[wordpress插件] CiviCRM WordPress Member SyncCiviCRM WordPress成员同步

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-24 01:00 503 0 全屏看文



CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync keeps a WordPress user in sync with a CiviCRM membership by granting either a role or capabilities to a WordPress user who has that membership.

CiviCRM WordPress成员同步通过将角色或功能授予具有该成员身份的WordPress用户,从而使WordPress用户与CiviCRM成员身份保持同步。

This enables you to have, among other things, members-only content on your website that is only accessible to current members as defined by the membership types and status rules that you set up in this plugin’s settings.


CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync is compatible with both “Members” and “成员”和“

/groups/">Groups” for managing members-only content in WordPress.

/ groups /“>网上论坛”,用于管理WordPress中仅限会员的内容。

See the Installation section for details.




This plugin requires a minimum of WordPress 4.4 and CiviCRM 4.6.

此插件至少需要 WordPress 4.4 CiviCRM 4.6

It is compatible with the Members and Groups




Please refer to the Installation page for configuration instructions.


It is also strongly recommended that you also install CiviCRM Admin Utilities and have version 0.6.8 or greater

强烈建议您还安装 CiviCRM Admin Utilities ,并安装0.6.8或更高版本



Make sure the checkbox labelled “Check this to fix the Contact ‘soft delete’ process” is checked so that Contacts that have been “soft deleted” have their corresponding WordPress User’s status updated.


Plugin Development


This plugin is in active development.


For feature requests and bug reports (or if you're a plugin author and want to contribute) please visit the plugin's GitHub repository.

nofollow“> GitHub存储库。

Shouts Out To…


This plugin builds on the work done by 工作

" rel="nofollow">Tadpole Collective and originally developed by Jag Kandasamy.

“ rel =“ nofollow”> T集体,最初由 Jag Kandasamy 开发。




    1. Extract the plugin archive
    2. 提取插件存档

    3. Upload plugin files to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将插件文件上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    5. Make sure CiviCRM is activated and properly configured
    6. 确保已激活CiviCRM并对其进行了正确配置

    7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    8. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    The first thing to decide is whether you want CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync to synchronize CiviCRM Memberships to WordPress Roles or WordPress Capabilities.

    要决定的第一件事是您是否希望CiviCRM WordPress成员同步将CiviCRM成员资格同步到WordPress角色或WordPress功能。

    If, for example, you need your WordPress user roles to be independent of membership status, then choose Capabilities.


    The default synchronisation method is Capabilities, because WordPress has limited support for multiple roles.


    New in version 0.4.2


    If you have a large number of Membership Types, you can add the following code to your wp-config.php file:

    如果会员类型数量很多,可以将以下代码添加到 wp-config.php 文件中:

    define( 'CIVI_WP_MEMBER_SYNC_MULTIPLE', true );


    This will allow you to select multiple Membership Types when adding an Association Rule.


    When saved, one Rule will be created for each of the selected Membership Types.


    This could save a lot of time in setting up your Association Rules.


    Thanks to Foxpress Design for funding this upgrade.

    感谢 Foxpress Design 为此次升级提供资金。

    Working with Capabilities


      1. Visit the plugin’s admin page at “Settings” –> “CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync”.
      2. 在“设置”->“ CiviCRM WordPress成员同步”上访问插件的管理页面。

      3. Select “Capabilities” as the sync method
      4. 选择“功能”作为同步方法

      5. Click on “Add Association Rule” to create a rule.

      6. 单击“添加关联规则”以创建规则。

        You will need to create a rule for every CiviCRM membership type you would like to synchronize.


        For every membership type, you will need to determine the CiviMember states that define the member as “current” thereby granting them the appropriate WordPress capabilities.


        It is most common to define “New”, “Current” and “Grace” as current.


        Similarly, select which states represent the “expired” status thereby removing the WordPress capabilities from the user.


        It is most common to define “Expired”, “Pending”, “Cancelled” and “Deceased” as the expired status.

      7. 最常见的是将“过期”,“待处理”,“已取消”和“已故”定义为过期状态。

      8. “Current Status” adds a “Membership Capability” to the WordPress user, while “Expired Status” removes the “Membership Capability” from the WordPress user.

