[wordpress插件] Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce WP All Import Add-onWooCommerce WP所有导入加载项的自定义产品选项卡

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-09 11:20 661 0 全屏看文



This plugin lets you import your Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce using

该插件可让您使用以下命令导入 WooCommerce的自定义产品标签

WP All Import.


All of your saved custom product tabs will be loaded into the familiar WP All Import user interface.

所有保存的自定义产品选项卡将被加载到熟悉的WP All Import用户界面中。

When defining your import, look for the Custom Product Tabs section.


For each saved tab, you can choose to ignore it, apply it as is (as a saved tab), or apply it as a custom tab (and customize the tite/content).


Please be aware that importing custom product tabs will wipe out existing tabs for the product before applying the new ones.


This plugin was developed by YIKES, Inc. and the YIKES,Inc.

/" rel="nofollow">WP All Import at Soflyy team.

/“ rel =” nofollow“> Soflyy团队的WP All Import。

Note: This add-on plugin requires Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce

注意:此附加插件需要 WooCommerce的自定义产品标签

> and WP All Import to work.

>和 WP All Import 起作用。


    1. Download the plugin .zip file and make note of where on your computer you downloaded it to.
    2. 下载插件.zip文件,并记下将其下载到计算机上的位置。

    3. In the WordPress admin (yourdomain.com/wp-admin) go to Plugins > Add New or click the “Add New” button on the main plugins screen.
    4. 在WordPress管理员(yourdomain.com/wp-admin)中,转到“插件”>“添加新”,或在主插件屏幕上单击“添加新”按钮。

    5. On the following screen, click the “Upload Plugin” button.
    6. 在以下屏幕上,单击“上传插件”按钮。

    7. Browse your computer to where you downloaded the plugin .zip file, select it and click the “Install Now” button.
    8. 浏览您的计算机到下载插件.zip文件的位置,选择它并单击“立即安装”按钮。

    9. After the plugin has successfully installed, click “Activate Plugin” and enjoy!
    10. 插件安装成功后,单击“激活插件”即可使用!

