[wordpress插件] App Reviews LITEApp评论LITE

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 23:30 499 0 全屏看文



App Reviews Plugin, the best way to highlight your iOS


app reviews within WordPress, is now available in its Lite form!


If you are an iOS app developer with a WordPress marketing site for your mobile app, you’ve experienced the hassle of copying/pasting reviews from the iOS App Store onto your site.

如果您是iOS应用程序开发人员,并且拥有用于移动应用程序的WordPress营销网站,则您会遇到从iOS App Store复制/粘贴评论到您的网站的麻烦。

Ratings and reviews give your app the social proof that it needs to convince others to download it, so it’s critical to show them on your marketing web site as well.


Stop the madness of finding, copying, and pasting reviews from the App Store onto your site – let the App Reviews plugin automatically display the latest reviews for you.

停止从App Store查找评论,将评论复制和粘贴到您的网站上的疯狂工作–让App Reviews插件自动为您显示最新评论。

5 minute setup, no maintenance required.


The App Reviews plugin gives you a shortcode to put to use on your WordPress marketing site.

App Reviews插件为您提供了一个短代码,可在WordPress营销网站上使用。

All you have to do is put in the app id from the iOS App Store, and the plugin will do the rest.

您所要做的只是将其放在iOS App Store中的应用程序ID中,其余的将由插件完成。

A flexible, responsive carousel will display on your site and show off your app’s ratings and reviews to everyone who comes to your site.


Never copy and paste reviews from the App Store again with the App Reviews plugin!

永远不要使用App Reviews插件再次从App Store复制和粘贴评论!

Note: This is the lite version of the App Reviews Plugin.

注意:这是App Reviews插件的精简版。

Want even more features and customization?


rel="friend nofollow">Click here to purchase the best plugin to highlight your iOS app reviews within WordPress!

rel =“ friend nofollow”>点击此处购买最佳插件,以突出显示您在WordPress中对iOS应用程序的评论!


    1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen
    2. 通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件

    3. Activate the plugin through the plugins screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的插件屏幕激活插件

    5. On a Post or a Page, enter the shortcode that the plugin uses.

    6. 在帖子或页面上,输入插件使用的简码。

      The shortcode is [appreviews]

    7. 简码是[appreviews]

    8. Locate the ID of the app that you want to show reviews for.

    9. 找到您要显示评论的应用程序的ID。

      For directions for how to find the ID, go to www.appreviewsplugin.com/support

    10. 有关如何查找ID的说明,请访问 www.appreviewsplugin.com/support

    11. Enter the ID into the shortcode in the \”appid\” attribute
    12. 在“ appid \”属性的短代码中输入ID

    13. A completed shortcode should look like: [appreviews appid=\”389894248\”]
    14. 完整的简码应类似于:[appreviews appid = \“ 389894248 \”]

