[wordpress插件] Bulk City Landing Pages批量城市登陆页面

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-13 16:20 520 0 全屏看文



This plugin creates Multiple WordPress Pages with the provided city name in the title and body copy.


Allows for parent pages, page template, page titles and contents.


The total number of pages created will be the number of lines entered with the combination of city and state in city name, state (e.g Athens,GA) format.


SEO Tips


We recommend creating city-targeted pages in bulk, then customizing the content for each page.


Ideally, more than half of the content on a city landing page should be unique to that page and over 500 words in length.


When the Bulk City Landing Page Creator plugin creates a page, it will add a Custom Field for the city name.


You can use Page Templates to automate the customization process by adding Google Maps, Weather and other localization to a page.


Be sure to include an Opt-In form to capture user information.


About Picobarn


At Picobarn, we build online marketing strategy that lasts and continuously improves.


Every process is built around market research and driving results.


We create Mobile Optimized WordPress Websites, write content for SEO and Social media and manage online advertising through Google Adwords.

我们创建了针对移动设备优化的WordPress网站,为SEO和社交媒体编写内容,并通过Google Adwords管理在线广告。

For questions about Picobarn services or support for this plugin, please visit our website at: [link] (http://picobarn.com “Picobarn.com”).

有关Picobarn对该插件的服务或支持的问题,请访问我们的网站:[link](http://picobarn.com“ Picobarn.com”)。


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Download the plugin zip file from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bulk-city-landing-page-creator.zip extract it and upload to your wp-content/plugins directory
    2. 从https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bulk-city-landing-page-creator.zip下载插件zip文件,将其解压缩并上传到您的wp-content / plugins目录

    3. Go to wordpress admin Plugins page and activate the plugin
    4. 转到wordpress管理员插件页面并激活插件

    5. Go to “Settings > Bulk City landing Pages”
    6. 转到“设置>批量城市登录页面”

    7. you will see several input controls for creating pages
    8. 您将看到几个用于创建页面的输入控件

    9. City textfield allows you to enter all city name, State (e.g. Athens,GA) and keep them separated by line break so please enter one city, State combination on one line
    10. 城市文本字段允许您输入所有城市名称,州(例如,雅典,佐治亚州),并用换行符隔开,因此请在一行上输入一个城市,州组合。

    11. You can select parent Page to be from the drop down where all new created page will be the child pages of the newly created pages.
    12. 您可以从下拉菜单中选择父页面,所有新创建的页面将是新创建页面的子页面。

    13. Select Page template from the Page template drop down what will be applied to all the newly created pages
    14. 从“页面模板”下拉列表中选择“页面模板”,将应用于所有新创建的页面

    15. in the Page Title text field you can enter the page title with the short code [pb-city] what will be replaced with all the city names each page will be created for.
    16. 在“页面标题”文本字段中,您可以输入带有简短代码[pb-city]的页面标题,然后将其替换为将为每个页面创建的所有城市名称。

    17. Contents is the textarea where you can enter the contents for the newly created pages.
    18. 内容是文本区域,您可以在其中输入新创建页面的内容。

    After creating the new pages you will be able to see the pages under the wordpress Pages section.


