[wordpress插件] Block Editor by Businessbox.com.auBusinessbox.com.au的块编辑器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-06 14:00 494 0 全屏看文



A standard WordPress page comes with only one block editor and positioning your content reveals to be difficult without Html coding.


With Block Editor wordpress plugin, you will be able to slice the page into multiple blocks and position your website content in specific locations in the page without having to write any Html code in the editable block.

使用“块编辑器” wordpress插件,您可以将页面切成多个块,并将网站内容放置在页面中的特定位置,而无需在可编辑块中编写任何HTML代码。

Further Reading


For more info, please visit the links below:



    1. Download and upload the plugin files in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your wordpress website
    2. 在您的wordpress网站的/ wp-content / plugins /目录中下载并上传插件文件

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Edit the template file of the page where you want to add an editable region.
    6. 编辑要在其中添加可编辑区域的页面的模板文件。

    7. Place ‘‘ where you would like the content to appear.

    8. 将“ <?php be_add_editable_block(“ name_of_region”)?> '放置在您希望内容出现的位置。

      The name of the region should be unique per page.

    9. 每页的区域名称应该唯一。

    10. Open your website at the page where you just added an editable region or refresh it if already opened.

    11. 在您刚刚添加了可编辑区域的页面上打开您的网站,如果已经打开,请刷新它。

      This action make sure the region is registered in the admin dashboard.

    12. 此操作确保该区域已在管理控制台中注册。

    13. Edit the page through the admin dashboard.

    14. 通过管理控制台编辑页面。

      Above the edition area, there should be at least one tab for the main region “Main Content”, plus the other additional regions that have been created as explained above.

    15. 在版本区域上方,至少应有一个用于主区域“主要内容”的选项卡,以及如上所述已创建的其他附加区域。

    16. Click on the tab where you want to add some new content.
    17. 单击要在其中添加一些新内容的选项卡。

    18. Add the content.
    19. 添加内容。

    20. Save and update the page.
    21. 保存并更新页面。

    22. Go back to your website.

    23. 返回您的网站。

      You should be able to see your additional content.

    24. 您应该能够看到自己的其他内容。

