[wordpress插件] CartMagnet Publisher ScriptCartMagnet Publisher脚本

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 10:40 427 0 全屏看文



Cart Magnet™ is a widget for content websites that automatically makes products purchasable directly from the content, without redirecting website visitors outside.

Cart Magnet™是用于内容网站的小部件,可自动使直接从内容中购买产品,而无需将网站访问者重定向到外部。

The outcome is a frictionless, native purchase experience that not only converts better, but also doesn’t consume traffic while doing so.


Demonstration video




    • Empowers your website visitors by offering relevant enriched product information.
    • 通过提供相关的丰富产品信息来增强您的网站访问者。

    • Prevents your visitors from leaving your website in search for product related info.
    • 防止访问者离开您的网站搜索与产品相关的信息。

    • Allows your visitors to 1-click-purchase directly from the content.
    • 允许访问者直接从内容中单击购买。

    • Generating revenue for the website owner, without redirecting traffic outside of the website.
    • 为网站所有者产生收入,而无需将流量重定向到网站外部。

    What does the cart magnet plugin do?


      • the plugin inserts our script into each of the website’s pages.
      • 该插件将我们的脚本插入网站的每个页面。

      • the script sends our server the text within each page.
      • 该脚本将每页中的文本发送给我们的服务器。

      • our backend checks for appearance of products within the text.
      • 我们的后端检查文本中产品的外观。

      • once a product is identified with in the text, we mark the product name within the website, in order to indicate to the website visitor that it is purchasable.
      • 一旦在文字中标识了产品,我们就会在网站上标记产品名称,以便向网站访问者表明该产品是可购买的。

      • when a website visitor hovers over the marked product name, a secure iframe is opened, allowing the website visitor to purchase the product.
      • 网站访问者将鼠标悬停在标记的产品名称上时,将打开安全的iframe,允许网站访问者购买产品。


    1. From your WordPress administrator panel, go to ‘Plugins’ page, and click on the ‘Add New’ button.
    2. 在WordPress管理员面板中,转到“插件”页面,然后单击“添加新”按钮。

    3. On the search box enter ‘cartMagnet publisher script’ and press enter.
    4. 在搜索框中输入“ cartMagnet发布者脚本”,然后按Enter。

    5. Find the ‘CartMagnet publisher script’ plugin in the search results and click ‘Install Now’.
    6. 在搜索结果中找到“ CartMagnet发布者脚本”插件,然后单击“立即安装”。

    7. After the plugin will be installed successfully, click on ‘Activate’.

    8. 插件成功安装后,点击“激活”。

      That’s all.

    9. 就是这样。

