[wordpress插件] Benchmark Email Lite基准电子邮件精简版

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-03 04:30 626 0 全屏看文




What is Benchmark Email Lite?

什么是Benchmark Email Lite?

Benchmark Email Lite is a WordPress plugin that saves you time by giving you access to your email marketing account directly in your WordPress dashboard.

Benchmark Email Lite是一个WordPress插件,可让您直接在WordPress仪表板中访问电子邮件营销帐户,从而节省了时间。

    • Easily convert blog posts into email campaigns to increase the reach of your content
    • 轻松地将博客文章转换为电子邮件活动,以增加内容的覆盖范围

    • Turn site visitors into subscribers by creating signup forms and pop-up modals that will automatically adapt to your WordPress theme
    • 通过创建可自动适应您的WordPress主题的注册表单和弹出模式,将网站访问者转变为订阅者

    • Streamline your workflows by creating and scheduling any email campaign directly from your WordPress dashboard
    • 通过直接从WordPress仪表板创建和安排任何电子邮件活动来简化工作流程

    Send More Targeted Email Campaigns with Website Tracking


    When you install Benchmark Email Lite on your WordPress site, it will automatically install the Automation Pro website tracker.

    在WordPress网站上安装Benchmark Email Lite时,它将自动安装Automation Pro网站跟踪器。

      • Follow-up with email campaigns based on the products, services or content that subscribers viewed on your website
      • 根据订阅者在您的网站上查看的产品,服务或内容,跟踪电子邮件活动

      • Boost your sales by automating emails that further convince a subscriber of the value of a product or service they showed interest in by visiting a page on your site
      • 通过自动化电子邮件提高销售量,这些电子邮件进一步使订户相信他们通过访问您网站上的页面感兴趣的产品或服务的价值

      • A site visitor viewing a specific page can trigger an email with additional information on a product or service
      • 查看特定页面的网站访问者可以触发一封包含有关产品或服务的其他信息的电子邮件

      Access Your Whole Email Marketing Account from Your WordPress Dashboard


      Say goodbye to at least one extra tab on your browser.


        • Discover the blog content that is most popular with your subscribers by viewing your open and click reports directly in your WordPress dashboard—then create more content just like it!
        • 通过直接在WordPress仪表板中查看打开并单击报告来发现最受订阅者欢迎的博客内容,然后再创建更多内容!

        • Create content and promote it all from the same place
        • 创建内容并在同一地点进行推广

        Easily Grow Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset: Your Email List


        No coding necessary!


        With the Benchmark Email Lite plugin, you can quickly and easily place a signup form anywhere you want on your site.

        有了Benchmark Email Lite插件,您可以快速轻松地将注册表单放置在网站上的任何位置。

        It’s also super simple to customize your forms.



Update Instructions


    1. Click to have the Plugin updated.
    2. 单击以更新插件。

    3. Click Benchmark Email Lite on the administration sidebar menu.

    4. 在管理侧边栏菜单上单击Benchmark Email Lite。

      Click the Settings tab.


      Check to ensure that you are properly connected.

    5. 检查以确保您已正确连接。

    6. Navigate to Appearance, Widgets.

    7. 导航到外观,小部件。

      Expand the Widget options for any existing sign-up form widgets.


      Verify that the settings are all correct.


      Click Save when you’re all done.

    8. 完成后,点击保存。

    New Automatic Installation


      1. Log in to your blog and go to the Plugins page.
      2. 登录到博客,然后转到“插件”页面。

      3. Click Add New button.
      4. 点击添加新按钮。

      5. Search for Benchmark Email Lite.
      6. 搜索Benchmark Email Lite。

      7. Click Install Now link.
      8. 点击立即安装链接。

      9. (sometimes required) Enter your FTP or FTPS username and password, as provided by your web host.
      10. (有时需要)输入Web主机提供的FTP或FTPS用户名和密码。

      11. Click Activate Plugin link.
      12. 单击“激活插件”链接。

      13. If you are creating a new Benchmark Email account, please use the link https

      14. 如果您要创建新的基准电子邮件帐户,请使用链接https


      15. ://www.benchmarkemail.com?p = 68907 。

      16. Click on the Benchmark menu item to connect the plugin to your Benchmark account.
      17. 单击“基准”菜单项,以将插件连接到您的基准帐户。

      New Manual Installation


        1. Download the Plugin and un-zip it.
        2. 下载插件并解压缩。

        3. Upload the benchmark-email-lite folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
        4. benchmark-email-lite 文件夹上载到您的 wp-content / plugins / 目录。

        5. Activate the Plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
        6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

        7. If you are creating a new Benchmark Email account, please use the link https

        8. 如果您要创建新的基准电子邮件帐户,请使用链接https


        9. ://www.benchmarkemail.com?p = 68907 。

        10. Click on the Benchmark menu item to connect the plugin to your Benchmark account.
        11. 单击“基准”菜单项,以将插件连接到您的基准帐户。





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