[wordpress插件] Book a Room预定一个房间

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 19:30 465 0 全屏看文





A recent update requires you to add delimiters to your regex.


Please check your Locale settings and make sure your phone and zip regex have a slash / at the start and end.**


Note: You need the Book a Room Event Calendar plugin to view


the Event Calendar.


Backup before updating to 2.0 and above.


Commercial event calendars can be expensive, confusing for both staff and patrons, and are generally developed with businesses, not libraries, in mind.


We wanted to develop a system that is designed for libraries!


The meeting room system we developed and use was designed in-house by our marketing team and coded by our staff developer over the course of about a year.


It has improved our workflow, lessened staff stress and frustration, minimized mistakes, and has made our staff and patron’s experience a better and more pleasant one.


Here are a few things we thought about in tackling this project:


    • Time

    • 时间

        • Whether you're spending your precious off-the-floor time trying to make sense of yesterday's meeting room requests, trying to contact today's reservations after the power (and internet) went out, or are helping a patron sign up over the

        • 您是在度过宝贵的非工作时间,以了解昨天的会议室请求,还是在断电(和互联网)后尝试与今天的预订联系,还是在帮助顾客注册

          phone, any unnecessary or excessive time spent dealing with your meeting room system is time away from your other patrons.


          We started fresh and looked at what we needed as a multiple-branch library system instead of trying to make a cure-all for every situation.


          Because of this, we were able to simplify our workflow by saving time on managing requests.


          We also simplified the public forms so that staff spends little to no time handling the questions and problems that a more complex system can create.

        • 我们还简化了公共形式,以便员工花费很少甚至没有时间来处理更复杂的系统可能产生的问题。

      • Price

      • 价格

          • Since the setup and yearly fees of commercial systems can cost tens of thousands of dollars, we wanted to develop our own system that would be free (outside of our developer’s time).

          • 由于商业系统的安装和年费可能要花费数万美元,因此我们希望开发自己的免费系统(在开发人员的时间之外)。

            We knew from the start that if we could get it to work we wanted to share it with other libraries (or anyone interested) by making it open source and submitting it to the Word Press plugin repository, once we felt we had a finished project.

            我们从一开始就知道,如果我们能够使它工作,那么我们希望通过将其开源并提交给Word Press插件存储库,与其他库(或感兴趣的任何人)共享它,一旦我们觉得我们已经完成了项目。

            We wanted to make sure that it would be easy to set up, simple to use, and provide a few workflow optimizations to save staff time.


            Our choice of platform had to be WordPress, an open source and free blogging platform that is one of the most used platforms available;


            it has a vast amount of plugins, tutorials, themes, and technical support forums available for free online.


            They also have a great online reference for plugin coding that is always up to date.

          • 他们还提供了最新的插件编码在线参考,

        • Bells and/or Whistles

        • 铃声和/或口哨声

            • Since we had used other systems for years, we had grown to know what had been causing the bottlenecks in our workflow.

            • 由于我们使用其他系统已有多年,因此我们逐渐了解了导致工作流程瓶颈的原因。

              We made the public forms easier so staff spend almost no time answering customer questions or fixing mistakes.


              We simplified the management so that creating, approving, and editing reservations and events is more intuitive.


              Since it’s a WordPress plugin, it uses your own user accounts and doesn’t need to be themed separately from your site.


              In addition to simplifying our forms, management console, and installation, we added some things that would save addition time, as well as help during a crisis.


              Daily meetings can be pulled up instantly by date and printed or emailed directly from the page with one click.


              Lists of contact information for any day’s reservations can be pulled up and printed by date quickly and easily.


              Our forms have error checking that displays the error messages prominently and in English, not error codes.


              You can even quickly print out room signs that you can tape to your doors.

            • 您甚至可以快速打印出可以粘贴到门上的房间标志。


Installation requires a few, simple steps after you have initially installed the plugin.


You can configure further but these are the simplest things you can do to get things running.


    • Create a page for Reservations and a page for the Event Calendar.

    • 创建用于预订的页面和用于事件日历的页面。

        • On the Meeting Room Page, the content should be the shortcode [meetingRooms]
        • 在会议室页面上,内容应为短代码 [meetingRooms]

        • On the Event Calendar (which can run on another sub-domain), use the shortcode [showCalendar]
        • 在事件日历(可以在另一个子域上运行)上,使用简码 [showCalendar]

      • Enter the page URLS.

      • 输入页面URL。

          • Go to Meeting Room Settings > Settings.
          • 转到会议室设置>设置

          • Add the URL for your Meeting Room page and Event Calendar pages in the appropriate boxes.
          • 在相应的框中添加“会议室”页面和“活动日历”页面的URL。

          • Add everything after your site’s URL including a trailing and leading slash.

          • 在网站的网址后添加所有内容,包括斜杠和前导斜杠。

            For instance, if your Meeting Room page is http://meetings.heightslibrary.orgeserve-a-meeting-room/, then you would enter eserve-a-meeting-room

            例如,如果您的“会议室”页面为 http://meetings.heightslibrary.orgeserve-a-meeting-room/ ,则您将输入 / reserve-a-meeting-room

            / into the form.

          • / 插入表单。

          • If you are hosting the event calendar on a separate page, please use the complete URL in the Event Calendar box.
          • 如果您将事件日历托管在单独的页面上,请在“事件日历”框中使用完整的URL。

        • Enter an Email into the Default Email for Daily reservations.

