[wordpress插件] Custom Image_Src自定义Image_Src

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-08 11:50 398 0 全屏看文



If you’re sharing a link to a blog post on Facebook, having a thumbnail image makes for a much more effective share.


If you have an image in the body of your post, Facebook will use that as the share image, but what if you don’t have any images in your post or want to specify an image you’re not using in the content?


To solve this problem, I created a WordPress plugin that allows you to control which image shows when a link from your WordPress site is shared on Facebook.


    • Thanks to Dimas Begunoff for the amazingly helpful Dimas Begunoff

      www.farinspace.com/wpalchemy-metabox/" rel="nofollow">WPAlchemy MetaBox PHP Class.

    • www.farinspace.com/wpalchemy-metabox/“ rel =” nofollow“> WPAlchemy MetaBox PHP类。

    • I’m using the approach.

    • 我正在使用 方法。

      If you're adding more Open Graph meta tags to your , you'd probably want to use <

      如果要在 中添加更多“开放图谱”元标记,则可能要使用 <

      /code>, but in that case you probably also don't need this plugin.

    • / code>,但在这种情况下,您可能也不需要此插件。

    • If you’re using any other plugins that add sharing info, Open Graph tags, or similar, this plugin will probably conflict with those.
    • 如果您使用的是其他任何添加了共享信息,Open Graph标签或类似内容的插件,则该插件可能会与之冲突。

    For questions, comments, or bugs, you can reach me at @Overlapping or OverlappingElvis [at] gmail [

    对于问题,评论或错误,您可以通过 @Overlapping 或OverlappingElvis与我联系,网址为gmail [

    dot] com.

    点] com。

