[wordpress插件] blueCounterWidgetblueCounterWidget

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-07 22:40 415 0 全屏看文



Create a widget for blueCounter. It can display total, today, yesterday counter.

Create a widget for blueCounter. It can display total, today, yesterday counter.

blueCounterWidget은 총 방문자, 오늘 방문자, 어제 방문자를 위젯을 통해 보여주는 간단한 위젯 플러그인입니다.

blueCounterWidget 은 총 방문자, 오늘 방문자, 어제 방문자 를 위젯 을 통해 보여주는 간단한 위젯 플러그인 입니다.


blueCounterWidget は 総 visitors, visitors of today, visitors of yesterday, see で 简 せ る ッ ト プ ラ グ イ ン で す.

这Plug-In就是WordPress Counter Widget Plug-in.基本上通过核对当日IP重复counting ,会显示昨天,今天的总访客. 该Plug-In是很简单的.不用复杂的设定.你在

This Plug-In is the WordPress Counter Widget Plug-in. Basically by repeating the IP counting on the day, the total visitors of yesterday and today will be displayed. The Plug-In is very simple. No complicated settings are required.

widget菜单里可以指定widget的font颜色, 外围颜色,背景颜色等.

The widget menu can specify the widget's font color, peripheral color, background color, etc.


To install the plugin to the following steps

To install the plugin to the following steps

    1. Download blueCounterWidget and install it
    2. Download blueCounterWidget and install it

    3. Unzip the zip-file and upload the content to your WordPress Plugin directory.
    4. Unzip the zip-file and upload the content to your WordPress Plugin directory.

    5. Activiate the plugin via the admin plugin page.
    6. Activate the plugin via the admin plugin page.

    7. Go to the widget page and add it to your sidebar.

    8. Go to the widget page and add it to your sidebar.

      Don’t forget to set the title via the widget control panel

    9. Do n’t forget to set the title via the widget control panel

    플러그인을 설치하기 위해서는 아래와 같이 순서대로 진행하시면 됩니다.

    To install the plug-in, proceed as follows.

      1. blueCounterWidget을 다운로드 받습니다.
      2. Download blueCounterWidget.

      3. 다운로드 받은 플러그인을 워드프레스의 플러그인 디렉토리에서 압축을 풉니다.
      4. Unzip the downloaded plug-in from the WordPress plug-in directory.

      5. 관리자 페이지의 플러그인 설정에서 blueCounterWidget을 활성화 시킵니다.
      6. Enable blueCounterWidget in the plugin settings of the admin page.

      7. 관리자 페이지의 위젯 설정으로 이동한뒤 blueCounterWidget을 추가 합니다.
      8. Go to Widget Settings on the admin page and add blueCounterWidget.


      Plague's working together.


      1.blueCounterWidget using the local code.


      2.Double-type double-ply-shaped double-ply-shaped double-trilled solution.

      3.管理ページのプラグインの設定で blueCounterWidgetを活性化させます.

      3.Kitty Blue Flag Inner Code BlueCounterWidget Using Activity.

      4.管理ページのウィゼット設定に移動した後 blueCounterWidgetを追加します.

      4. 管理 ペ ジ ョ ウ ッ ト 設定 に 移動 し た 後 blueCounterWidget を 追加 し ま す.

        1. 首先下载 WordPress Plug-In 之后复制到directory.
        2. 首先 下载 WordPress Plug-In 之后 复制 到 directory.

        3. 解一下 Plug-in 的压缩.
        4. 解 一下 Plug-in 的 压缩.

        5. 在管理者网页的 Plug-in 设定里使 bluecounterwidget 激活.
        6. 在 管理者 网页 的 Plug-in 设定 里 使 bluecounterwidget 激活.

        7. 在管理者网页的 Widget 设定里追加 bluecounterwidget.
        8. 在 管理者 网页 的 Widget 设定 里 追加 bluecounterwidget.





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