[wordpress插件] Book Previewer图书预览器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 20:50 490 0 全屏看文



Book Previewer enables you to use a shortcode to retrieve and display Google Books previews of titles you specify.

Book Previewer使您可以使用简码来检索和显示您指定标题的Google Books预览。

To use the shortcode, you must have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) ID, Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), or Google Play Generated Key (GGKEY) for the title you want to display

要使用简码,您要显示的标题必须具有国际标准书号(ISBN),在线计算机图书馆中心(OCLC)ID,国会图书馆控制号(LCCN)或Google Play生成的密钥(GGKEY)


Additionally, a Google Books preview of that title must exist.




    • Uses a shortcode and the Google Books Embedded Viewer API to display a free preview for a book you specify
    • 使用简码和Google Books Embedded Viewer API来显示您指定的书的免费预览

    • Includes a “Book Preview” widget that can be used in place of the shortcode
    • 包括一个“书本预览”小部件,可用来代替简码

    • Includes a text editor button that enables you to insert the majority of the shortcode without typing
    • 包括一个文本编辑器按钮,使您无需输入即可插入大部分简码

    • Supports WordPress localization (i18n)
    • 支持WordPress本地化(i18n)

    • Supports displaying the preview as an embedded page element, a popup, or a direct link to the title on the Google Books site
    • 支持将预览显示为嵌入式页面元素,弹出窗口或指向Google图书网站标题的直接链接

    • Supports site performance protection mechanisms, including caching of elements and an option to defer loading until the page footer
    • 支持站点性能保护机制,包括元素缓存和将加载推迟到页面页脚的选项


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. If you have a previous version of Book Previewer installed, deactivate and delete it from the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 如果您安装了Book Previewer的先前版本,请停用它并将其从“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录中删除

    3. Upload the Book Previewer folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    4. 将Book Previewer文件夹上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    5. Activate Book Previewer by using the ‘Plugins’ menu
    6. 使用“插件”菜单激活Book Previewer

    7. Add the bookpreviewer shortcode to the page or post where you want to display the book preview
    8. 将bookpreviewer简码添加到您要显示图书预览的页面或帖子