      9. “当前状态”向WordPress用户添加“会员能力”,而“过期状态”则从WordPress用户删除“会员能力”。

        This capability will be of the form “civimember_ID”, where “ID” is the numeric ID of the Membership Type.

        此功能的形式为“ civimember_ID”,其中“ ID”是成员资格类型的数字ID。

        So, for Membership Type 2, the capability will be “civimember_2”.

      10. 因此,对于会员类型2,功能为“ civimember_2”。

      11. Note: If you have the “Groups” plugin active, then all “civimember_ID”

      12. 注意:如果您具有“ ”插件处于活动状态,则所有“ civimember_ID”

        capabilities will be added to its custom capabilities as well as to the list of capabilities used to enforce read access on posts.


        If you have Groups 2.8.0 or greater installed, then you will have the option to specify one or more “current” and “expired” groups to which users will be synced depending on whether their membership is “current” or “expired”.

        如果您安装了Groups 2.8.0或更高版本,则可以选择指定一个或多个“当前”和“过期”组,根据其成员身份是“当前”还是“过期”,将用户同步到这些组。

      13. Note: If you have the “Members” plugin active, then the “restrict_content”

      14. 注意:如果您具有“ 成员”插件处于活动状态,则“ restrict_content”

        capability will also be added.

      15. 功能也将被添加。

      16. An additional “Membership Status Capability” will also be added to the WordPress user that is tied to the status of their membership.

      17. 还将向WordPress用户添加一个附加的“会员资格功能”,该功能与其会员资格相关。

        This capability will be of the form “civimember_ID_NUM”, where “ID” is the numeric ID of the Membership Type and “NUM” is the numeric ID of the “Membership Status”.

        此功能的格式为“ civimember_ID_NUM”,其中“ ID”是会员类型的数字ID,“ NUM”是“会员状态”的数字ID。

        So, for Membership Type 2 with Membership Status 4, the capability will be “civimember_2_4”.

      18. 因此,对于具有会员状态4的会员类型2,该功能将为“ civimember_2_4”。

      Working with Roles


        1. Visit the plugin’s admin page at “Settings” –> “CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync”.
        2. 在“设置”->“ CiviCRM WordPress成员同步”上访问插件的管理页面。

        3. Select “Roles” as the sync method
        4. 选择“角色”作为同步方法

        5. Click on “Add Association Rule” to create a rule.

        6. 单击“添加关联规则”以创建规则。

          You will need to create a rule for every CiviCRM membership type you would like to synchronize.


          For every membership type, you will need to determine the CiviMember states that define the member as “current” thereby granting them the appropriate WordPress role.


          It is most common to define “New”, “Current” and “Grace” as current.


          Similarly, select which states represent the “expired” status thereby removing the WordPress role from the user.


          It is most common to define “Expired”, “Pending”, “Cancelled” and “Deceased” as the expired status.


          With ‘roles’ as your synchronization method, also set the role to be assigned if the membership has expired in “Expiry Role”.


          This is not needed when working with Capabilities.

        7. 使用功能时不需要这样做。

        8. It may sometimes be necessary to manually synchronize users.

        9. 有时可能需要手动同步用户。

          Click on the “Manually Synchronize” tab on the admin page to do so.


          You will want to use this when you initially configure this plugin to synchronize your existing users.

        10. 最初配置此插件以同步现有用户时,您将希望使用此功能。

        11. Note: If you have the “Groups” plugin activated and it is version 2.8.

        12. 注意:如果您已激活“ ”插件,并且该插件的版本为2.8。

          0 or greater, then you will have the option to specify one or more “current” and “expired” groups to which users will be synced depending on whether their membership is “current” or “expired”.

        13. 0或更大,那么您可以选择指定一个或多个“当前”和“过期”组,用户将根据其成员身份是“当前”还是“过期”而与之同步。

        Manual Synchronize


        It may sometimes be necessary to manually synchronize users.


        Click on the “Manually Synchronize” tab on the admin page to do so.


        You will want to use this when you initially configure this plugin to synchronize your existing users.


        Test Test Test


        Note: Be sure to test this plugin thoroughly before using it in a production environment.


        At minimum, you should log in as a test user to ensure you have been granted the appropriate role or capabilities when that user is given membership.


        Then take away the membership for the user in their CiviCRM record, log back in as the test user, and make sure you no longer have that role or those capabilities.






钻级赞助商 我要加入



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