[wordpress插件] CoSign Single SignonCoSign单点登录

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-03 04:50 594 0 全屏看文



CoSign SSO is a WordPress plugin that provides several alternative authentication methods to WordPress, and it maybe easily extend to support more SSO login methods.

CoSign SSO 是一个WordPress插件,提供了WordPress几种替代的身份验证方法,并且可以轻松扩展以支持更多的SSO登录方法。

CoSign v2 and CoSign v3 are the first two Single Sign-on(SSO) addins, that whay this plugin named.

CoSign v2和CoSign v3是前两个Single Sign-on(SSO)加载项,以该插件命名。

The other login method is just a by-product which provides LDAP authentication.


When this plugin is enabled, and the login method is set to SSO, then using a external CoSign single sign-on login service.

启用此插件并将登录方法设置为 SSO ,然后使用外部CoSign单一登录登录服务。

When user click login, browser will redirect to remote login url, and will redirect back after successful logged in. If set login method to LDAP, login with the familiar login screen, but authentication backend changed to LDAP.

当用户单击登录名时,浏览器将重定向到远程登录URL,并在成功登录后重定向回。如果将登录方法设置为 LDAP ,请使用熟悉的登录屏幕登录,但身份验证后端更改为LDAP。

Whether using SSO or LDAP login method, LDAP options must provided to fetch user account information.

无论使用 SSO 还是 LDAP 登录方法,都必须提供LDAP选项来获取用户帐户信息。

If the logged in user account does not exists, create it on the fly by default.




The settings for CoSign SSO are extremely simple.

CoSign SSO 的设置非常简单。

But before you change the login method to ‘SSO’ or ‘LDAP’, you mast check options for cosign and ldap carefully.

但是,在将登录方式更改为“ SSO”或“ LDAP”之前,请仔细检查cosign和ldap选项。

Wrong configrations will ban all users including yourself!


If you cannot login any more, don’t blame me.


A trick may help you:


$ touch /cosign-sso/FALLBACK

  $ touch  / cosign-sso / FALLBACK

If the fallback file contains “ldap”, “cosign2”, or “cosign3”, it will fallback to the right login method.

如果后备文件包含“ ldap”,“ cosign2”或“ cosign3”,它将回退到正确的登录方法。

After you correct the settings, not forgot to remove the FALLBACK file.

更正设置后,不要忘记删除 FALLBACK 文件。

Notes for CoSign 3.x:

CoSign 3.x的注意事项:

    • CoSign 3.x filter needs to add a “/cosign/valid” location as cosign handler.
    • CoSign 3.x过滤器需要添加一个“ / cosign / valid”位置作为cosign处理程序。

    • If wordpress uses a permlink, which means the RewriteRule in .htaccess may conflict with the “/cosign/valid” handler.
    • 如果wordpress使用永久链接,则意味着.htaccess中的RewriteRule可能与“ / cosign / valid”处理程序冲突。

    • You can hack wp-includesewrite.php, add “RewriteRule ^cosign/valid – [L]” right after “RewriteBase” directive.
    • 您可以修改wp-includes / rewrite.php,并在“ RewriteBase”指令之后添加“ RewriteRule ^ cosign / valid – [L]”。



    This section describes how to localized, which means let cosign-sso speak in your language.


      • POT file : cosign-sso/languages/cosign_sso.pot
      • POT文件: cosign-sso / languages / cosign_sso.pot

      • Copy pot file to your locale, such as cosign-sso/languages/cosign_sso-zh_CN.pot for Chinese.
      • 将pot文件复制到您的区域设置,例如中文的 cosign-sso / languages / cosign_sso-zh_CN.pot

      • Translate it using your favorate editor.

      • 使用您喜欢的编辑器对其进行翻译。

        lokalize and kbabel are recommended.

      • 建议使用lokalize和kbabel。

      • Convert po to mo using command:
      • 使用以下命令将po转换为mo:



      $ cd plugins/cosign-sso/languages      

      $ cd插件/ cosign-sso /语言      

      $ msgfmt cosign_sso-zh_CN.po -o cosign_sso-zh_CN.mo

      $ msgfmt cosign_sso-zh_CN.po -o cosign_sso-zh_CN.mo

      Known Issues


      No known issues at this time.


      If you find any bugs or want to request some additional features for future releases, please log them on the wordpress project of homepage


      for our interest projects



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Download the archive and expand it.
    2. 下载档案并展开。

    3. Upload the cosign-sso folder into your wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. cosign-sso 文件夹上传到您的 wp-content / plugins / 目录

    5. In your WordPress Administration Area, go to the Plugins page and click Activate for CoSign SSO

    6. 在您的 WordPress管理区域中,转到插件页面,然后单击激活以获得 CoSign SSO



    Once you have CoSign SSO installed and activated you can change it’s settings in Settings > CoSign SSO.

    一旦安装并激活了 CoSign SSO ,您可以在设置> CoSign SSO 中更改其设置。