        • 在每日预订的默认电子邮件中输入电子邮件。

            • This email will be the default on the daily reports.
            • 此电子邮件将是每日报告中的默认电子邮件。

          • Enter pricing.

          • 输入价格。

              • Enter the deposit and per increment costs for profit and non-profit rooms.
              • 输入利润和非利润房间的押金和每次增加费用。

            • Create some amenities.

            • 创建一些便利设施。

                • If you have amenities available, go to the Amenities Admin and create a new amenity.

                • 如果您有可用的便利设施,请转到“便利设施管理”并创建一个新的便利设施。

                  Things that are checked ‘Reservable’ would be items that can be brought into the room like a TV, Blu-Ray player or Whiteboard.


                  Things that always in the room, like a sink, microwave, fridge or PA system would not have to be reservable.

                • 像水槽,微波炉,冰箱或PA系统这样的始终存在于房间中的东西不必再保留。

              • Create a branch

              • 创建分支

                  • Go to Meeting Room Settings > Branch Admin.
                  • 转到会议室设置>分支机构管理员。

                  • Add a branch.

                  • 添加分支。

                      • You must fill in a name, address and map link.
                      • 您必须填写姓名,地址和地图链接。

                      • Make sure that Available to the public is checked.
                      • 确保已选中“可供公众使用”。

                      • If you want to be able to schedule events that don’t have a specific room, check Has ‘No Location’
                      • 如果您希望能够安排没有特定房间的活动,请选中具有“无位置”

                      • For a closed day, do not enter hours.

                      • 在休息日,请勿输入小时数。

                        Otherwise, enter start and closing times for the branch.

                      • 否则,输入分支的开始和结束时间。

                  • Create a room.

                  • 创建房间。

                      • Rooms are actual, physical spaces.

                      • 房间是实际的物理空间。

                        Create one for each space, even if you can partition rooms together to form a larger room.

                      • 即使您可以将房间分隔成一个更大的房间,也可以为每个空间创建一个。

                      • Go to Meeting Room Settings > Room Admin.
                      • 转到会议室设置>房间管理。

                      • Click Create a new room.
                      • 点击创建新房间。

                      • Enter the room name, select the branch and choose any amenities, then submit.
                      • 输入房间名称,选择分支并选择任何便利设施,然后提交。

                    • Create a room container.

                    • 创建房间容器。

                        • Room Containers are reservable spaces and are made up of one or more rooms.

                        • 房间容器是可保留的空间,由一个或多个房间组成。

                          If you have a Room A and a Room B, but can also turn them into one large meeting room, you would make 3 containers.


                          One for Room A, one for Room B and one containing both.

                        • 一个用于A房间,一个用于B房间,一个包含两者。

                        • Go to Meeting Room Settings > Containers Admin.
                        • 转到会议室设置>容器管理

                        • Click Add a new container next to the name of the branch you want this room container to reside.
                        • 单击您想要此房间容器驻留的分支名称旁边的“添加新容器”。

                        • Enter a container name.

                        • 输入容器名称。

                          This can be simple, like “Room A”, or more descriptive, like “Room A & B” or “John Doe Room” if the area is named.

                        • 如果命名该区域,则可以很简单,例如“ A室”,也可以更具描述性,例如“ A和B室”或“ John Doe室”。

                        • Enter the max occupancy.
                        • 输入最大入住人数。

                        • Clicking public means that this room is available to be reserved by the public, not just for staff events.
                        • 点击公共意味着该房间可供公众预订,而不仅仅是员工活动。

                        • Clicking Hide on daily? will remove it from the daily schedules.

                        • 点击每天隐藏?会将其从每日时间表中删除。

                          This is useful for staff reservable areas like art galleries and display cases that you want to track but not take up space on daily reports or signs.

                        • 这对于您想跟踪但不占用每日报告或标志的空间的美术馆和展示柜等人员可保留区域很有用。

                        • Choose at least one room to be inside the container.
                        • 在容器内至少选择一个房间。

                      • Misc.

                      • 其他。



                          • you will need to enter appropriate email addresses and customize the emails on the Email Admin page.
                          • 您将需要输入适当的电子邮件地址并在“电子邮件管理”页面上自定义电子邮件。

                          • You will need to enter your meeting room contract on the Content Admin page.
                          • 您需要在Content Admin页面上输入会议室合同。

                          • If you have any closings for holidays or other reasons, you can enter them on the Closing Admin screen.
                          • 如果您因节假日或其他原因而关闭,可以在“关闭管理员”屏幕上输入。

                        • Configure the Event Calendar plugin.

                        • 配置事件日历插件。

                            • Go to Settings > Event Settings.

                            • 转到“设置”>“事件设置”。

                              This is in the regular WordPress settings options.

                            • 这在常规的WordPress设置选项中。

                            • Create a random security key.

                            • 创建随机安全密钥。

                              I usually just mash the keyboard.

                            • 我通常只是将键盘捣碎。

                            • Enter the database information from the site that you installed the main Book a Room plugin.
                            • 从您安装了“预订客房”主插件的站点中输入数据库信息。

                          This is the minimum required to get the plugin up and running.


                          You can get more information about other settings and features in the rest of this documentation.


