JiaThis AddThis bShare 等等,这些站点提供的插件虽然使用上非常方便但或许是出于数据统计和商业价值等原因,这些

At present, there are many tools and sites in the country that provide third-party collection or sharing services, such as JiaThis AddThis bShare, etc. Although the plug-ins provided by these sites are very convenient to use, they may be due to statistics and business value.


After the user clicks the button, the plug-in needs to jump to a third-party site first, or let the user daze to create a new page before continuing to share the content to the target. I personally don't like it.

于是我设计制作了 anyShare 插件与同类插件的区别是:完全原生接口支持、无需数据库、无需中转页面、无用户信息收集、无需加载任何第三方代码、安装简单卸载干净、绿色、轻巧、迅速!

So I designed and made anyShare plug-ins different from similar plug-ins: full native interface support, no database, no need to transfer pages, no user information collection, no need to load any third-party code, simple installation, clean uninstall, green, lightweight and fast!

目前插件还在不断开发完善之中,除了WordPress 以外anyShare 还提供Chrome 及drupal 平台插件支持,相关插件下载及任何问题可在我的博客页面反馈: http:/an.im/blog/

The plug-in is still under development. In addition to WordPress, anyShare also provides Chrome and drupal platform plug-in support. Download related plug-ins and any problems can be feedback on my blog page: http:/an.im/blog/

1302 谢谢支持!

1302 Thank you for your support!

本插件已开源托管于 GitHub: https://github.com/NanL/WordPressExt 大家随时可以提交修改请求及反馈。

This plugin is open source and hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/NanL/WordPressExt You can submit modification requests and feedback at any time.


直接在后台搜索 anyShare 在线安装启用即可,无需任何设置和代码修改!

Search directly in the background for anyShare online installation and activation, without any settings and code modifications!


Uninstalling is also easy, just delete it without any residue!

