[wordpress插件] BigCommerce Advance SearchBigCommerce进阶搜寻

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-02 00:30 591 0 全屏看文



BigCommerce Advance Search is Most powerful, professional and advance search engine for ::: BigCommerce For WordPress ::: store.

BigCommerce高级搜索是::: BigCommerce for WordPress :::商店中功能最强大,最专业,最高级的搜索引擎。

The search is presented as


live search and auto-complete search suggestion and the search result showing through Ajax.


So no page refresh…


We are currently working on a new functionality, adding soon.


Plugin Functionalities:


    1. Your store product search when you are using BigCommerce for WordPress plugin.
    2. 使用BigCommerce for WordPress插件时,您可以在商店中搜索商品。

    3. Most Lightweight, so your site have no speed issue and easily customizible.
    4. 最轻巧,因此您的网站没有速度问题,可以轻松自定义。

    5. Inbuilt ShortCode support, so no need of any devlopment knowledge just Copy and paste in your post or page.
    6. 内置的ShortCode支持,因此无需任何开发知识,只需复制并粘贴到您的帖子或页面中即可。

    7. Inbuilt widget support, just drag-drop to search your store.
    8. 内置的小部件支持,只需拖放即可搜索您的商店。

    9. Live and auto-complete search via ajax.
    10. 通过ajax实时自动完成搜索。

    11. No page refresh, so your search result shows a nicely interactive process.
    12. 没有页面刷新,因此您的搜索结果显示出很好的交互过程。

    13. Easy to install and use.
    14. 易于安装和使用。

    15. You can change look and feal by adding some css from back-end.

    16. 您可以通过从后端添加一些CSS来改变外观。

      No need of open code.

    17. 无需公开代码。

    18. A small settings page, for your help.
    19. 一个小的设置页面,为您提供帮助。

    20. We are adding additional more functionality to this plugin soon…
    21. 我们即将在此插件中添加其他更多功能……


Please follow there easy steps to install the plugin –


    1. Go to Plugins then Click on “Add New” Now you can Search Bigcommerce Advance Search And Install Now then Activate or click on Upload Plugin and “Upload “bc-advance-search.zip” to the “/wp-content/

    2. 转到插件,然后单击“添加新”,现在您可以搜索Bigcommerce高级搜索并立即安装,然后激活或单击上载插件,然后将“ bc-advance-search.zip”上传到“ / wp-content /

      plugins/” directory and extract it.

      plugins /”目录并将其解压缩。

      And you can upload bc-advance-search foldes via ftp also.

    3. 您还可以通过ftp上传bc-advance-search文件夹。

    4. If not activated plugin, Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
    5. 如果未激活插件,请通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活该插件。

    6. Now, you will see a menu “BC Search” in admin panel, click on it for small settings.
    7. 现在,您将在管理面板中看到一个菜单“ BC Search”,点击该菜单进行小的设置。

    8. Use shortcode in any post/page or template.

    9. 在任何帖子/页面或模板中使用简码。

      You can use as widget also.

    10. 您还可以将其用作小部件。

    11. Get all functionalities of the plugin, Enjoy…
    12. 获取插件的所有功能,尽情享受...





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