[wordpress插件] Comapi Webchat PluginComapi Webchat插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-28 01:10 467 0 全屏看文



This plugin quickly and easily installs the Comapi webchat widget across your WordPress site allowing you to chat in real time to your visitors,

此插件可在您的WordPress网站上快速轻松地安装Comapi webchat小部件,使您可以与访客实时聊天,

as well as allowing you to answer customers questions from other channels such as:


    • Facebook Messenger
    • Facebook Messenger

    • SMS
    • 短信

    • Email
    • 电子邮件

    • Twitter DM
    • Twitter DM

    • Plus more…
    • 还有更多...

    Find out more or sign up for a free no obligation trial at https://comapi.com

    https://comapi.com 上了解更多信息或注册免费的无义务试用版。



      • Admin users, or more specifically, any user with the manage_options capabilities can use this plugin’s functionality.
      • 管理员用户,或更具体地说,任何具有 manage_options 功能的用户都可以使用此插件的功能。

      • You must ensure you have enabled a team for the webchat channel in the Comapi chat tool before the webchat widget will render
      • 您必须确保已在Comapi聊天工具中为网络聊天频道启用了一个团队,然后才能呈现网络聊天小部件

      • You must configure the API Space for the webchat widget to use.

      • 您必须配置要使用的Webchat小部件的API空间。

        This can be found in the Comapi portal

        可以在 Comapi门户网站

        in the Platform Configuration -> API SPace Details menu option.

        平台配置-> API SPace详细信息菜单选项中。

        In WordPress it can be found in the settings page under Settings -> Comapi Webchat Settings

      • 在WordPress中,可以在设置页面的设置-> Comapi Webchat设置 下找到


    1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly, or upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, from / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录

      .com/comapi/comapi-wordpress-plugin/blob/master/comapi_webchat.zip" rel="nofollow">here

    2. .com / comapi / comapi-wordpress-plugin / blob / master / comapi_webchat.zip“ rel =” nofollow“>此处

    3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的插件屏幕激活插件

    5. Open the Settings -> Comapi Webchat Settings to configure the plugin
    6. 打开设置-> Comapi Webchat设置以配置插件

    7. In the API Space field copy in the API Space id GUID which can be found in the Comapi

    8. 在API空间ID GUID的 API空间字段中,可在 Comapi中找到

      portal in the Platform Configuration -> API Space Details menu option

    9. 平台配置-> API空间详细信息菜单选项中的门户

    10. Now click Save Settings and go to your site to test, if the Comapi Webchat Widget doesn't show in the bottom right corner, double check you have followed the steps above correctly and ensure you have

    11. 现在单击保存设置并转到您的网站进行测试,如果Comapi Webchat窗口小部件未显示在右下角,请仔细检查您是否已正确执行上述步骤,并确保已

      added a team with the Webchat channel enabled in your Teams tab in the Comapi Chat tool, found in the Comapi

      Comapi中找到的Comapi聊天工具的 Teams 标签中添加了一个启用了Webchat频道的团队

      Portal under Tools > Chat

    12. 工具> 聊天 下的门户网站

