[wordpress插件] AssetsMinify资产缩小

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 06:30 504 0 全屏看文



How many times have you wished to minify in a clean way all the stylesheets and scripts of a WordPress website?


AssetsMinify takes every CSS and JS asset included using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script(), merges and minifies them.

AssetsMinify将使用 wp_enqueue_style() wp_enqueue_script()包含的所有CSS和JS资产合并并缩小。

You can also use AssetsMinify to create your WP theme using Compass / Sass / Less without configuring any config.rb or that kind of stuff.

您也可以使用AssetsMinify使用Compass / Sass / Less创建WP主题,而无需配置任何 config.rb 这类东西

AssetsMinify is based on Assetic library.


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    1. Upload the assetsminify folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. assetsminify 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the AssetsMinify plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu within WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活AssetsMinify插件

    5. Set write permission to uploads directory.

    6. 设置对上载目录的写许可权。

      In most cases: chmod 777 wp-content/uploads/

    7. 在大多数情况下:chmod 777 wp-content / uploads /

    8. Configure the plugin by going to the Settings > AssetsMinify menu that appears in your admin menu: you can choose whether to use Compass to compile Sass files or not flagging “Use Compass” field.

      通过进入管理菜单中的 Settings> AssetsMinify 菜单,

    9. 配置插件:您可以选择是使用Compass编译Sass文件还是不标记“ Use Compass”字段。

      If you check the flag “Use Compass” you can also specify the Compass compiler’s path ( default is /usr/bin/compass ).

    10. 如果选中“使用指南针”标记,则还可以指定指南针编译器的路径(默认为/ usr / bin / compass)。

    11. Important!

    12. 重要!

      If you choose to use Compass, the PHP proc_open function has to be enabled

      如果您选择使用Compass,则必须启用 PHP proc_open函数

      from the server which the website relies on.

    13. 来自网站所依赖的服务器。

