[wordpress插件] BIG FISH Payment Gateway for WooCommerce用于WooCommerce的BIG FISH付款网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 23:50 465 0 全屏看文



BIG FISH Payment Gateway system provides more different payment solutions for webshops, where all the payment methods of the webshop can be managed in one place.

BIG FISH付款网关系统为网上商店提供了更多不同的付款解决方案,其中网上商店的所有付款方式都可以在一个地方进行管理。

The appearance of the user side of our module is simple and clear, the task of the customer is only to choose the most convenient payment method and to provide transaction data on the landing page of the bank / payment service provider reached through the module's safe gateway



Configuration of the module is very simple, anyone is able to treat the interface.


Administrators can find payment method settings and general settings by clicking on WooCommerce / Settings / Checkout and then on the name of the relevant payment method or the module.

管理员可以通过单击WooCommerce /设置/结帐,然后单击相关付款方式或模块的名称来找到付款方式设置和常规设置。

At general settings of the module administrators can set up or modify the name of the webshop in the BIG FISH Payment Gateway system (“Store name”) and the API key (“API key”) that is required for the authentication.

在模块的常规设置下,管理员可以设置或修改BIG FISH付款网关系统中网店的名称(“商店名称”)以及身份验证所需的API密钥(“ API密钥”)。

If administrators want to shift the module to test or live operation, they can do it by switching “Test mode” (“Yes” or “No”).


In the list of available banks or payment service providers (“Available providers”) administrators can see all of our partners whose solutions can be implemented into your webshop by our module.


Every payment method of the merchant’s BIG FISH Payment Gateway account can be configured in the module separately.

商家的BIG FISH付款网关帐户的每种付款方式都可以在模块中分别配置。

An administrator can set up each payment methods to test or live status and provide the names appeared on the page of the payment method (“Display name”).


If the payment method supports both immediate and delayed payments “two steps payments” this option (“Authorisation”) can be configured in the module (“Immediate” or “Later”).


In the case of setting two steps payment method, you will always need to provide “Encrypt public key”.


BIG FISH Payment Gateway module can solve rapid exchange of information between the webshop and the banks/payment service providers, so the administrator can see the system messages related to a transaction of a specific order in real time (in “Order Notes”

BIG FISH付款网关模块可以解决网上商店与银行/付款服务提供商之间的快速信息交换,因此管理员可以实时查看与特定订单交易相关的系统消息(在“订单注释”中)

boksz) and the status of the payment of each order.


The status of orders (transactions) can be:


    • started (“Pending payment”),
    • 开始(“待付款”)

    • in progress (“Processing”),
    • 进行中(“处理中”),

    • on hold (“On hold”),
    • 保留(“保留”)

    • finished/authorised (“Completed”),
    • 完成/授权(“完成”)

    • cancelled (“Cancelled”),
    • 已取消(“已取消”)

    • refunded (“Refunded”) and
    • 已退款(“已退款”)和

    • Failed (“Failed”).
    • 失败(“失败”)。

    Approval of two steps payment transactions can be set by switching the status of the payment to “Completed” or “Cancelled”.



Automatic installation


    1. Log in WordPress Admin site.
    2. 登录WordPress管理站点。

    3. Choose “Plugins > Add New” option from menu on the left side of the page.
    4. 从页面左侧的菜单中选择“插件>添加新项”。

    5. To “Search Plugins” box please write “BIG FISH Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” and press Enter.
    6. 要在“搜索插件”框中输入“用于WooCommerce的BIG FISH付款网关”,然后按Enter。

    7. There you will find “BIG FISH Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” plugin.

    8. 您将找到“用于WooCommerce的BIG FISH付款网关”插件。

      Click on “Install Now” for installation.

    9. 单击“立即安装”进行安装。

    Manual installation


      1. Load BIG FISH Payment Gateway plugin in zip format.
      2. 以zip格式加载BIG FISH Payment Gateway插件。

      3. Log in WordPress Admin site.
      4. 登录WordPress管理站点。

      5. Choose “Plugins > Add New” option from menu on the left side.
      6. 从左侧菜单中选择“插件>添加新项”。

      7. Click on “Upload Plugin” and choose BIG FISH Payment Gateway plugin zip file.
      8. 单击“上传插件”,然后选择BIG FISH Payment Gateway插件zip文件。

      9. Then click on “OK” button and press “Install Now”.
      10. 然后单击“确定”按钮,然后按“立即安装”。



        • After successful installation please activate the plugin by pressing “Activate Plugin” button.
        • 安装成功后,请按“激活插件”按钮激活插件。

        • Please select “WooCommerce > Settings” option from menu on the left side and click on “Checkout” tab.
        • 请从左侧菜单中选择“ WooCommerce>设置”选项,然后单击“结帐”标签。

        • You can configurate plugin at “BIG FISH Payment Gateway” option.
        • 您可以在“ BIG FISH付款网关”选项中配置插件。

