[wordpress插件] Bootstrap Multi-language Responsive TestimonialsBootstrap多国语言响应感言

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 13:00 468 0 全屏看文



Bootstrap Multi-language Responsive Testimonials is a simple WordPress plugin which helps you to display testimonial data on your website.


This plugin is implemented in English as a defalut language but it is translatable so you can easily localize it.


Plugin Settings:


    • Title: Using shortcode you can display testimonials on other pages too.

    • 标题:使用简码,您也可以在其他页面上显示推荐。

      Value added for this field will be displayed as Title of testimonial section generated using shortcode.

    • 为该字段添加的值将显示为使用简码生成的“推荐部分”的标题。

    • Content: Like title, you can define text to be displayed above testimonial data.
    • 内容:与标题一样,您可以定义要显示在推荐数据上方的文本。

    • Number of Posts: Number of posts to be displayed per page.

    • 帖子数:每页显示的帖子数。

      If not specified, by default 8 items will be displayed per page.

    • 如果未指定,默认情况下每页将显示8个项目。

    • Order By: Testimonial data will be sorted and displayed in order of this field.
    • 排序依据:证明数据将按此字段的顺序进行排序和显示。

    • Order: Specify if testimonials will be displayed in ascending or descending order of above selected field.
    • 顺序:指定在上方所选字段中升序还是降序显示推荐书。



      • Easy to install.
      • 易于安装。

      • It is responsive.
      • 反应灵敏。

      • Easy to understand coding standard.
      • 易于理解编码标准。

      • You can add languages to localize it.
      • 您可以添加语言以对其进行本地化。

      • Provided shortcode [testimonial count=”2″ order=”ASC” orderby=”title” category=”Category1″] to display testimonial data in other templates.

      • 提供的简码[推荐计数=“ 2” order =“ ASC” orderby =“标题” category =“ Category1”],以在其他模板中显示推荐数据。

        This shortcode is useful when you would like to display some of testimonial data on home page or other pages.


        “count” paramenter specifies number of items to be displayed, “orderby” paramater specifies sorting field, “order” parameter specifies sort direction that is “asc” and “desc”, “category” parameter specifies which category data to display.

        “ count”参数指定要显示的项目数,“ orderby”参数指定排序字段,“ order”参数指定排序方向为“ asc”和“ desc”,“ category”参数指定要显示的类别数据。

        If count is not specified, then by default 4 data will be displayed.


        If category is not specified, all category data will be displayed.

      • 如果未指定类别,则将显示所有类别数据。

      Plugin Develop by August Infotech Visit website

      August Infotech开发的插件访问网站


    1. Upload the testimonial folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. testimonial 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
    4. 使用WordPress管理面板中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “Testimonial” > “Testimonial Settings”.
    6. 您可以使用WordPress管理面板的“推荐”>“推荐设置”来调整必要的设置。

    7. Create a page on which you want to display testimonials and select “Testimonial” template.
    8. 创建一个要在其中显示个人鉴定的页面,然后选择“个人鉴定”模板。

    9. You can use shortcode [testimonial count=”2″ order=”ASC” orderby=”title” category=”Category1″] to display testimonial data in other templates.

    10. 您可以使用简码[推荐计数=“ 2” order =“ ASC” orderby =“标题” category =” Category1“]在其他模板中显示推荐数据。

      This shortcode is useful when you would like to display some of testimonial data on home page or other pages.


      “count” paramenter specifies number of items to be displayed, “orderby” paramater specifies sorting field, “order” parameter specifies sort direction that is “asc” and “desc”, “category” parameter specifies which category data to display.

      “ count”参数指定要显示的项目数,“ orderby”参数指定排序字段,“ order”参数指定排序方向为“ asc”和“ desc”,“ category”参数指定要显示的类别数据。

      If count is not specified, then by default 4 data will be displayed.


      If category is not specified, all category data will be displayed.

    11. 如果未指定类别,则将显示所有类别数据。

    Plugin developed by August Infotech Visit website

    August Infotech开发的插件访问网站

