[wordpress插件] Article Directory文章目录

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-21 10:40 1124 0 全屏看文



Displays the structured list of categories (like in article directory), which can be easily customized with CSS.


Also allows authors to publish articles and change their profile bypassing the admin interface.


See the demo at Articlesss.com/demo/.

请参见 Articlesss.com/demo/ 上的演示。

Standard features for categories list:


    • Showing an amount of articles in parent and child categories.
    • 在父类别和子类别中显示一定数量的文章。

    • Showing a category description in link title.
    • 在链接标题中显示类别描述。

    • Showing the empty categories.
    • 显示空类别。

    • Using hierarchy for subcategories.
    • 将层次结构用于子类别。

    • Excluding a specified categories.
    • 不包括指定类别。

    Special features for categories list:


      • Simple and handy design using CSS.

      • 使用CSS的简便设计。

        The structure of categories is the multilevel list, which can be altered easily with CSS, as you need.


        The parent category have the

        container to mark it out with CSS as a parent.
      • 父类别具有


      • Parent category is showing amount of articles in subcategories.

      • 父类别显示子类别中的文章数量。

        The character also include the number of articles in this parent category.

      • 该字符还包括该父类别中的文章数。

      • Showing a specified amount of child categories (2nd level).
      • 显示指定数量的子类别(第二级)。

      • Showing a categories in specified amount of columns.
      • 在指定数量的列中显示类别。

      • Hiding all subcategories.
      • 隐藏所有子类别。

      • Adding an icons for each category in the list using CSS.
      • 使用CSS为列表中的每个类别添加图标。

      Additional features:


        • Authors can add articles and change their profile bypassing the admin interface.
        • 作者可以绕过管理界面添加文章并更改其个人资料。

        • Displaying the “Terms of article publication” on article submission page.
        • 在文章提交页面上显示“文章发表条款”。

        • Excluding the child categories articles from the parent categories archive pages.
        • 从父类别归档页面中排除子类别文章。

        • Ability to get an article source code.
        • 获得文章源代码的能力。


Attention: if you are using the plugin simultaneously with


rel="nofollow">Article Directory WordPress Theme, miss the 5, 6, 7 and 8.1 points of installation:

rel =“ nofollow”>文章目录WordPress主题,错过了5、6、7和8.1的安装点:

    1. Copy the article-directory folder in WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
    2. 在WordPress插件目录( / wp-content / plugins / )中复制 article-directory 文件夹。

    3. Activate the plugin through admin interface.
    4. 通过管理界面激活插件。

    5. Activate the “Membership (Anyone can register)” option on the “General Settings” page of admin area.
    6. 在管理区域的“常规设置” 页面上激活“会员资格(任何人都可以注册)” 选项。

    7. On the same page select “Author” or “Contributor” in the option “New User Default Role”.
    8. 在同一页面上的选项“新用户默认角色” 中选择“作者”或“贡献者”。

    9. Add the following code in the index.php file of your theme (or in another file in a place, where you want to display the categories list):

      在主题的 index.php 文件中(或您要显示类别列表的位置的另一个文件中)添加以下代码:

        <?php if(function_exists('article_directory'))article_directory(); 



    10. Add the following code in a place of your theme (for example, in sidebar.php), where you want to see the authorization form:


        <?php if(function_exists('article_directory_authorization_form'))article_directory_authorization_form(); 



    11. Add the following code in the header.php file before the tag:

      header.php 文件中的 标记之前添加以下代码:

      css“ media =” screen“ />

      / wp-content / plugins / article-directory / categories.css” type =“ text / css” media =“ screen” /



    12. Select a prefered interface for authors in corresponding option at the “Settings → Article Directory” page of admin area.

      在管理区域“设置→文章目录” 页上的相应选项中,为作者选择一个首选的界面。

      If you have selected the “Author panel”, then follow these subpoints:

      如果选择了“作者面板” ,请遵循以下子点:

        1. Create in directory with your theme a new PHP file, for example author-panel.php and paste the following code in it:

          在带有主题的目录中创建一个新的PHP文件,例如 author-panel.php ,并将以下代码粘贴到其中:



          / *

          Template Name: Author panel



          * /

          if (function_exists('article_directory_author_panel')) article_directory_author_panel();




        2. Create in admin area a new page and select the template “Author panel” in page attributes.


          Through this page authors will add new articles and change their profile.


          Access in admin area for authors will be forbidden.


        3. Specify ID of this page in corresponding option at the “Settings → Article Directory” page of admin area.

          在管理区域的“设置→文章目录” 页面的相应选项中指定此页面的ID。

      1. That’s all.


        If it’s necessary, you may customize other options of plugin.


      The plugin also lets you to display the list with the links to categories RSS feeds.


      To do this, you must:


        • Create a new page template.
        • 创建新页面模板

        • Add the following code:


            <?php $ rssfeeds = true; 



          <?php if(function_exists('article_directory'))article_directory();



        • Create a new page in the admin interface and select the created template in page attributes.


