[wordpress插件] CanDAM-CntrButFW8BaseC和-CntrButFW8Base

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-16 10:50 517 0 全屏看文



The CanDAM WordPress editor button connector for Fotoware – Base – allows to include images directly from the Fotoweb DAM, into WordPress.

Fotoware的CanDAM WordPress编辑器按钮连接器–基本–允许将来自Fotoweb DAM的图像直接包含到WordPress中。

In this base plugin version, only images are supported and they are not imported in the WordPress Library, but stay in the Fotoweb repository at the desired dimensions and are referenced by the permalink of the Embedded export file into the WordPress Editor.<



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The Pro version of the plugin also supports embedding thumbnails for documents and audio and video files, and allows to optionally import the file previews into the WordPress Library, so that images and other referenced assets are always available in WordPress, even if the


link to the Fotoweb site is down.


This feature might be handy if for instance your Fotoweb DAM site is on a secured intranet while your WordPress site is public.

例如,当您的WordPress网站是公共的时,如果您的Fotoweb DAM网站位于安全的Intranet上,则此功能可能很方便。

In addition, the Pro version of the plugin allows to include a block of preformatted text which may contain asset metadata.


You may define up to 3 metadata text templates, and choose the text position (above, left, right or below the image or asset) right after you hit the Publish Button.


Note: To be able to use the Plugin, you minimally need to have a client access license for the selection widget and the Export module of Fotoweb 8. Additional requirements for licensing may exist both at the server and client level.

注意:要使用该插件,您最少需要具有选择小部件的客户端访问许可证和Fotoweb 8的“导出”模块。许可的其他要求在服务器和客户端级别可能都存在。

Please verify the current licensing requirements directly from the Fotoware web site at http://www.fotoware.com or call-us for current requirements.


To enable the FancyBox popup window showing when you click an image to display a larger preview, you need to install the free WordPress plugin Easy FancyBox from RavenH.

要启用单击图像以显示较大预览时显示的FancyBox弹出窗口,需要从RavenH安装免费的WordPress插件Easy FancyBox。

The CanDAM WordPress editor button connector for Fotoware – Base edition- is a free plugin, but only basic support is included.

Fotoware的CanDAM WordPress编辑器按钮连接器(基本版)是一个免费插件,但仅包含基本支持。

If you wish to have timely support from CanDAM, you may purchase a support subscription from our web site or a pro plugin version with subscription.


Please review the options at http://www.candam.com/shop/

请查看http://www.candam.com/shop/ 上的选项

The CanDAM WordPress editor button connector for Fotoware – Pro edition- allows to include images, documents with page preview, and audio and video files, and additionally allows to include a metadata text template.

Fotoware(专业版)的CanDAM WordPress编辑器按钮连接器-可以包括图像,带有页面预览的文档以及音频和视频文件,此外还可以包括元数据文本模板。

The metadata text template can be configured in the settings section of the plugin to display pre-formatted metadata information from the original assets at various positions around the asset thumbnail.


You may use this feature for instance to create catalogs, price lists, list presentations (such as a rentals property list for instance) or similar type of publications.



    1. Install by uploading the ZIP file.

    2. 通过上传ZIP文件进行安装。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. The plugin settings will be in the left column, under ‘Settings’ as a ‘CanDAM Connector FW8-base’ option.
    6. 插件设置将在左列的“设置”下作为“ CanDAM Connector FW8-base”选项。

    7. And a button will be shown in the articles editor next to the traditional “Add Media” button, in the Tiny MCE page/post editor, which will fire the selection widget call in Fotoweb.
    8. 在Tiny MCE页面/帖子编辑器中,文章编辑器中的传统“添加媒体”按钮旁边将显示一个按钮,这将触发Fotoweb中的选择小部件调用。

