[wordpress插件] Custom Testimonial定制证明

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 02:00 433 0 全屏看文



An awesome Responsive Testimonials slider plugin.


It can be used to display client’s testimonials / recommendations on all kinds of WordPress site.


It is customize


>Lite Features


=> Fully comprehensive testimonial plugin


=>Add testimonials to your site Within a seconds


=> Show Slider testimonials via a shortcode


=>This plugin is Customizeable and Userfriendly


=> Testimonials are created using custom post types


=> Gravatar images or custom images can be used


Customizable filters


=>This plugin is use metafield to increase the beauty of the Testimonial.




To use this plugin use ===>[testimonial_post]< === this short code with third braket any wordpress page.

要使用此插件,请使用===> [testimonial_post] <===这段简短的代码,并在任何wordpress页面上进行第三次制动。


    1. Download and unzip the plugin.

    2. 下载并解压缩该插件。

      Upload the unzipped folder to the wp-contents/plugins folder of your WordPress installation.

    3. 将解压后的文件夹上传到WordPress安装的wp-contents / plugins文件夹中。

    4. OR Download the plugin from this “https://wordpress.org/plugins/” link then go to your Dashborad of your WordPress site Then click plugin option from dashboard—>Then click on add new button —>Then click on

    5. 或从此“ https://wordpress.org/plugins/”链接下载插件,然后转到WordPress网站的Dashborad,然后从信息中心点击插件选项->然后点击添加新按钮->然后点击

      “Upload Plugin” beside the 'Add Plugins'—->Then Click on “Brouse Button” and Choose your download plugin zip file from your computer—>After Selection of zip file—> Click on “install button” —>After click on


      Install button within One Minutes install Will be successfully complete


      —>Then again click on plugin option of dashboard—> Then click on active button below your install plugin name (Thus this way you can complete install and activation process of this plugin).

    6. —>然后再次单击仪表板的插件选项—>然后单击安装插件名称下方的活动按钮(这样您就可以完成此插件的安装和激活过程)。

    7. After installing you can see “Dashboard” a new menu “Custom Testimonial”.
    8. 安装后,您可以在“仪表板”中看到一个新菜单“自定义推荐”。



      1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
      2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

      3. Activate the plugin through the dashboard ->Plugins-> click on ‘active’ button link of custom testimonial screen in WordPress
      4. 通过仪表板激活插件->插件->单击WordPress中自定义推荐屏幕的“活动”按钮链接

      5. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin.
      6. 使用“设置”->“插件名称”屏幕来配置插件。

