[wordpress插件] Custom Dashboard Help Widget自定义仪表板帮助小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-07 21:40 400 0 全屏看文



Do you want to add site announcements, contributor guidelines or help to the WordPress dashboard?


This plugin adds a widget with custom text to the dashboard.


Great for Admin-only announcements or making a short README text block for your site contributors.


You can display basic help or include links to more detailed information.


The premium version has more options and


allows you to disable/hide any or all default dashboard widgets.


Important! If you’re upgrading from Version 1.0, make sure you follow the correct installation procedure.


Suggested Use


    • Display general site announcements
    • 显示一般站点公告

    • Add guidelines for content, category usage, or image sizes that fit the theme
    • 添加有关主题的内容,类别使用或图像大小的准则

    • Tell contributors when they should use pages, posts, or custom write panels
    • 告诉贡献者何时应该使用页面,帖子或自定义书写面板

    • Provide links to more detailed “contributor help” pages or posts
    • 提供指向更详细的“贡献者帮助”页面或帖子的链接



      • Includes the same WYSIWYG editor your posts do, so you can format your widget content more easily.
      • 包括与帖子相同的所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器,因此您可以更轻松地设置窗口小部件内容的格式。

      • Lightweight – For most users, only the widget display and help functions (less than 100 lines of code) are loaded.

      • 轻量级–对于大多数用户,仅加载窗口小部件显示和帮助功能(少于100行代码)。

        Management functions are only loaded if the user can manage the plugin.

      • 仅当用户可以管理插件时,才会加载管理功能。

      Premium Version


        • Selectively disable any or all default WordPress dashboard widgets, for all users (the widget list occasionally changes; the plugin can disable all default widgets for WP v. 3.1 to 3.8.2)
        • 为所有用户有选择地禁用任何或所有默认的WordPress仪表板小部件(小部件列表有时会更改;插件可以禁用WP v 3.1至3.8.2的所有默认小部件)

        • Keep the widget visible, open, and above other widgets on the dashboard, regardless of user settings.
        • 无论用户设置如何,都使该小部件保持可见,打开并位于仪表板上其他小部件上方。

        • Apply custom colors to the widget title bar to make it stand out.
        • 将自定义颜色应用于窗口小部件标题栏以使其突出。

        • Restrict access to this plugin’s settings to site administrators, even if other roles can manage plugins.
        • 即使其他角色也可以管理插件,也要限制站点管理员对此插件设置的访问。




If you have Version 1.0 installed, use one of the alternate installation methods.


    1. Download custom-dashboard-help.zip and unzip the file.
    2. 下载 custom-dashboard-help.zip 并解压缩文件。

    3. Upload the custom-dashboard-help folder to your plugins directory.

    4. custom-dashboard-help 文件夹上传到您的插件目录。

    5. Go to the plugin management page of your site and activate the new plugin.
    6. 转到您网站的插件管理页面并激活新插件。

    7. Use the “Settings” link to add the widget title and content and set any other options.
    8. 使用“设置”链接添加小部件标题和内容并设置其他选项。

    9. Save your options, then go to the dashboard to see how the widget looks.

    10. 保存您的选项,然后转到仪表板以查看小部件的外观。

      If your custom content includes links, test the links.

    11. 如果您的自定义内容包括链接,请测试链接。

    Upgrading from Version 1.0


      1. Open the original custom-dashboard-help.php file through the plugin editor.

      2. 通过插件编辑器打开原始的 custom-dashboard-help.php 文件。

        Copy and paste it to a text file and save it.

      3. 复制并将其粘贴到文本文件并保存。

      4. Follow the Installation instructions steps 1-3 above.
      5. 按照上面的安装说明步骤1-3。

      6. Copy and paste the old title from your saved text file into the plugin title field.

      7. 从保存的文本文件中复制旧标题并将其粘贴到插件标题字段中。

        Switch the editor from Visual to HTML and do the same thing with the old content.


        Set any other options.

      8. 设置其他选项。

      9. Save your options, then go to the dashboard to see how the widget looks.

      10. 保存您的选项,然后转到仪表板以查看小部件的外观。

        If your custom content includes links, test the links.

      11. 如果您的自定义内容包括链接,请测试链接。

