[wordpress插件] Connections Business Directory Local Time连接业务目录本地时间

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 14:30 437 0 全屏看文



Connections Business Directory Local Time extension is a remix of the fantastic jClocksGMT World Clocks plugin

Connections Business Directory本地时间扩展名是出色的 jClocksGMT世界时钟插件的重新组合

that has been custom tailored for use with Connections Business Directory.

专门为与Connections Business Directory一起使用而定制。

How does it work?


The local time zone is calculated from the latitude/longitude of either the first or preferred address from the entry in Connections Business Directory.


The latitude/longitude is then used to determine the time zone and the UTC offset in which the address is located using the Google Maps Time Zone API.

然后,纬度/经度用于使用Google Maps时区API确定地址所在的时区和UTC偏移。

With that information determined automagically, a clock is displayed in the the theme’s sidebar showing the local time of the


current entry being viewed.




    • Automagically determines time zone and UTC offset using the latitude/longitude of either the first or preferred address from the entry being viewed.
    • 使用要查看条目的第一个或首选地址的纬度/经度,自动确定时区和UTC偏移量。

    • Customizable widget.
    • 可自定义的小部件。

    • Analog clock with 5 skin variations.
    • 具有5种皮肤变化的模拟时钟。

    • Digital clock with custom time formatting.
    • 具有自定义时间格式的数字时钟。

    • Display the local date with custom date formatting.
    • 使用自定义日期格式显示本地日期。

    Here are some other great free extensions (with more on the way) that enhance your experience with Connections Business Directory:

    还有其他一些很棒的免费扩展(即将推出),它们可以增强您使用Connections Business Directory的体验:




Complete installation instructions can be found here.


Using the WordPress Plugin Search


    1. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
    2. 导航到“插件”管理页面下的“ 添加新”子页面。

    3. Search for connections business directory local time.
    4. 搜索连接业务目录本地时间

    5. The plugin should be listed first in the search results.
    6. 该插件应在搜索结果中首先列出。

    7. Click the Install Now link.
    8. 点击立即安装链接。

    9. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
    10. 最后单击激活插件链接以激活插件。

    Uploading in WordPress Admin


      1. Download the plugin zip file and save it to your computer.
      2. 下载插件zip文件并将其保存到您的计算机中。

      3. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
      4. 导航到“插件”管理页面下的“ 添加新”子页面。

      5. Click the Upload link.
      6. 点击上传链接。

      7. Select Connections Business Directory Local Time zip file from where you saved the zip file on your computer.
      8. 从其中将zip文件保存到计算机上的位置选择Connections业务目录本地时间zip文件。

      9. Click the Install Now button.
      10. 点击立即安装按钮。

      11. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
      12. 最后单击激活插件链接以激活插件。

      Using FTP


        1. Download the plugin zip file and save it to your computer.
        2. 下载插件zip文件并将其保存到您的计算机中。

        3. Extract the Connections Business Directory Local Time zip file.
        4. 提取Connections Business Directory本地时间zip文件。

        5. Create a new directory named connections-local-time directory in the ../wp-content/plugins/ directory.
        6. ../ wp-content / plugins / 目录中创建一个名为 connections-local-time 目录的新目录。

        7. Upload the files from the folder extracted in Step 2.
        8. 从步骤2中提取的文件夹中上传文件。

        9. Activate the plugin on the Plugins admin page.
        10. 在“插件管理”页面上激活插件。

