[wordpress插件] Custom Category Listing Page自定义类别列表页面

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-07 13:30 621 0 全屏看文



Custom Category Listing Page is Use for the Listing Post And Listing Woocommerce Product By Category wise.


You can also Shorting Listing Post Or Product By Ordring Date, Title etc. By Using this Shortcode :




New Features of v 2.0.5

v 2.0.5的新功能

    • You can set Number of post which you can display on listing page.
    • 您可以设置要显示在列表页面上的帖子数。

    • Add Pagination Feature in Post Listing Page.
    • 在帖子列表页面中添加分页功能。

    • New Template Design Added
    • 已添加新模板设计



    For Listing Post Page Customization you Can Change File custom-category-listing-page/template/default.php

    对于列表后页面自定义,您可以更改文件custom-category-listing-page / template / default.php



    For more Customization of this Plugin Please Contact on hello@trooinbound.com

    有关此插件的更多自定义信息,请联系 hello@trooinbound.com

    How does it work?


      1. Install the plugin
      2. 安装插件

      3. Create Page And Add this Shortcode [post_listing].
      4. 创建页面并添加此简码[post_listing]。

      5. Select Post And Product Categories From Right side of Edit Page.
      6. 从编辑页面的右侧选择帖子和产品类别。

      7. Also Select Ordering Of Categories.
      8. 还可以选择类别的排序方式。

      9. And done.

      10. 完成。

        You will be able to see List Of Category Which You have been Select.


        Please refer Screenshot.

      11. 请参阅屏幕截图。

      If you’re not using any of the supported plugin and theme, you can write the custom CSS to apply the fonts.



The simplest way to install is to click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add’ and type ‘Custom Category Listing Page’ in the search field.


For installation 1:


    1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
    2. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

    3. Click the Add New button.
    4. 点击添加新按钮。

    5. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
    6. 在“安装插件”下,单击“上载”链接。

    7. Select the plugin zip file (custom-category-listing-page.zip) from your computer then click the Install Now button.
    8. 从您的计算机中选择插件zip文件(custom-category-listing-page.zip),然后单击立即安装按钮。

    9. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
    10. 您应该看到一条消息,说明插件已成功安装。

    11. Click the Activate Plugin link.
    12. 单击“激活插件”链接。

    For installation 2:


      1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed.

      2. 您应该有权访问安装了WordPress的服务器。

        If you don’t, see your system administrator.

      3. 如果没有,请咨询系统管理员。

      4. Copy the plugin zip file (custom-category-listing-page.zip) up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
      5. 将插件zip文件(custom-category-listing-page.zip)复制到您的服务器上,然后将其解压缩到文件系统上的某个位置。

      6. Copy the “custom-category-listing-page” folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
      7. 将“ custom-category-listing-page”文件夹复制到WordPress安装的/ wp-content / plugins目录中。

      8. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
      9. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

      10. Look for “custom-category-listing-page” and click Activate.
      11. 找到“自定义类别列表页面”,然后单击“激活”。

