[wordpress插件] Prime Slider – Addons For ElementorPrime Slider – Elementor附加组件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-02 06:20 633 0 全屏看文



An out of the box slider, Prime slider comes with modern and trendy design feature and ready to go options.

一个开箱即用的滑块 Prime滑块具有现代和时尚的设计功能,可以随时使用。

Based on Elementor Page Builder, this is a drag and drop slider with lots of variation.

基于 Elementor Page Builder ,这是一个具有多种变化的拖放滑块。

Prime Slider for Elementor has been developed with world's best practice code standard and meets proper validation using the latest CSS, HTML5 and PHP 7.x technologies to bring you a professional level slider for Elementor Page Builder Plugin that is WordPress 5.2x ready.

Prime Slider for Elementor已使用世界上最佳实践的代码标准开发,并使用最新的CSS,HTML5和PHP 7.x技术满足了正确的验证,从而为您提供了适用于WordPress 5.2x的Elementor Page Builder插件的专业级滑块。



Fully responsive unique hero come slider & all type of device responsive ready each slide.


We follow latest trendy design with social share button, title, sub title and background.


Also another great part is you can manage your logo, menu, offcanvas etc in one place.


Very easy to use and user friendly designs.


Everything is done by us, you just have to edit the design that we pre made in our prime slider.


Within few clicks your site will be a wow website.


It’s also multilingual ready.


Widget Demos


Free For Lifetime


    1. General – Base – General slider comes with some uniue features.

    2. 常规–基本 –常规滑块具有一些独特的功能。

      We focused on visitors need.


      Make them comfortable with the more organized content.

    3. 使他们对内容更井井有条感到满意。

    4. Isolate – Base – Feature your product or services – Isolate slider is the perfect choice.

    5. 隔离–基本 –展示您的产品或服务–隔离滑块是理想的选择。

      Add your related media files with heading and call to action button can increase you conversion rate.


    6. Blog – Base – Sometimes you need your blog post to show on hero section

    7. 博客–基础 –有时您需要在英雄部分显示博客文章

      to increase your visitors make more engage.

    8. 增加访客的吸引力。

    9. WooCommerce – Base – If you want a cool look WooCommerce based website homepage so you must use our

    10. WooCommerce –基础 –如果您希望基于WooCommerce的网站首页看起来很酷,那么您必须使用我们的

      prime slider WooCommerce widget.

    11. 主要滑块WooCommerce小部件。

    Pro Version


      1. Custom Slider – Widget – You can make any design by this slider.

      2. 自定义滑块–小部件 –您可以使用此滑块进行任何设计。

        Create your template then select in the custom slider that’s it.

      3. 创建您的模板,然后在其自定义滑块中进行选择。

      4. Flogia Slider – Widget – You can make brand new blogging slider with this widget.

      5. Flogia滑块–小部件 –您可以使用此小部件制作全新的博客滑块。

        it’s support post query so you can show your post by query.

      6. 它支持帖子查询,因此您可以按查询显示帖子。

      7. Meteor – Skin – Same like general slider, meteor slider also consist

      8. 流星–皮肤 –与普通滑块一样,流星滑块也包括

        of unique features.


        The layout is different and also the navigation placement is different.

      9. 布局不同,导航位置也不同。

      10. Crelly – Skin – Simplicity gives crelly slider a aweso0me looks.<

      11. Crelly –皮肤 –简单性给crelly滑块带来了令人敬畏的外观。

        br />

        br />

        social share buttons, slider number and navigation with heading and sub heading is the key feature.


      12. Slide – Skin – To focus you key slogan, slide general slider

      13. 幻灯片–皮肤 –要突出关键口号,请滑动通用滑块

        is the exactly awesome slider for your website.


        Mainly its background color shapes makes this slider an awesome extra feature that can add more values to your content.

      14. 主要是它的背景颜色形状使此滑块成为了一个很棒的额外功能,可以为您的内容添加更多值。

      15. Locate – Skin – Another clean slider with trendy design style.

      16. 找到–皮肤 –另一个具有时尚设计风格的干净滑块。

        With a background box to highlight the media files to focus more.

      17. 带有一个背景框以突出显示媒体文件以使焦点更多。

      18. Slice – Skin – Very very unique design with new ideas to feature

      19. 切片–皮肤 –非常独特的设计,具有新颖的构思

        your service or product or tag line.Three different part background color gives this slider a more dynamic way to design hero section with Prime slider.

      20. 您的服务,产品或标签行。三种不同的零件背景颜色为该滑块提供了一种更加动态的方式,以使用Prime滑块设计英雄部分。

      21. Coral – Skin – Show your blog post more the any other websites

      22. 珊瑚–皮肤 –显示您博客文章的其他网站更多

        on the internet.

      23. 在互联网上。

      24. Folio – Skin – Simple slider with post title, and the author

      25. 作品集–皮肤 –具有帖子标题的简单滑块和作者



        This is way minimal design with simple effect.


      26. Zinest – Skin – Blog post slider with post thumbnail, post title

      27. Zinest –皮肤 –带有帖子缩略图,帖子标题的博客帖子滑块

        and excerpt options with navigation and other basic prime slider – we named it zinest slider.

      28. 和摘录选项以及导航和其他基本的主滑块–我们将其命名为zinest滑块。


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.




    1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. plugin-name.php 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

