[wordpress插件] CW Image OptimizerCW Image Optimizer

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 02:31 447 0 全屏看文



The CW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that will automatically and losslessly optimize your images as you upload them to your blog.

CW Image Optimizer是一个WordPress插件,当您将图像上传到博客时,它将自动无损地优化您的图像。

It can also optimize the images that you have already uploaded in the past.


Because CW Image Optimizer uses lossless optimization techniques, your image quality will be exactly the same before and after the optimization.

由于CW Image Optimizer使用无损优化技术,因此优化前后的图像质量将完全相同。

The only thing that will change is your file size.


The CW Image Optimizer plugin is based on the WP Smush.it plugin.

CW Image Optimizer插件基于WP Smush.it插件。

Unlike the WP Smush.it plugin, your files won’t be uploaded to a third party when using CW Image Optimizer.

与WP Smush.it插件不同,使用CW Image Optimizer时,您的文件不会上传到第三方。

Your files are optimized using the Linux littleutils image optimization tools (available for free).

您可以使用Linux littleutils 图像优化工具(免费提供)对文件进行优化。

You don’t need to worry about the Smush.it privacy policy or terms of service because your images never leave your server.


Why use CW Image Optimizer?

为什么使用CW Image Optimizer?

    1. Your pages will load faster. Smaller image sizes means faster page loads.

    2. 您的页面加载速度更快。图像尺寸较小,意味着页面加载速度更快。

      This will make your visitors happy, and can increase ad revenue.

    3. 这将使您的访问者满意,并可以增加广告收入。

    4. Faster backups. Smaller image sizes also means faster backups.
    5. 快速备份。较小的映像尺寸也意味着更快的备份。

    6. Less bandwidth usage. Optimizing your images can save you hundreds of KB per image, which means significantly less bandwidth usage.
    7. 带宽使用较少。优化图像可以为每个图像节省数百KB,这意味着带宽使用将大大减少。

    8. Super fast. Because it runs on your own server, you don’t have to wait for a third party service to receive, process, and return your images.

    9. 超级快。。由于它运行在您自己的服务器上,因此您无需等待第三方服务来接收,处理和返回图像。

      You can optimize hundreds of images in just a few minutes.

    10. 您可以在短短几分钟内优化数百张图像。

    Contact and Credits


    Written by Jacob Allred at

    Jacob Allred 撰写。

    rel="nofollow">Corban Works, LLC.

    rel =“ nofollow”> Corban Works,LLC 。

    Based on WP Smush.it.

    基于WP Smush.it。


    1. Install littleutils on your Linux server (step-by-step instructions are below).
    2. 在Linux服务器上安装littleutils(下面是分步说明)。

    3. Upload the ‘cw-image-optimizer’ plugin to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    4. 将“ cw-image-optimizer”插件上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    7. Done!
    8. 完成!

    Installing littleutils: Ubuntu 11.04 (32-bit)

    安装littleutils:Ubuntu 11.04(32位)

    These instructions were tested with littleutils 1.0.27 and Ubuntu 11.04 (32-bit, desktop edition).

    这些说明已在littleutils 1.0.27和Ubuntu 11.04(32位,桌面版)上进行了测试。

      1. Download the latest version of littleutils to your Download directory
      2. 将最新版本的 littleutils 下载到您的下载目录

      3. Open a terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
      4. 打开终端窗口(应用程序->附件->终端)

      5. Move the download to a better location: sudo mv ~/Downloads/littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 /usr/local/src/
      6. 将下载文件移至更好的位置: sudo mv〜/ Downloads / littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 / usr / local / src /

      7. Use the root user account: sudo su
      8. 使用root用户帐户: sudo su

      9. Install dependencies: apt-get install gifsicle pngcrush lzip libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libjpeg-progs p7zip-full
      10. 安装依赖项: apt-get install gifsicle pngcrush lzip libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libjpeg-progs p7zip-full

      11. Uncompress littleutils: cd /usr/local/src && tar jxvf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 && cd littleutils-1.0.27
      12. 解压缩littleutils: cd / usr / local / src && tar jxvf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 && cd littleutils-1.0.27

      13. Configure and install littleutils: ./configure –prefix=/usr && make && make install && make install-extra
      14. 配置和安装littleutils: ./ configure –prefix = / usr && make && make install && make install-extra

      Installing littleutils: CentOS 6.0 (32-bit)

      安装littleutils:CentOS 6.0(32位)

      These instructions were tested with littleutils 1.0.27 and CentOS 6.0 (32-bit, “Basic server” configuration).

      这些说明已在littleutils 1.0.27和CentOS 6.0(32位“基本服务器”配置)上进行了测试。

        1. Log in as the root user.
        2. 以root用户身份登录。

        3. Enable the rpmforge repository: cd /usr/local/src/ && wget http://packages.sw.bepmforge-releasepmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686

        4. 启用rpmforge存储库: cd / usr / local / src / && wget http://packages.sw.bepmforge-releasepmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686

          .rpm && rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm

        5. .rpm && rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm

        6. Install dependencies: yum install gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip
        7. 安装依赖项: yum install gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip

        8. Download the latest version of littleutils: cd /usr/local/src;

        9. 下载 littleutils 的最新版本: cd / usr / local / src;

          wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/littleutils/littleutils/1.0.27/littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Flittleutils%2F

          wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/littleutils/littleutils/1.0.27/littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Flittleutils%2F


        10. em>

        11. Uncompress littleutils: tar jxvf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 && cd littleutils-1.0.27
        12. 解压缩littleutils: tar jxvf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 && cd littleutils-1.0.27

        13. Configure and install littleutils: ./configure –prefix=/usr && make && make install && make install-extra
        14. 配置和安装littleutils: ./ configure –prefix = / usr && make && make install && make install-extra



        littleutils is installed, but the plugin says it isn’t. If you are confident that it is installed properly, then go to the plugin configuration page and disable the installation check.


        It is also possible that your binaries aren’t accessible to your web server user.


        You can link these binaries using the following commands:


        ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg /usr/bin/opt-jpg

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / opt-jpg / usr / bin / opt-jpg

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-png /usr/bin/opt-png

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / opt-png / usr / bin / opt-png

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-gif /usr/bin/opt-gif

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / opt-gif / usr / bin / opt-gif

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/tempname /usr/bin/tempname

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / tempname / usr / bin / tempname

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/imagsize /usr/bin/imagsize

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / imagsize / usr / bin / imagsize

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/gifsicle /usr/bin/gifsicle

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / gifsicle / usr / bin / gifsicle

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngcrush /usr/bin/pngcrush

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / pngcrush / usr / bin / pngcrush

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngrecolor /usr/bin/pngrecolor

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / pngrecolor / usr / bin / pngrecolor

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngstrip /usr/bin/pngstrip

        ln -s / usr / local / bin / pngstrip / usr / bin / pngstrip

