[wordpress插件] Genesis Coming Soon创世记即将来临

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-28 05:40 521 0 全屏看文



Genesis Coming Soon allows you to create a Coming Soon, Under Construction or Maintenance page while taking advantage of all the Genesis Framework features.

Genesis Coming Soon允许您在利用Genesis Framework的所有功能的同时创建Coming Soon,正在建设或维护页面。

Easily create a Coming Soon or Maintenance Mode page.


You can work on your website while visitors see only the page you create.


The page you create is fully customizable, and you can even use a regular WordPress page as you Coming Soon page.


Create a Page Template and use it as you Maintenance Mode page to show any content you wish.


Features and Options:


    • Completely Customizable
    • 完全可定制

    • Genesis SEO Features Available
    • Genesis SEO功能可用

    • Responsive Design
    • 响应式设计

    • Multisite Support
    • 多站点支持

    • Easily add Custom CSS and HTML
    • 轻松添加自定义CSS和HTML

    • Under Construction and Maintenance Mode options
    • “在构建和维护模式下”选项

    • Live Preview
    • 实时预览

    • Translation Ready, i18n Support
    • 已准备好翻译,i18n支持

    • Use your Own Page Templates
    • 使用您自己的页面模板

    This plugin is and will always be free.


    We will not create a PRO version and you will never need to pay anything.

    我们不会创建 PRO 版本,您无需支付任何费用。

    All improvements we do in the future will be available to all users.


    *** This plugin requires Genesis Framework to be installed and activated

    ***此插件需要 Genesis Framework 才能安装和激活


    Plugin author is a third-party developer who is not affiliated with StudioPress, the owner of the Genesis Framework.

    插件作者是与Genesis Framework的所有者StudioPress无关的第三方开发人员。


Using The WordPress Dashboard


    1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
    2. 导航至插件仪表板中的“添加新项”

    3. Search for ‘Genesis Coming Soon’
    4. 搜索“即将到来的创世纪”

    5. Click ‘Install Now’
    6. 点击“立即安装”

    7. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
    8. 在“插件”信息中心上激活插件

    Uploading in WordPress Dashboard


      1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
      2. 导航至插件仪表板中的“添加新项”

      3. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
      4. 导航到“上传”区域

      5. Select coming-soon-for-genesis.zip from your computer
      6. 从计算机中选择 coming-soon-for-genesis.zip

      7. Click ‘Install Now’
      8. 点击“立即安装”

      9. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
      10. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件

      Using FTP


        1. Download coming-soon-for-genesis.zip
        2. 下载 coming-soon-for-genesis.zip

        3. Extract the coming-soon-for-genesis directory to your computer
        4. coming-soon-for-genesis 目录提取到您的计算机中

        5. Upload the coming-soon-for-genesis directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        6. coming-soon-for-genesis 目录上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

        7. Activate the plugin in the Plugin’s dashboard
        8. 在插件的信息中心中激活插件

