[wordpress插件] AceIDE乙交酯

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-26 00:40 585 0 全屏看文






AceIDE is a WordPress code editor with the long term goal of becoming the ultimate environment to code/develop WordPress themes and plugins.


You can edit any files in your wp-content, not just plugins and themes.


Code completion will help you remember your WordPress/PHP commands providing function reference along the way.

代码完成将帮助您记住WordPress / PHP命令,并在此过程中提供功能参考。

AceIDE allows you to work with multiple files, with basic features such as the tabbed editor, syntax highlighting and line numbers.


It also provides some more advanced features such as syntax verification and automatic backups upon saving.


Contributions and feedback is encouraged!


If you find an issue, please let us know via the WordPress support forums, or the GitHub issue tracker.


Code contributions are welcomed as a pull request to our GitHub repo.


This plugin would not be possible without the Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor which is the embedded code editor that powers much of the functionality.

没有Ajax.org Cloud9编辑器,该插件将无法使用。Ajax.orgCloud9编辑器是支持许多功能的嵌入式代码编辑器。

This plugin performs best in the Chrome web browser.


Current Features:


    • Syntax highlighting
    • 语法突出显示

    • PHP syntax checking before saving to disk to try and banish white screen of death after uploading invalid PHP
    • 保存到磁盘之前进行PHP语法检查,以尝试消除上传无效PHP后的白屏死机

    • Line numbers
    • 行号

    • Find+replace
    • 查找+替换

    • Code autocomplete for WordPress and PHP functions along with function description, arguments and return value where applicable
    • 适用于WordPress和PHP函数的代码自动完成以及函数说明,参数和返回值(如果适用)

    • Colour assist – a colour picker that only shows once you double click a hex colour code in the editor.

    • 颜色辅助–一个颜色选择器,仅在双击编辑器中的十六进制颜色代码后才显示。

      You can also drag your own image into the colour picker to use instead of the default swatch (see other notes for info).

    • 您还可以将自己的图像拖到颜色选择器中,以代替默认色板使用(有关信息,请参阅其他说明)。

    • Automatic backup of every file you edit.

    • 自动备份您编辑的每个文件。

      (one daily backup and one hourly backup of each file stored in plugins/AceIDE/backups/filepath)

    • (存储在plugins / AceIDE / backups / filepath中的每个文件的每日备份和每小时备份)

    • File tree allowing you to access and edit any file in your wp-content folder (plugins, themes, uploads etc)
    • 文件树使您可以访问和编辑wp-content文件夹中的任何文件(插件,主题,上传等)

    • Use the file browser to rename, delete, download, zip and unzip files (so you can download a zipped version of your whole theme for example)
    • 使用文件浏览器重命名,删除,下载,压缩和解压缩文件(例如,您可以下载整个主题的压缩版本)

    • Create new files and directories
    • 创建新文件和目录

    • Highlight matching parentheses
    • 突出显示匹配括号

    • Code folding
    • 代码折叠

    • Auto indentation
    • 自动缩进

    • Tabbed interface for editing multiple files (editing both plugin and theme files at the same time)
    • 标签化的界面,用于编辑多个文件(同时编辑插件和主题文件)

    • Using the WordPress filesystem API, although currently direct access is forced (edit AceIDE.php in the constructor to change this behaviour) ftp/ssh connections aren't setup yet, since WP will not remember a password need to work out how

    • 使用WordPress文件系统API,尽管当前已强制进行直接访问(在构造函数中编辑AceIDE.php来更改此行为),但尚未设置ftp / ssh连接,因为WP不会记住密码,需要确定密码

      that will work.


      Maybe use modal to request password when you save but be able to click save all and save a batch with that password.


      Passwords defined in wp-config.php are persistent and would fix this problem but people don’t generally add those details.


      Open to ideas here.

    • 在这里开放想法。

    • Image editing/drawing
    • 图像编辑/绘图

    • WordPress Multisite support
    • WordPress多站点支持

    Future Ideas:


      • Improve the code autocomplete command information, providing more information on the commands, adding links through to the WordPress codex and PHP.net website for further info.
      • 改善代码自动完成命令信息,提供有关命令的更多信息,添加指向WordPress Codex和PHP.net网站的链接以获取更多信息。

      • Create an admin panel to choose between syntax highlighting themes and turn on/off other Ajax.org Cloud9 functionality
      • 创建一个管理面板,以在语法突出显示主题之间进行选择,以及打开/关闭其他Ajax.org Cloud9功能

      • Better automated file backup process
      • 更好的自动文件备份过程

      • Templates/shortcuts for frequently used code snippets, maybe even with an interface to accept variables that could be injected into code snippet templates.
      • 常用代码段的模板/快捷方式,甚至可以使用一个接口来接受可以注入代码段模板的变量。

      • Integration with version control systems such as Git
      • 与版本控制系统(如Git)集成



      AceIDE would not be the powerful tool it is without your contributions.


      Community contributions are essential to ensure the continued development of the editor.


      As with most plugins, AceIDE is open source.


      For issue tracking, further information and anyone wishing to get involved and help contribute to this project can do so over on GitHub.


      AceIDE on GitHub: https://github.com/AceIDE/editor/


      Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before submitting a pull request.



    1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins Menu, OR upload and unzip to wp-content/plugins.
    2. 通过WordPress插件菜单安装插件,或者上传并解压缩到wp-content / plugins。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Access AceIDE by clicking the AceIDE menu item in your main administration menu
    6. 通过单击主管理菜单中的AceIDE菜单项访问AceIDE




