[wordpress插件] CF7 DatePickerCF7 DatePicker

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 12:20 461 0 全屏看文



I’ve used Contact Forms 7 for many projects now and recently started to have issues with their datepicker.

我现在已经将Contact Forms 7用于许多项目,并且最近开始出现日期选择器问题。

Their datepicker displays correctly in Chrome, but none of the other major browsers.


So I started to use the jQuery UI datepicker in my CF7 forms and created this plugin to help others.

因此,我开始在CF7表单中使用jQuery UI datepicker,并创建了此插件来帮助他人。


The easiest way to install CF7 DatePicker is via your WordPress Dashboard.

安装CF7 DatePicker的最简单方法是通过WordPress仪表板。

Go to the ‘Plugins’ page and search for ‘CF7 DatePicker’ in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

转到“插件”页面,然后在WordPress插件目录中搜索“ CF7 DatePicker”。

Then click ‘Install Now’ and the following steps will be done for you automatically.


You’ll just have to activate CF7 DatePicker.

您只需激活CF7 DatePicker。

    1. Upload ‘cf7-datepicker.zip’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将“ cf7-datepicker.zip”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Extract ‘cf7-datepicker.zip’
    4. 提取“ cf7-datepicker.zip”

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Go to a CF7 form.
    8. 转到CF7表单。

    9. Generate a text field with the ‘cf7-datepicker’ as the Class (changed in version 1.1).

    10. 生成一个以“ cf7-datepicker”作为类的文本字段(在1.1版中进行了更改)。

      example – ”

    11. 示例–”

    12. Preview Form
    13. 预览表格

    14. Go to WP ‘setttings’ -> CF7 DatePicker’ for animation settings and other display settings.
    15. 转到WP“设置”->“ CF7 DatePicker”以获取动画设置和其他显示设置。

