[wordpress插件] Auphonic Importer音响进口商

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-23 06:50 528 0 全屏看文



This plugin for WordPress will read your productions on using the Auphonic service (via API) and pull the last 10 productions


into WordPress automatically.


It will create a post with enclosure, with the category you choose, and you have the option


to put them in Published, or Draft mode to allow edits and add pictures, etc…and then publish.


    • Title of the production from Auphonic will be the Title of your post in WordPress.
    • Auphonic的作品标题将是您在WordPress中的帖子标题。

    • The Summary (Description) of the Production in Auphonic will be the body of your WordPress post.
    • Auphonic产品的摘要(描述)将是您的WordPress帖子的正文。

    • Any Tags you put in your Auphonic preset or production will come over to WordPress as Tags.
    • 您在Auphonic预设中或制作中放置的任何标签都将作为标签移到WordPress。

    • This plugin only recognizes Productions from Auphonic that produce an url with a file type of mp3, mp4, and m4a.
    • 此插件仅识别来自Auphonic的Productions,该Productions产生的URL的文件类型为mp3,mp4和m4a。

    • If you are using Dropbox as a service in Auphonic to place your file for example, you may not get an url directly to your file and it therefore will not be imported.
    • 例如,如果您将Dropbox用作Auphonic中的服务来放置文件,则可能无法直接获得指向文件的url,因此不会将其导入。


    1. If you have not already, create an account on Auphonic’s Website
    2. 如果尚未创建帐户,请在 Auphonic的网站 上创建一个帐户

    3. To install, copy the plugin into your WordPress plugins folder.

    4. 要安装,请将插件复制到WordPress插件文件夹中。

      From the Admin->Plugins interface Activate it.

    5. 在Admin->插件界面中激活它。

    6. Go to the Auphonic Importer options page under Settings and Click the “Save Changes” button to finish the install.
    7. 转到“设置”下的“ Auphonic Importer”选项页面,然后单击“保存更改”按钮以完成安装。

    8. Return to the Auphonic Importer options page under Settings and fill out the required fields.

    9. 返回“设置”下的“ Auphonic Importer”选项页面,并填写必填字段。

      The Tag will be the corresponding Tag that you set in your Auphonic preset (See screen-shot below).


      The problem I was trying to solve was if you produce several podcasts through Auphonic the Tag would the filter for the productions intended for only this blog.


      In the example below ‘Podcast’ is used, change as needed.

    10. 在“播客”下面的示例中,根据需要进行更改。

    11. To do an hourly cron just call http://yourblog.com/?ai_update=yes (substitute ‘yes’ with the update password you choose) and pipe it to null.
    12. 要每小时执行一次计划,只需致电http://yourblog.com/?ai_update=yes(用您选择的更新密码替换“是”),然后将其输送为空。

