[wordpress插件] Cart66 Cloud AweberCart66 Cloud Aweber

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 08:40 452 0 全屏看文



This plugin will display an Aweber sign up form on your Cart66 Cloud receipt page.

此插件将在您的Cart66 Cloud收据页面上显示Aweber注册表单。

This sign up form can be presented in three differenct ways:


    • Modal window (recommended)
    • 模态窗口(推荐)

    • Above the receipt
    • 收据上方

    • Below the receipt
    • 收据下面

    See How It Works




Automatic installation


You can install Cart66 Cloud Aweber directly from the WordPress.org plugin directory without having to worry with manually transferring files to your server.

您可以直接从WordPress.org插件目录安装Cart66 Cloud Aweber,而不必担心手动将文件传输到服务器。

Automatic installation is the easiest option for installation.


Let WordPress install Cart66 Cloud Aweber for you.

让WordPress为您安装Cart66 Cloud Aweber。

To install Cart66 Cloud Aweber, log in to your WordPress admin panel, go to the Plugins menu and click the “Add New” link.

要安装Cart66 Cloud Aweber,请登录WordPress管理面板,转到“插件”菜单,然后单击“添加新”链接。

Type “Cart66 Cloud Aweber” in the search field then click the “Search Plugins” button.

在搜索字段中键入“ Cart66 Cloud Aweber”,然后单击“搜索插件”按钮。

You will see the Cart66 Cloud Aweber Members plugin in the search results.

您将在搜索结果中看到Cart66 Cloud Aweber Members插件。

To install, simply click the “Install Now” link.


After confirming that you do want to install the plugin, WordPress will automatically download and install Cart66 Cloud Aweber directly on your WordPress website.

确认您确实要安装插件后,WordPress将自动在您的WordPress网站上直接下载并安装Cart66 Cloud Aweber。

Once the Cart66 Cloud Aweber plugin is installed, you may want to visit our tutorials for more information on getting started

一旦安装了Cart66 Cloud Aweber插件,您可能想访问我们的教程,以获取有关入门的更多信息。


Manual installation


If you would prefer to manually install Cart66 Cloud Aweber, you will need to download the Cart66 Cloud Aweber plugin and upload it to your web server via FTP.

如果您希望手动安装Cart66 Cloud Aweber,则需要下载Cart66 Cloud Aweber插件,然后通过FTP将其上传到Web服务器。

Here are the steps to follow:


    1. Download and unzip the plugin file on your computer
    2. 在计算机上下载并解压缩插件文件

    3. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to the plugin directory on your WordPress site (wp-content/plugins/).
    4. 使用FTP程序或托管控制面板,将解压后的插件文件夹上载到WordPress网站上的插件目录(wp-content / plugins/)。
    5. Activate the Cart66 Cloud Members plugin from the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress admin panel.
    6. 从WordPress管理面板中的“插件”菜单中激活Cart66 Cloud Members插件。

