[wordpress插件] Better WordPress Minify更好的WordPress缩小

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-14 20:50 580 0 全屏看文



Allows you to combine and minify your CSS and JS files to improve page load time.


This plugin uses the PHP library Minify and relies on WordPress's enqueueing system rather than the output buffer, which

该插件使用PHP库 Minify ,并依赖WordPress的入队系统,而不是输出缓冲区。

respects the order of CSS and JS files as well as their dependencies.


BWP Minify is very customizable and easy to use.

BWP Minify非常可定制且易于使用。

Useful resources to help you get started and make the most out of BWP Minify

有用的资源可帮助您入门并充分利用BWP Minify

    Some Features


      • Uses enqueueing system of WordPress which improves compatibility with other plugins and themes
      • 使用WordPress的入队系统,可改善与其他插件和主题的兼容性

      • Allows you to move enqueued files to desired locations (header, footer, oblivion, etc.) via a dedicated management page
      • 允许您通过专用的管理页面将排队的文件移动到所需的位置(页眉,页脚,遗忘等)

      • Allows you to change various Minify settings (cache directory, cache age, debug mode, etc.) directly in admin
      • 允许您直接在admin中更改各种Minify设置(缓存目录,缓存期限,调试模式等)

      • Allows you to use friendly Minify urls, such as http://example.com/path/to/cache/somestring.js
      • 允许您使用友好的Minify网址,例如 http://example.com/path/to/cache/somestring.js

      • Allows you to use CDN for minified contents, one CDN host for JS and one for CSS with SSL support
      • 允许您使用CDN压缩内容,使用1个CDN托管JS,使用1个具有SSL支持的CSS

      • Allows you to split long Minify strings into shorter ones
      • 允许您将较长的Minify字符串拆分为较短的字符串

      • Offers various way to add a cache buster to your minify string such as WordPress’s version, Theme’s version, Cache folder’s last modified timestap, etc.
      • 提供了多种方法来向您的压缩字符串添加缓存破坏符,例如WordPress版本,主题版本,缓存文件夹的最后修改时间戳等。

      • Supports script localization (wp_localize_script())
      • 支持脚本本地化( wp_localize_script()

      • Supports inline styles
      • 支持内联样式

      • Supports RTL stylesheets
      • 支持RTL样式表

      • Supports media-specific stylesheets (e.g. ‘screen’, ‘print’, etc.)
      • 支持特定于媒体的样式表(例如“屏幕”,“打印”等)

      • Supports conditional stylesheets (e.g.