[wordpress插件] CSV MeCSV我

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-06 09:50 485 0 全屏看文



CSV Me is a very simple plugin that allows users to add a csv file from any url or select files from their local computer.

CSV Me是一个非常简单的插件,允许用户从任何url添加csv文件或从本地计算机选择文件。

The plugin stores the files and makes the data available for use in Posts and Pages via a shortcode.


How to use CSV Me

如何使用CSV Me

    1. Follow the steps outlined in the Installation section to install the plugin.
    2. 按照“安装”部分中概述的步骤安装插件。

    3. Open the CSV Me File Manager by using the dashboard widget or find it under the Tools section of the Admin Menu.
    4. 使用仪表板小部件打开CSV Me文件管理器,或在管理菜单的“工具”部分下找到它。

    5. Enter in a valid url linking to a csv file in the text box and clicking submit.

    6. 在文本框中输入链接到csv文件的有效URL,然后单击“提交”。

      Alternatively, users can select a file from their local machine and clicking save.


      If it is a valid csv file it will show up in your available files in the File Manager.


      See the frequently asked questions section for more information on valid csv file formats.

    7. 有关有效的csv文件格式的更多信息,请参见常见问题部分。

    8. Now the saved csv files are available for display using shortcodes in post and pages.
    9. 现在,已保存的csv文件可使用帖子和页面中的短代码显示。

    The following are examples of how to use the CSV Me shortcodes:

    以下是有关如何使用CSV Me简码的示例:

    To display all data from a file named filename.csv:


    [csv_me name='filename.csv']

      [csv_me name ='filename.csv']

    Notice the underscore on csv_me, quotes around the file, and the filename.csv must match one of the files listed in the File Manager.


    To display only column names of col1, col2 and col3:


    [csv_me name='filename.csv' columns=’col1, col2, col3’]

      [csv_me name ='filename.csv'columns ='col1,col2,col3']

    This will display only col1, col2, col3, in that order, if they are valid columns listed in the File Manager.


    Learn more about how columns work CSV Me Documentation as well as the frequently asked questions

    了解有关列工作方式的更多信息 CSV Me文档以及常见问题解答



    To display only rows 3 through 10:


    [csv_me name='filename.csv' row_start=3 row_end=10]

      [csv_me name ='filename.csv'row_start = 3 row_end = 10]

    Display sortable tables:


    [csv_me name="example-file.csv" sortable='yes' header_style='blue']

      [csv_me name =“ example-file.csv” sortable ='yes'header_style ='blue']

    This will display all the data in a table and allow users to sort the data by columns.


    The default header style is ‘blue’ however, it can be set to ‘green’ as well.


    It utilizes the excellent jQuery plugin called tablesorter.js.

    它利用了称为 tablesorter.js 的出色jQuery插件。

    Find out more tips on how to use the CSV Me shortcodes here: CSV Me Documentation

    在此处找到有关如何使用CSV Me简码的更多提示: CSV Me文档


From your WordPress Dashboard


    1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
    2. 访问“插件>添加新内容”

    3. Search for ‘CSV Me’.
    4. 搜索“ CSV Me”。

    5. Activate CSV ME from your Plugins page.

    6. 从“插件”页面激活CSV ME。

    7. Visit CSV Me File Manager dashboard widget or find it under the Tools Admin Menu to upload new files.
    8. 访问“ CSV Me文件管理器”仪表板小部件,或在“工具管理”菜单下找到它以上传新文件。

    From WordPress.org


      1. Download CSV Me.
      2. 下载CSV Me。

      3. Upload the csv-me folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
      4. 将csv-me文件夹上传到您的“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

      5. Activate CSV ME from your Plugins page.

      6. 从“插件”页面激活CSV ME。

      7. Visit CSV Me File Manager dashboard widget or find it under the Tools Admin Menu to upload new files.
      8. 访问“ CSV Me文件管理器”仪表板小部件,或在“工具管理”菜单下找到它以上传新文件。

