[wordpress插件] Banckle Chat闲聊

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-29 01:10 547 0 全屏看文



Being Collaborative and Social


Along with providing live support to your customers it also keeps you updated about your website visitor tracking and activity.


You can view the technical and demographical information of your visitors.


Get collaborative and social with your customers and make sure that they get the best customer service through Banckle Chat for WordPress Plugin.

与您的客户进行协作和社交,并确保通过Banckle Chat for WordPress插件获得最佳的客户服务。

Being Free


Configuring and integrating Banckle


Chat Plugin for WordPress is very easy.


It is a fun to use and is offered with best possible price�i.e.




Sign up for a Free Trial account with out any credit card or payment information, and enjoy complete access to


all Banckle Chat features.

所有 Banckle聊天功能

After the expiry of Free Trial period, if there is no paid plan subscription, Banckle automatically activates a Free


plan for your account.


The good news is that it does not have any expiry.


Feel free to check the plan comparison for more information.


Being Administrative


Banckle Chat gives you an advanced access to all the required administrative features to have productive, innovative and informed live customer support service.

Banckle Chat使您可以高级访问所有必需的管理功能,以提供高效,创新和知情的实时客户支持服务。

    • Departments: define new departments and assign users.
    • 部门:定义新部门并分配用户。

    • Widgets: define new widgets and integrate Banckle Chat on multiple websites with a single Banckle account.

    • 窗口小部件::定义新的窗口小部件,并使用单个Banckle帐户在多个网站上集成Banckle Chat。

      Customize them to meet your domestic requirements.


      Tweak the look and feel of your live chat icon appearance as well as that of chat dialogs, greet your customers with automated messages, configure the live chat invitation function to send proactive and automatic invitations and reach out to every potential customer.

    • 调整实时聊天图标外观以及聊天对话框的外观和感觉,为您的客户提供自动消息,配置实时聊天邀请功能以发送主动和自动邀请,并与每个潜在客户联系。

    • Multilingual Support: experience the live chat service in your own language.
    • 多语言支持:以您自己的语言体验实时聊天服务。

    • Live Translation: set up your language preference and let Banckle Chat bridge the communication gap between you and your visitors.
    • 实时翻译:设置您的语言偏好设置,并让Banckle Chat弥合您和访问者之间的沟通鸿沟。

    • Canned Messages: define pre-define chat messages to keep the communication with your customers, typo-free and lightning fast.
    • 罐头消息:定义预定义的聊天消息,以保持与客户的交流,无错字和闪电。

    • Offline Messages: view and manage the messages those were sent by your customers when you were offline.

    • 离线消息:查看和管理离线状态下客户发送的消息。

      Direct them to your own email account and set up an auto responder.


      Mark them with different status options to better communicate with your peers.

    • 使用不同的状态选项标记他们,以更好地与您的同行交流。

    • Chat Targeting: define new rules to automatically trigger actions in Banckle Chat based on user behavior and target your sales prospects.
    • 聊天目标定位:定义新规则,以根据用户行为自动触发Banckle Chat中的操作并定位您的销售前景。

    • Blocked IPs: view and manage the IPs those are banned to access your website.

    • 受阻IP::查看和管理被禁止访问您的网站的IP。

      You can also view which operator banned which IP and how long the IP is banned for.

    • 您还可以查看哪个运营商禁止了哪个IP,以及该IP被禁止了多长时间。

    • Marketplace Plugins: download cutting edge and value addition marketplace plugins to improve your overall live chat customer support experience.
    • 市场插件::下载最先进的增值市场插件,以改善整体实时聊天客户支持体验。

    • Customized Visitor Fields: define new fields to collect advanced information about your customers.
    • 自定义访问者字段::定义新字段以收集有关客户的高级信息。

    • Sound Alerts and Visual Notifications: change the settings for sound alerts.

    • 声音警报和视觉通知:更改声音警报的设置。

      Set up your own desktop visual notifications.

    • 设置自己的桌面视觉通知。

    Being Customizable


    Banckle Chat Plugin gives you full control over its customization.

    Banckle Chat插件可让您完全控制其自定义。

    You can customize the deployment details and notification messages.


    You may also access Banckle Chat app from right within your WordPress admin.

    您也可以从WordPress管理员中直接访问Banckle Chat应用。

    Various options are available for the placement of the Banckle Chat button on your website.


    You may choose to place it at any corner of the webpage.


    You may also choose to make it act like a widget that you can place on any widget area supported by your website's WordPress theme.

    -IntegrationasaWidget“ rel =” nofollow“>小工具,您可以将其放置在网站的WordPress主题支持的任何小部件区域中。

    Its never been more easier to configure.


    Being Informative


    Live support and communication is all about being informative about your website visitors.


    Where they are from?


    How many times they have visited your website?


    Which pages on your website are getting more hits?


    What are their machine and software specifications?


    Banckle Chat effectively takes care of your website visitor tracking and provides your visitors best customer support experience.


    It also provides you with a wide range of visitor statistics and reports in the form of intuitive Charts.


    Being Alternative


    Banckle Chat, as an application is a very affordable alternative to the Zopim, oLark, and LivePerson.

    Banckle Chat,作为一种应用程序,是Zopim,oLark和LivePerson的非常经济的替代方案。

    Its salient features make it an ideal substitute and most suitable replacement for all popular


    href="http://banckle.com/apps/chat/overview.html" rel="nofollow">Live Chat and Live Support applications.

    href =“ http://banckle.com/apps/chat/overview.html” rel =“ nofollow”>实时聊天和实时支持应用程序。

    Being Integrative


    This is just the tip of the ice-berg.


    Banckle is determined to reach out to every platform and application that means something to its users.


    Under the umbrella of Marketplace at Banckle, you can get tools for all sorts of CMS and other platforms


    > like Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, Magento, Shopify and many others.


    If your platform is not listed, please feel free to share with us


    > and we will get a widget/plugin ready for you to integrate Banckle Chat.

    >,我们将准备好一个小部件/插件来集成Banckle Chat。


    1. Extract all files from the banckle-live-chat-for-wordpress ZIP archive.
    2. wordpress的聊天室压缩文件中提取所有文件。

    3. Upload the extracted banckle-live-chat-for-wordpress folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    4. 将解压缩的 banckle-live-chat-for-wordpress 文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    5. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
    6. 通过WordPress中的插件菜单激活插件。

    7. Click the Banckle Chat menu option, under the Settings menu in the admin user interface.
    8. 在管理员用户界面的设置菜单下,点击聊天聊天菜单选项。

    9. Enter you Banckle Login Information and follow the Banckle Chat for WordPress Wizard.

      输入您的Banckle登录信息,然后按照 WordPress向导的Banckle聊天

      Note: Once you see the success message you can Sign into Banckle Apps

      注意::看到成功消息后,您可以登录 Banckle Apps

      and then go to the Banckle Chat to start chatting with your visitors through Banckle Chat Plugin.

      然后转到“密室聊天” ,开始通过“密室聊天插件”与您的访客聊天。

      For more information, please watch this video tutorial.


