[wordpress插件] Call Leads WordPress Plugin致电潜在客户WordPress插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 21:20 464 0 全屏看文



With this plugin you can enable call request icon on your website, visitors can fill out a call request form, and you as the admin will receive an instant email notification of the call request.


Once you Install and activate the plugin, go to the Call Leads settings tab in the dashboard, toggle the “Enable Call Leads” switch, then save changes, the call request icon will automatically show up accross your website, That Easy !




You can also personalize both the call request icon and form to suit your brand, it also comes with some advanced settings which makes it stand out to other plugin of the same category out there.


The characteristics of the plugin are:


    • Easily Customizable to suit your brand color in one click.
    • 轻松定制即可适合您的品牌颜色。

    • Four different ready to use call request icons.
    • 四个不同的随时可用的呼叫请求图标。

    • Instant email notification when a new lead sends a call request
    • 新潜在客户发送呼叫请求时立即发送电子邮件通知

    • Ability to display or remove the call request icon on certain pages and posts.
    • 能够在某些页面和帖子上显示或删除呼叫请求图标。

    • Ability to display the call request form when a user scroll to a certain position on pages or posts.
    • 当用户滚动到页面或帖子上的特定位置时,可以显示呼叫请求表单。

    • Ability to display the call request form on all or certain posts/pages when a user is about to leave your website.
    • 当用户即将离开您的网站时,能够在所有或某些帖子/页面上显示呼叫请求表单。

    • Fully Integrated with Twilio, all you need is add your Twilio details, so you and your leads can both get an SMS notification.
    • 与Twilio完全集成,您只需要添加Twilio详细信息,即可让您和您的潜在客户都获得一条短信通知。

    • Google Recaptcha Integration to protects the call request form from spam and abuse, it does this while letting your valid prospects pass through with ease.
    • Google Recaptcha集成可保护呼叫请求表免受垃圾邮件和滥用的侵害,同时还能使您的有效潜在客户轻松通过。

    • It supports multilingual characters and localization.
    • 它支持多语言字符和本地化。

    Plugin Customization Options


    Please visit the support page of the plugin for support or


    further customization options.




    The plugin requires to have Javascript enabled in your browser.


    Please note that old desktop browsers or mobile browsers may not support all of the plugin’s features.


    In order to get full functionality use the latest versions of browsers, supporting HTML5, AJAX and CSS3.



    1. First install the plugin using WordPress auto-installer or download the .zip file from WordPress.org and install it from the Plugins section of your Dashboard or copy callleads directory inside wp-contents/plugins directory of your WordPress site.

    2. 首先使用WordPress自动安装程序安装插件,或从WordPress.org下载.zip文件,然后从仪表板的“插件”部分进行安装,或复制WordPress网站的wp-contents / plugins目录内的callleads目录。



    3. Activate the plugin from Plugins section of your Dashboard.
    4. 从仪表板的“插件”部分激活插件。

    5. In order to use the plugin simply go to the Dashboard / Call Leads / Settings and toggle the “Enable Call Leads” switch, then save changes.
    6. 要使用该插件,只需转到仪表板/呼叫线索/设置并切换“启用呼叫线索”开关,然后保存更改。

    7. Open your website pages on your browser and you will see the call request icon automatically show up accross your website.
    8. 在浏览器中打开您的网站页面,您会看到整个网站上自动显示呼叫请求图标。

    9. You can use the other option in the settings page to further personalize the plugin to suit your needs.
    10. 您可以使用设置页面中的其他选项进一步个性化插件以满足您的需求。

