[wordpress插件] Cookiebot | GDPR/CCPA Compliant Cookie Consent and ControlCookiebot |符合GDPR / CCPA的Cookie同意和控制

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-02 10:10 545 0 全屏看文



Trustworthy and simple cookie consent solution for GDPR/ePR and CCPA compliance

用于GDPR / ePR和CCPA合规性的可信任且简单的Cookie同意解决方案

Cookiebot is a cloud-driven solution that automatically controls cookies and trackers, enabling full GDPR/ePR and CCPA compliance and offering:

Cookiebot是一种云驱动的解决方案,可以自动控制cookie和跟踪器,实现GDPR / ePR和CCPA的完全合规性并提供:

    • A highly customizable consent banner to handle consents and give the user the possibility to opt in and out of cookie categories, as required by the GDPR/ePR, CCPA and similar legislations around the world.
    • 根据GDPR / ePR,CCPA和世界各地类似法规的要求,高度可定制的同意标语可以处理同意并为用户提供加入和退出Cookie类别的可能性。

    • An automatically generated and updated cookie policy and cookie declaration, with purpose descriptions and categorization of your cookies (Necessary, Statistic, Preferences, Marketing).
    • 自动生成和更新的cookie策略和cookie声明,其中包含cookie的目的描述和分类(必要,统计,首选项,市场营销)。

    • A Do Not Sell My Personal Information link on the cookie declaration for end-users to opt out of having their data sold to third parties, as required by the CCPA – including the special opt-in banner for sites that have visitors under

    • Cookie声明上的“请勿出售我的个人信息”链接,以供最终用户选择按照CCPA的要求将其数据出售给第三方–包括针对访客访问网站的网站的特殊选择加入标语

      the age of 16, also in accordance with CCPA.

    • 也符合CCPA规定的16岁年龄段。

    • Monthly website scans, detecting all first- and third-party cookies and similar tracking on your site (eg HTML5 Local Storage, Flash Local Shared Object, Silverlight Isolated Storage, IndexedDB, ultrasound beacons, pixel tags etc.) as well as

    • 每月进行一次网站扫描,检测您网站上的所有第一方和第三方Cookie以及类似的跟踪记录(例如HTML5本地存储,Flash本地共享对象,Silverlight隔离存储,IndexedDB,超声信标,像素标签等)以及

      their provenance, duration and where the data is sent to.

    • 它们的来源,持续时间以及数据发送到的位置。

    • The unique Cookiebot feature of automatic cookie blocking.

    • 独特的Cookiebot功能,可自动阻止Cookie。

      All cookies and tracking are automatically held back right from the moment the user lands on the website and until the proper consent has been obtained, enabling compliance with the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive.

    • 从用户登陆网站到获得适当的同意,所有cookie和跟踪都会自动保留,直到遵守GDPR和ePrivacy指令。

    • An easy way to allow the user to change or withdraw their consent.
    • 允许用户更改或撤回其同意的简单方法。

    • Supports 45 languages in consent banner and cookie declaration.
    • 在同意横幅和cookie声明中支持45种语言。

    • Secure storage of user consents in our cloud-driven environment.

    • 在我们的云驱动环境中安全存储用户同意书。

      The user consents are downloadable and can be used as proof that the consent was given.

    • 用户同意书可以下载,并且可以用作获得同意书的证据。

    • Execution of cookie-setting scripts without a page reload, if the user gives consent.
    • 如果用户同意,则无需重新加载页面即可执行cookie设置脚本。

    Please read our FAQ at the bottom of the page for more information.



    Will my website become compliant once I install Cookiebot?


    If you use our plugin version 3.0 or later and choose the automatic implementation, Cookiebot enables full compliance with the 'prior consent' requirement of the GDPR, the ePrivacy Directive (ePR) and similar legal instruments for protection of user data around the

    如果您使用我们的插件版本3.0或更高版本并选择自动实现,则Cookiebot可以完全遵守GDPR的“事先同意”要求,ePrivacy Directive(ePR)和类似的法律工具,以保护周围的用户数据



    Cookiebot also enables compliance with the CCPA through the implementation of the Do Not Sell My Personal Information link on a website's cookie declaration, as well as the opt-in banner required if your website targets visitors under the age of 16.




    The default consent banner has the strictest settings possible and is suitable for obtaining consent under both GDPR and the ePR.


    Make sure to adapt the consent banner content to fit your website.


    You should also check out our GDPR checklist if you have users from the European Union.

    checklist-“ rel =” nofollow“>我们的GDPR检查表,如果您有来自欧盟的用户。

    If you are using server-side cookies, please check the “Server side usage” guide.<



    / p>

    However, being a customizable plugin, true compliance always depends on the website owner choosing a type of banner, wording and settings that are compliant with the local legislation and fits the specific website and company (data controller).


    If you choose the manual implementation…


    Then please make sure of the following:


    If you are using plugins that set cookies which require consent (which most do), you have to:


      Once Cookiebot is installed and we've scanned your site, you can check the cookie report

      一旦安装了Cookiebot并且我们已经扫描了您的网站,则可以检查 cookie报告

      to identify all cookies being set on your website.


      If the cookies are coming from content that you have inserted manually, you can mark up that content as described in our manual implementation


      guide step 4.

      指导步骤4 。

      Embedded videos and iframes which set cookies can be marked up as explained in our Iframe cookie consent with YouTube example.

      -YouTube-example“ rel =” nofollow“> iframe cookie同意YouTube示例。

      Cookiebot Addons


      Add-ons are produced by an open-source community of developers.


      This is done to help make it easier for WordPress users to implement ‘prior consent’ for cookies and trackers set by plugins that do not offer this as a built-in functionality.


      The add-ons are currently the best alternative to a WordPress Core framework that can signal the user's consent state to other plugins (if and when this will be implemented is unknown) and to those plugins who do not yet offer native support for

      当前,这些插件是WordPress Core框架的最佳替代方案,它可以向其他插件(如果不知道何时以及何时实现,将信号告知用户)和其他尚未提供本机支持的插件的同意状态

      Cookiebot built into the plugin itself.


      We do not assume any responsibility for the use of these add-ons.


      If one of the plugins that the add-ons hook into makes a 'breaking change', there may be a period of time where the add-on will not work properly until it has been updated to accommodate the changes in the plugin.




      If your favourite plugin isn't supported you're welcome to contribute or request on our Github development page

      如果不支持您喜欢的插件,欢迎您在我们的 Github开发页面上进行贡献或请求



      Copyright and Trademarks


      Cookiebot is a registered trademark of Cybot A/S

      Cookiebot是Cybot A / S的注册商标


First, install the plugin on your WordPress site.


Then, go to Settings -> Cookiebot and add your Cookiebot ID.

然后,转到“设置”->“ Cookiebot”并添加您的Cookiebot ID。

If you haven’t created one yet – or if you’re not sure how to find it – follow the instructions on the page.


Once your Cookiebot ID is added, the consent dialog will be displayed to the visitors of your site.

一旦添加了Cookiebot ID,就会向您网站的访问者显示同意对话框。

For more help, visit our support section, that contains various articles on how to set up Cookiebot properly.


Installation video:



Implementing the cookie declaration:



Implementing prior consent:


Below is a video tutorial on how to manually implement prior consent i.e. holding back all cookies and trackers (other than those strictly necessary for the website to function) until the user has given a consent.


The manual implementation guide (found in step 11 of the video) can be found here.




Please note that you can make use of our automatic cookie blocking functionality instead of manually having to mark up the cookie-setting scripts.


To do so, update the plugin (version 3.0.0 or higher) and choose automatic cookie control in your Admin panel.







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