[wordpress插件] Active Catalog活动目录

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-28 06:20 574 0 全屏看文






Active Catalog gives industrial B2B companies an easy way to organize and display their product catalog, making it simple for your customers to find exactly what they’re looking for.

Active Catalog为工业B2B公司提供了一种简便的方法来组织和显示其产品目录,从而使您的客户可以轻松轻松地准确找到所需的内容。

Whether you have fifty products or thousands, Active Catalog can quickly import your product catalog and create a unique page to display each product.

无论您有五十种产品还是数千种产品,Active Catalog都可以快速导入您的产品目录并创建一个唯一的页面来显示每个产品。

Use the free Active Catalog plugin alone on your WordPress site or connect it to ActiveConversion for enhanced visibility into visitor interactions with your products.

单独在您的WordPress网站上使用免费的Active Catalog插件,或将其连接到ActiveConversion,以增强对访问者与您产品互动的可见性。

The Active Catalog plugin is designed specifically for industrial B2B companies, so you don’t have to deal with all the unnecessary extras found in other catalog plugins.

Active Catalog插件是专门为工业B2B公司设计的,因此您不必处理在其他Catalog插件中发现的所有不必要的额外功能。

Active Catalog gives your customers the chance to download product brochures, specifications, or other useful documents and the ability to contact you for further information.

Active Catalog使您的客户有机会下载产品手册,规格或其他有用的文档,并可以与您联系以获取更多信息。

Want deeper insight into the buyer’s activity?


Integrate with ActiveConversion to follow them through the sales pipeline and get notified whenever they return to your website or interact with your brand.


We know industrial sales cycles are long, so we let you gate these downloads to identify the interested buyer and nurture them to a sale.


Add Category


    1. Under the menu, click on Product Catalog -> Category
    2. 在菜单下,单击产品目录->类别

    3. Click on the Add Category button
    4. 单击“添加类别”按钮

    5. Enter the Name for the category and an optional Image
    6. 输入类别的名称和可选的图片

    7. Click on Save button
    8. 单击“保存”按钮

    Formatting Product Catalog CSV


    Your CSV file should contain the following header titles: product, sku, tags, categories, brochures, spec sheets, manufacturer, price, content, main image and secondary images.


      • Product: Name of the product to be displayed on the product page.
      • 产品:要在产品页面上显示的产品名称。

      • SKU: SKU number.

      • SKU:SKU编号。

        Displayed on the product page.

      • 显示在产品页面上。

      • Tags: Relevant tags to improve searchability and display of similar products.

      • 标签:相关标签,以提高可搜索性和类似产品的展示。

        Not shown on the product page.

      • 没有显示在产品页面上。

      • Categories: Category assignment to improve organization and searchability.

      • 类别:类别分配以改善组织和可搜索性。

        Categories will be displayed on the product page.


      • Brochures: Links to brochures.

      • 手册:链接到手册。

        We suggest using WordPress content uploads.


        Downloadable from the product page.

      • 可从产品页面下载。

      • Spec Sheets: Links to technical spec sheets.

      • 规格表:链接到技术规格表。

        We suggest using WordPress content uploads.


        Downloadable from the product page.


      • Manufacturer: Product manufacturer.

      • 制造商:产品制造商。

        Displayed on the product page.

      • 显示在产品页面上。

      • Price: Price of the product.

      • 价格:产品价格。

        Do not include currency symbol.


        Displayed on the product page.

      • 显示在产品页面上。

      • Content: The full product description to be displayed on the product page.

      • 内容:要在产品页面上显示的完整产品描述。

        You can use HTML formatting to change its appearance on the page.


      • Main Image: The first image to be displayed on the product page.

      • 主图像:要在产品页面上显示的第一张图像。

        Include a link to the content URL in WordPress.

      • 在WordPress中包含指向内容URL的链接。

      • Secondary Images: Other images to be displayed.

      • 次要图像:要显示的其他图像。

        Include a link to the content URL in WordPress.

      • 在WordPress中包含指向内容URL的链接。

      If a field is left unpopulated, it will be removed from the product page.


      Import Product Catalog


        1. Log into WordPress admin
        2. 登录WordPress管理员

        3. Go to Active Catalog section
        4. 转到“活动目录”部分

        5. Click on Import Catalog button
        6. 单击“导入目录”按钮

        7. Select the product catalog CSV file that contains the proper header columns and click Upload CSV
        8. 选择包含适当标题列的产品目录CSV文件,然后单击“上传CSV”

        9. In the next screen, review and ensure the detected columns are matching the proper field names
        10. 在下一个屏幕中,检查并确保检测到的列与正确的字段名称匹配

        11. When ready, click on Continue
        12. 准备好后,点击继续

        13. This confirmation page will show:

        14. 此确认页面将显示:

            • You are about to import the product catalog.

            • 您将要导入产品目录。

              Please confirm:

            • 请确认:

            • Total items to be imported: 136
            • 要导入的物品总数:136

            • Items to be created: 89
            • 要创建的项目:89

            • Items to be updated: 46
            • 要更新的项目:46

            • Duplicate items: 2
            • 重复项:2

          • Click on Confirm Import button to import the catalog.
          • 单击“确认导入”按钮以导入目录。

        Add Individual Product


          1. Log into WordPress admin
          2. 登录WordPress管理员

          3. Go to Active Catalog section
          4. 转到“活动目录”部分

          5. Click on Add New
          6. 点击添加新内容

          7. The product page editor will appear
          8. 产品页面编辑器将会出现

          9. Fill in the content as you would a standard word press page.

          10. 按照标准的文字印刷页面来填写内容。

          11. Publish the page.
          12. 发布页面。




    1. Navigate to “Plugins->Add New” from your dashboard
    2. 从信息中心导航到“插件->添加新内容”

    3. Search for “Active Catalog”
    4. 搜索“活动目录”

    5. Click “Install Now”
    6. 点击“立即安装”

    7. Activate the plugin
    8. 激活插件



      1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/active-catalog/ and download the plugin

      2. 转到 https://wordpress.org/plugins/active-catalog/ 并下载插件



      3. Navigate to the “Add New” in the plugins dashboard
      4. 导航至插件仪表板中的“添加新项”

      5. Navigate to the “Upload” area
      6. 导航到“上传”区域

      7. Select ActiveCatalog.zip from your computer
      8. 从计算机中选择ActiveCatalog.zip

      9. Click “Install Now”
      10. 点击“立即安装”

      11. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
      12. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件



        1. Download the plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/active-catalog/
        2. https://wordpress.org/plugins/active-catalog/ 下载插件

        3. Extract the Active Catalog directory on your computer
        4. 提取计算机上的Active Catalog目录

        5. Upload the Active Catalog directory to the /wp-content/plugins/
        6. 将Active Catalog目录上载到/ wp-content / plugins /

        7. Activate it from the Plugins dashboard
        8. 从“插件”仪表板激活它




