[wordpress插件] Ad Blocking Advisor广告拦截顾问

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-28 17:40 576 0 全屏看文






Ad Blocking Advisor adds a simple and elegant notification bar to your website that only displays to those visitors who are using ad blocking software with their browsers.

Ad Blocking Advisor在您的网站上添加了一个简洁而优雅的通知栏,仅向使用浏览器使用广告拦截软件的访问者显示。

The purpose of the notification is to ask (or advise) your visitors to whitelist your website.


Whitelisting means your ads are displayed, and that’s more revenue to keep you motivated to create more content!


What makes Ad Blocking Advisor different is that it is not limited to just one popular ad provider.

Ad Blocking Advisor之所以与众不同,是因为它不仅限于一家受欢迎的广告提供商。

In fact, the plugin uses a JavaScript file names ads.js which is popular among ad-blocking software to block!


The ads.js inserts a hidden DIV in the footer of your site – you’ll never see it!


If the div does not load because it is being blocked then the plugin will display the banner asking (advising) your visitor to whitelist your site!




    • Quickly change the text that’s displayed in the notification banner.

    • 快速更改通知横幅中显示的文本。

    • Easily change the location on your site that the banner is displayed.
    • 轻松更改横幅在您网站上的显示位置。

    • Easily change the background color.
    • 轻松更改背景颜色。

    • Easily change the font color.
    • 轻松更改字体颜色。

    • Easily change the font size.
    • 轻松更改字体大小。

    • Allow or disallow setting a cookie.
    • 允许或禁止设置cookie。

    • Allow or disallow visitors to dismiss the banner by showing an (X) close icon.
    • 通过显示(X)关闭图标来允许或禁止访客解散横幅。

    • When the visitor clicks the close (X) icon to close your banner, if cookies are allowed, then the banner will remain hidden until the cookie expires.
    • 当访问者单击关闭(X)图标关闭横幅时,如果允许使用cookie,则横幅将保持隐藏状态,直到cookie过期。

    • Easily change the cookie expiration date.
    • 轻松更改Cookie的到期日期。

    • Anti-caching in place with ads.js so that the banner will display more reliably.
    • 使用ads.js进行反缓存,以便横幅广告更可靠地显示。

    • Uninstalling the plugin will clean up all data it has stored in the WordPress database.
    • 卸载插件将清除已存储在WordPress数据库中的所有数据。




Installing Ad Blocking Advisor can be done from inside your WordPress admin panel by going to Plugins > Add New and searching for “Ad Blocking Advisor”.

安装Ad Blocking Advisor可以从WordPress管理面板中完成,方法是转到“插件”>“添加新的”,然后搜索“ Ad Blocking Advisor”。

    1. You can also manually install it by downloading the plugin from wordpress.org/plugins
    2. 您还可以通过从wordpress.org/plugins下载插件来手动安装

    3. Upload the entire ad-blocking-advisor folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个 ad-blocking-advisor 文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Customize the plugin from the menu by selecting Settings > Ad Blocking Advisor Settings.

    8. 通过选择设置> Ad Blocking Advisor设置,从菜单中自定义插件。



      1. Deactivate the plugin from the Plugins menu
      2. 从“插件”菜单中停用插件

      3. Select “Ad Blocking Advisor” from the list and select “Delete”
      4. 从列表中选择“广告拦截顾问”,然后选择“删除”

      5. This will delete all files from the server and all settings from the WordPress database.
      6. 这将从服务器中删除所有文件,并从WordPress数据库中删除所有设置。




